Monday, January 21, 2008

Murphy strikes again!

Good evening!

What a day!  My water has been frozen in the bathroom for a couple days now, so I was totally ecstatic when I heard the water run in the bathroom. 

I was so excited that I ran in and just stood there watching the water pour...and pour....and pour from various places behind the wall.  The pipes had ignored the facets being open and busted. 

Before I knew it, I had water running across the bathroom floor and had to call mom to shut off the water.  They didn't put in shut off valves when they made the bathroom, so you have to run across the drive and shut it off in mom's cellar.  It's a pain.

B"H, Phil (a neighbour a mile or so away) was home and came to my rescue.  I felt sorry for him because of how cold it was.  The access to the pipes is outside and the water was still flowing even though mom had shut it off.  It's really irritating.

Anyway, it was too cold for the last connection to seal, so he'll be back tomorrow when it warms up to finish the job. 

I have my stress test tomorrow at 11:45.  I'll be happy to have it over with. 

Off to grab a hot cuppa of anything.  :]  Have a great one!

Blogged with Flock


Unknown said...

Yo! What a time you have had. Talk about stress! What a time to have a stress test, you are already stressed before going for it. The weather has been vicious, no wonder your pipes froze. Hope all gets taken care of soon. Jeff isn't responsible in some evil way is he?

Yobeeone said...

LOL I thought it was hilarious that the next day (today) would be my stress test. And to max it out a bit, it's snowing and going to turn to rain and then back to snow. Poor Phil. I hope he's still able to get my water running.

I think Jeff shut off the water in the middle of the night so the pipes would freeze. :]