Friday, February 27, 2009

2nd post of the day! Word Search!!!

Hey guys!  The Torah Word Search puzzle is up - complete with secret message!!!!  Have fun!  Remember, you can make copies and pass it out to everyone! 

Have a super fun weekend!


Awoke with a nasty sinus headache.  I hate it when it rains, I get headaches every time.  Just goes to show - I'm allergic to water.  Maybe I should stop taking baths!  (Jeff!  Stop holding your nose, gagging and....oh get off the floor and stop playing dead.)

Anyway, I just put a real post up @FOW.  "Talkin' Those Meigs County Welfare Blues!"

Got a lot to do today before Shabbos starts.  I want to put up a new word search.  I haven't done it in quite awhile. 

Welp, I'm outa here!  Make it a great day!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

There's ice hanging off my nose!

At least that's what it felt like today.

The temp today was supposed to be in the 50's - and it was!

It might rain and might not - the sky peed for a short bit and quit.

I hopped on my scooter and hit the road to see the neuro.

I was excited! I'd hardly slept all night! Less than a mile down the road, the wind picked up. The roads were wetter than expected. The clouds were shaking their yucky fists over my head - but I refused to surrender. I kept on riding me lil' scooter, Rex.

It was exciting crossing the Ohio River on the new bridge. The crosswinds were interesting. The choppy waters were interesting, even the barge fighting it's way through the choppiness was interesting. Then the fun ended - I landed in West Virginia.

The roads reminded me of Brooklyn sidewalks - tilted, twisted, the hole that swallowed Manhattan, debris, and cars that road me lil' bumper now and then. I HATE YOU REDNECK!

I thought I'd never get to the neuro. Once I did, it was worth it. He was happy that I had a mini-transportation. He said he wasn't worried about me driving it. Then he bragged about his helmet as he looked at my gorgeous $49 dollar liquid silver sweetheart.

His helmet has a button you push when the sun is in your eyes. A tinted lens comes down over his eyes. It cost him over $800. I laughed and was totally impressed. Then I looked over at my lil' silver sweetheart and wanted to cuddle it. It's cute. It's sweet! It's cheap. It's mine.

It rained while I was inside. I forgot to bring a towel to dry off my seat. My butt got wet.

I told West Virginia where it could shove it's roads, and headed for the bridge to Gallipolis and took the Ohio side of the river back home. It was much better. In fact, it would have been perfect, BUT! For some reason, the weather took a major dive and I was freezing my butt off. I could feel my body temp dive.

I pulled off at the cemetary, not expecting to be a resident any time soon, and put on another article of clothing and hit the road again.

By the time I got home - I was an ice cube. I'm sure tomorrow I'll look back at today and think how great it was, but for now - I'm still cold and heading off for a cuppa hot cocoa! :]

PS: It cost a whopping $1.51 to fill my tank up today. (happy gloating grin) I'm also getting OVER 115 mpg! (more smiling, more gloating)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2nd post of the day!

A tribute to Fatima, who apparently owned every house bombed in Lebanon when Israel fired back because of the bloody Lebanese bombing the crap out of us.

My morning has been made!!!!

Eleven States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama's Action!

Just a taste of the article:

"State governors -- looking down the gun barrel of long-term spending forced on them by the Obama “stimulus” plan -- are saying they will refuse to take the money. This is a Constitutional confrontation between the federal government and the states unlike any in our time.

In the first five weeks of his presidency, Barack Obama has acted so rashly that at least 11 states have decided that his brand of “hope” equates to an intolerable expansion of the federal government’s authority over the states..."

Brilliant!!!  I was beginning to think the American spirit had vanished from the planet!  LOVE LIVE THE REBELLION!!!!!  The battle has only begun!

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Monday, February 23, 2009

2nd posting

crikey!  sorry guys!  I've been trying to post to your blogs.  I've had some success and as for the others - either because of my pc, flock or blogger - I can't.  I'll try again tomorrow.

As for a semi-normal post.  Last week I spent 4 days with a migraine, followed by 2.5 days in bed with a tummy bug, which I still have and hope it goes away by Thursday when I hop on me little scooter and go to Pt. Pleasant for my neuro appointment.  Sick or not - I RIDE!!!  :]

Cat update:

Kitty has tapeworm bits hanging out of her butt.

Jeff is staring out his kitty door and wishing I'd unlock it.

Bindi is licking himself.

Squeeky has completely forgotten how to use the kitty door and is learning all over again.

Tiger refuses to learn because he's afraid of the flapping.

Spotty has managed to go a whole week without coming home with a war wound.

Morris the Stray is still loving his kitty box. When he sees me, he meows and jumps in the box.  Translated means, "Feed me." Spoiled brat.  lol

Blackie the Gimp is still hanging about and harrassing the birds at the feeder. 

One-Eyed Willie hasn't been back since the last time he got surrounded by everyone.  :]

Chubby is sweet and cuddly in the morning and purrs when I lie my head against her massive belly. 

That's pretty much it.  Tonight I'm sitting her doodling pics of obama as a monkey.  I'm putting together a series. muuhahhahaaa... I love being a copycat.    :]

Outa here for the nite! 

I told you so.

Well, has it been 4 weeks yet since the muzlim occupation of the white house? Hmmm....lost count. Nevertheless, on day 1 I could have said "I told you so!"

Why? His first appearance was with arab (muzlim) TV.
At the "prayer breakfast" he, who claims he's a christian did not quote from the christian bible - NO! He quoted from the muzlim scriptures and lied about their interpretation.

So, lets add some more topics to I told you so and a few I didn't think of!

The Obama Administration Sacrifices Israel (Been telling you for years that one was coming.)

Obama Releases Trained Dirty Bomber from Gitmo (Video)...He's Free (Of course! It's a muzlim brother.)

US Muzlim Brotherhood Front Fights Crime Prevention (Naturally!) Read this one. See what they are fighting against.

"This is our house now:" ACORN mob begins breaking into homes. and! (I didn't see this coming.)

Obama's housing entitlement campaign & ACORN's civil disobedience mob. (Like I said, I didn't see this coming.)

So, there you go liberals! Proud of yourself or are you still in denial that you just ruined the only free country that exists on the planet. Oh wait! Formerly free country - we're now socialist. Happy with yourselves?

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Friday, February 20, 2009

a quickie

Just got home from town.  Picked up some groceries and a go phone for when I'm out on my scooter.  I can get a signal about 4 or 5 miles from the farm.  LOL

Anyway, FOW is dead.  It wasn't my choice.  I think someone attacked it.  I couldn't access it all week.  Weebly said I must have made and html error.  I didn't.  Html errors happen immediately, not days after you've posted.

Anyway, there was no salvaging it and if I waited for weebly - I'd be sitting here forever, so the best thing was to kill it.

I lost a lot of stuff, but that's cool.  I'm starting from scratch and hopefully it will be better.  I might even change the name.  :]

Anyway, Shabbos starts in less than 45 minutes so I gotta scoot.  Make it a great weekend!

Repeat video: Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialised Medicine.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanks to obama llama

Thanks to obama:

1.  I feel guilty for trying to work my way OFF disability i.e., government support.

2.  I feel guilty for allowing my brother to encourage mom to use my inheritance to buy my lil' Yamaha C-3, 49cc scooter, instead of allowing some hard working rich guy buy it for me.

3.  I feel guilty for refusing to have certain (and mostly) useless tests done at the doctor's office because I consider it a WASTE of medicare dollars.  I don't need more MS tests!  We KNOW it's dystonia!  We KNOW it's damage from my 4 strokes!  I don't care that it's all free for me - it's a stinking WASTE of someone elses money!

Thanks to obama, I live in fear that he might have me committed because I don't want to be on government support. It's humiliating.  It makes you feel sub-human because it's not normal.

Yes!  In less than 4 weeks, obama has done wonders for my confidence.  *cough cough...gag...chucks up hairball which looks remarkably like obama...steps on it and chucks it out the door.*

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2nd post of the day!

Here we go folks!  This one is a lot of fun and should get you laughing!  :]  Enjoy the protest signs

My sign would be:  "Give me a lifetime supply of cat food and kitty litter!!! OH! AND free health care for my cats for life!"  ROFL

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Old mottos and new ones!

Dissent from Day 1!!!

Obama is not my president!

And now!!!! Abort Obama - not babies. Sounds good to me! :]

[I can't update my FOW site, so I'm posting my blurbs here today.]

The official Obama the Sockmonkey!

Monkey is a fitting tribute, except monkeys are intelligent and he's an idiot.

What's the reason for today's rant? This post: Crushing of dissent in the Age of obama.

Now here's a thought! This guy gets pulled over (read article) for his "Abort Obama...." sign, because that's a threat. It's not acceptable. Basically - it's seen as an insult and basically evil.

Now for the thought - why is it wrong, evil, unacceptable, seen as a threat to someone's life to have a "Abort Obama..." sign, BUT it's OK to have "abort babies" type pro-death, euthanasia bumper stickers on your car?

Think about that one!

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

She lives!!!

Wow!!! That was one wild storm.  The living room turned into a disco with flashing lights.  I made a mad dash for the pc, did a hard shut down and unplugged everything.  The wind was howling through the windows.  This was the first time I've ever thought my wind speed gage was going to fly off the fence post.

Squeeky got scared, ran out the kitty door.  Last I saw her, she was flying across the ditch behind the house and diving into the barn.  It's so funny that it's where she feels safest.

Jeff and Bindi weren't sure what to do, so they sat at the kitty door and watched the show.

Chubby was so petrified that she jumped on my bed, snuggled down on her favourite blankey and went to sleep.  LOL

B"H, they called off the tornado watch an hour early.  If the rains will hold off tonight we might avoid any potential flooding.  :]

Welp, off to get ready for bed.  I'm shot from no sleep last night. And I need to be fresh as a daisy tomorrow.  I only have one more day to study for my motorcycle test.  :]

Good nite, y'all!

It's going to be a long nite...

We're under tornado watch until 9:00PM tonight.  gag. The winds are moving in now and I can hear thunder in the background.  I hope that's all we get. 

I rescued my greenhouse earlier today.  I had it held down with concrete blocks and other weights.  Didn't work. It's now in the shed.

Jeff is enjoying the wind.  He's been chasing leaves around the yard.  LOL

I'm outa here to finish getting ready for the storm.  Need to find my candles, flashlight, weather monitor and stuff...and yes...dream of my beloved scooter.  LOL

See ya later!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today's post

Look to your left and you'll see my latest post in utterly me!  Hit the play button to learn about my day.  :]

Friday, February 6, 2009

Crazy week

It's been a fun week! 

First off!  I put up a Torah word search puzzle!  It has a secret message hiding in it.  :]  Happy hunting!  Click here!

Last night I heard a bit of rumbling on the porch, stuck my head out the window to see what was up and Chubby was cowering on the steps.  There was a strange cat sitting and staring at her.  The cat looked up at me and low and behold - it was One-eyed Willie! 

Moons ago I mentioned my nephews kitten being attacked by his stupid dogs and lost an eye.  Well, said cat is all grown up, absolutely adorable and has moved in with my brother - who doesn't really like cats but has fallen in love with One-eyed Willie and pampers him.

Later I heard more ruckus, looked out and Blackie the Gimp was trying to get on the porch, but One-Eyed Willie wouldn't let him.  Poor Gimp.  He comes on the porch at night to eat.  Eventually, my nephew came and got him.  One-Eyed Willie had been on the prowl.  My evil nephew and my brother had wondered where he'd been.  LOL

Let's see...what else...Oh!  My Mishkan DVD came!  IT'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!  And that's all I can say because mom is getting ready to take me to town.  I'll catch up on everyone's blogs when I get back! 

Catch ya later!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Jan. 30th I mentioned learning gemara.  I've learning it at  Welllllll....I've been doing it without the actual book and trying to survive on printouts.  Printouts are fine if you're under age 10.  Two years from 50 and you want to stab your eyes out with a fork.

Just my luck the volume we're learning is the one I don't have.  So, Friday - I'd had enough.  It was close enough to payday to risk ordering a copy and B"H it arrived half-way through the shiur (class) Tuesday!  My eyes were so happy! 

(Judy, prepare to be confused)  :]  It's the Schottenstein edition.  Click here to see what the inside looks like.  It gives the translation, how to pronounce the words and lots of commentary to help you understand what's being said (it's complicated).  It's a lot like having a rabbi sit and learn with you.  :]

So today, is catch up day.  I've been lost the last 3 classes and haven't understood much of what's going on.  Now I'll be able to.  I've also put in to find someone to learn with me.  Hopefully I'll get a response. 

Outa here for a shower, exercise and eat. 

PS:  Spotty is doing tons better and stayed inside last night without being forced.  :]

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So Cool!

Today I ordered Artscrolls' Mishkan DVD program. This thing is so awesome!!!! Can't wait till it gets here - should be Friday.

Here's a glimpse! (I've probably posted this before, but hey! 4 strokes! Dystonia and very little sleep - I have no clue of anything. LOL)

Monday, February 2, 2009

I hate dogs...the continuing saga

(Spotty, Spring 2008)

This morning I got up to find Spotty had had his head in a dogs mouth.  You could see the teeth marks.  His little body was beaten up quite a bit.  I'm surprised he survived.  Both ears were mucked up again and he had blood inside one of his ears.

When I went out to feed the birds and the barn cats, I saw the huge paw prints in the snow.  grrr... I hate dogs.

Tonight I'm sitting here with my shotgun waiting.  I think I know which evil beast did it and if he shows tonight - he dies.

The event made me glad I have the cat door and that I it has a 4-way lock.  I heard him when he came in last night and got on my bed.  It also made me glad most of the cats stay in at night.  The barn cats are totally safe.  There's so many places they can hide that there's no way on earth a dog can get them.

The thing that worries me though is still the horse.  I'll probably never recover from watching her fight for her life.

Anyway, Spotty will be mamash ticked when he wakes up and finds out he's in for the night.  muuhahahaaa...