Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanks to obama llama

Thanks to obama:

1.  I feel guilty for trying to work my way OFF disability i.e., government support.

2.  I feel guilty for allowing my brother to encourage mom to use my inheritance to buy my lil' Yamaha C-3, 49cc scooter, instead of allowing some hard working rich guy buy it for me.

3.  I feel guilty for refusing to have certain (and mostly) useless tests done at the doctor's office because I consider it a WASTE of medicare dollars.  I don't need more MS tests!  We KNOW it's dystonia!  We KNOW it's damage from my 4 strokes!  I don't care that it's all free for me - it's a stinking WASTE of someone elses money!

Thanks to obama, I live in fear that he might have me committed because I don't want to be on government support. It's humiliating.  It makes you feel sub-human because it's not normal.

Yes!  In less than 4 weeks, obama has done wonders for my confidence.  *cough cough...gag...chucks up hairball which looks remarkably like obama...steps on it and chucks it out the door.*

, ,


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

I pay taxes and I say it is not a waste of my money for you to take advantage of things you need.

I have no problem with you letting my taxes pay for your scooter or your tests. Have at it. You have good reason.
Besides I love your cartoons and you are a good friend.
so there.
now shut up and get what you need.

My Road thru Life said...

Don't you feel guilty about anything. That's what we pay taxes for and you deserve it.

My Road thru Life said...

Did you hear about the guy who was pulled over because he had a sign on his car that said

"Abort Obama"
"Not the Unborn"

Ya gotta Love it

Of course he got let go

Yochana said...

LOL part of this was me being totally sarcastic. obama the evil would prefer I want to be under government support and I should be ashamed of myself for not wanting to be dependent on the freaking commies. He wants everyone under government support that way he can fulfill his dictatorship dream.

I don't like being under it. I know I don't really have a choice, but still - it suks.

Lemono: I got my 3-wheel handicap scooter back some 5 years ago because a wonderful yid went up and down the streets of CH raising money for it. At that point, you couldn't get government help for one. At least I wasn't able to and I'm glad. It gave a lot of people a chance to do a mitzvah. :] And one that was greatly appreciated. :]

Yochana said...

Judy, yeah. I saw that one. it was amazing! I think it's going to happen a lot more.