Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bindi of the jungle!

The boys and I went on another cool adventure today! This one goes down as the best yet, and only because of something wild that happened.

I was at the back of the pond looking for red fox tracks when I heard a loud noise above me. I thought it was a branch breaking off from the wind damage that had been done to the trees a couple days ago.

I jumped back, looked up to see which direction to run and get away from the falling branch when I saw a fox squirrel! He was so loud he sounded like a falling branch. AND! Speaking of falling! He did exactly that when he leaped to another tree to escape my stare!

aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.......a 15 feet plop to the ground. I felt so sorry for him. He was big, heavy and landed with a thud. Unfortunately, for him - Bindi saw him hit the ground and the chase was on! I think he would have lost the chase if he hadn't slid past a tree and Bindi thought he ran up it. While Bindi was blasting up the tree - he raced up and over the hill.

Bindi was lucky he got away. Squirrels can beat up a cat with little to no effort. They've got one nasty, damaging bite.

Anyway, all of that action and I never got a bit of it on video. DRATS!!!!

So that was my exciting day! :]

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You gotta love it!

I have had so much fun watching this video, I had to post it.  Enjoy the fun!

Blogged with Flock

Early morning scare

I looked out my kitchen window this morning and saw Jeff sniffing something dead.  It's little legs were sticking out and little arms folded in like it'd been hit by a car.  My heart sunk to the floor.  It was either Tiger or Kitty.

I closed my right eye, that distorts everything, looked again and felt like an idiot - it was a piece of rusty, metal roofing off the barn.  LOL 

The piece off roof flew it's death during the wind storm we had last night.  It was wicked.  The weather vane at my station was wild.  Thankfully, no other harm was done.  :]

Off to finish breakfast!  Have a great day!

PS:  Here's a super cool site I found a couple days ago: Learning Herbs.

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doc update!

I'm thrilled to announce that I have been given a bill of perfect health!  My blood tests are beautiful.  My cholesterol the envy of my family!  My white blood count, bang on!  My EKG, slight malfunction, but who cares! 

And Jr.! The lovely growth on my side, mistaken previously by someone to be a tumour, is a clump of little fat bodies that all got together and formed a lump.  Nothing to it.  Junior stays and goes down as the largest the doc has ever seen!  Way to go Jr!!! I'm so proud!

I hate doctor visits, but this was worth it all!  :]  Off to celebrate...with freshly baked bread and a big slab a butter on it to celebrate my low cholesterol!  LOL!!!  (I never do that, but I sure am today!)

(of course, mom just reminded me that it's the ones with the clean bill of health that fall over dead the next day of a heart-attack.  I think she's just envious because her cholesterol suks.)  LOL

Blogged with Flock

Good morning!

It's a muddy mess in the cottage this morning.  If you guessed Jeff - you're right.  LOL  He's so upset over the rain.  The only good thing about it, is now I can tell when he's been on the kitchen counter - evidence!  :]   Naughty kitty.

I go to the doc today.  She has ways of making me show up.  Like she didn't give me any refills on my purple pill.  Nasty doc.  So, I shall risk slipping into a coma in the waiting room, to get a full prescription.  :]

I'm going to eat bean soup before I go, just so I can tell her not to push too hard when she pokes at my belly.  (evil grin)

Off to fix some homemade hot cocoa.

PS:  I posted two extremely unprofessional videos at Wrinkle World.  :]  I so happy I got them done before any of the cats could knock over my camera. 

Blogged with Flock

Monday, January 28, 2008

What a ride!

Guess what Jeff did?  He jumped on my kitchen counter and sprayed my dishes.  I can't wait till next week.  I hope mom will take him to the vet to be fixed.

On the bright side!  It's been nice enough that me and the boys went on 3 days of adventures in a row!  Yesterday was the toughest.  Jeff was such a nuisance that I decided to wear him out on the hill.  It worked.  We hiked so much that he went straight to sleep when we came home.  LOL  (evil human strikes again!)

He must have still been tired today, because he sat more on this trip than he ever has!  :]

Bindi got hurt on yesterday's trip.  I didn't know it until late last night when I found blood tracks through the house and on the side of the tub.  He must have gotten hurt on the stickers.  Poor baby.

Welp!  That's it till tomorrow. Have a great evening!

Blogged with Flock

Friday, January 25, 2008


Wow!  What a chiller!  There's a british expression for mornings like this, it's called "monkey-freezing," meaning cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.  Welp!  This morning, his balls fell off.  LOL

I went out early this morning, before light, to check the temp at my weather station.  It was 10 degrees.  Not so bad.  Then I looked up and discovered the zero was above the ten!  brrrr....

The big dip obviously didn't phase the big yellow/orange dude, of which we shall call Morris 2.  One of the cats wanted out before 5 this morning, and he was sitting on the porch.  Who knows how long he'd been out there.  Anyway, he was starved, so I took him out some food and warm water.

I'm looking to Shabbos.  The temps will be up and I'll get to go on another adventure without freezing my bum off.  :]

Have a great weekend!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

3rd entry of the morning!

 Stress test!  Didn't go.  We got iced in.  So!  I called up, canceled for the 3rd time, and told the nurse I wasn't rescheduling because I'm pretty certain this is a sign I'm not supposed to have one.  She laughed.  :]  I canceled the first time due to a flood.  Second - no ride, third - iced in.  It's a definite sign.  :]

Now for the big yellow/orange cat.  I bled for him yesterday.  He looked so pitiful and cold.  So, I took the cat carrier, stuffed it down a tight fitting box, covered it with a black trash bag to absorb heat and protect the cardboard from rain. 

Next, I placed it in front of the hole that leads under mom's house (it's where he moved into), put his water/food bowl inside and lined the ground around it with hay.  He was so happy!  He went inside the box, where it was nice and warm, to eat.  Then sat at the doorway for the longest time. 

Right now, he's out beside his little box, lying on the hay in the sun.  He looks content.  :]

Blogged with Flock

Second entry of the morning!

To pick up from the previous, so my acid reflux has been working over-time.  Last night, my tongue felt on fire.  I drank a little milk and it kinda fizzled on my tongue.  I  pulled out the flashlight, grabbed a mirror and had a look.  My tongue had bumps on the back that looked mamash sore and felt it. 

I went over to mom's and had her take a look.  Yip!  It wasn't my imagination - they were there.  Off to to see what to do.  Nothing. 

B"H, my niece-in-law is a home health nurse.  So I called her and explained what was up.  She had acid reflux when she was pregnant, so she had an idea of how miserable I was.  She told me to take the purple pill twice/day instead of once like the doc said. 

The extra pill, along with Mylanta helped quite a bit.  I was still up part of the night trying to keep the pressure down, but this morning I felt a lot better than I have in a few days. 

NOW! To keep this entry short, let's move on to the next!

Blogged with Flock

Good morning! first entry

It's Wednesday!!!  And what a week it's been!  Phil came back last night to try and fix the leak.  We turned on the water and a flood came racing into the bathroom.  Next attempt - SUCCESS!!!!  Then - BOOM!!!!! 

A loud explosion from the back of the house - the line busted with a force this time and because of where the pipes are located, it sounded like a bomb going off. 

Another hour later, Phil and I decide to cap the line to the bathroom sink (which I'm totally happy about) and that would be that...and it was.

He'll be back whenever I decide I want to put in a new bathroom sink and help me install it and rebuild the wall.  :]  Phil's great!

To keep this a short entry, I'll make a new one!

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Those were the days! Regis' hair wasn't all grey.  Kathie Lee's life wasn't in shambles.  There was no worthless muzlim running for president.  Performers like David and Shaun Cassidy proved you only need a mic and a piano to sing.  Unlike today where they control your mic to make it sound like you can when you can't.  All was well in Yobeeland! 

So kick back and enjoy a wonderful break from the world!

Blogged with Flock

Murphy won't leave me alone.

It's snowing.  The road is slick.  If it doesn't improve by 11:00 I might miss my stress test again.  They're going to hate me if I do.  I told mom I'm beginning to wonder if I'm even supposed to take the test.  LOL

The big yellow/orange cat was on the porch this morning waiting to be fed.  I feel so bad for him being outside, especially when it's dropping to 5 degrees Thursday night.  There's no way I can bring him in, even in a cage.  Jeff will be constantly trying to attack and spraying even more than he is now. 

At least he has the hay in the barn to burrow into.  He's also been staying under moms' house.  That gives him even more protection from the wind, but not the cold.  *pause*  Nope!  None of that makes me feel any better, especially when he sees everyone else going inside and he can feel the warmth every time I open the door.  *grieve*

Welp, I'm off to mom's to get a bath and cleaned up.  B"H she still has water.  :]  Catch ya later!

Blogged with Flock

Monday, January 21, 2008

Murphy strikes again!

Good evening!

What a day!  My water has been frozen in the bathroom for a couple days now, so I was totally ecstatic when I heard the water run in the bathroom. 

I was so excited that I ran in and just stood there watching the water pour...and pour....and pour from various places behind the wall.  The pipes had ignored the facets being open and busted. 

Before I knew it, I had water running across the bathroom floor and had to call mom to shut off the water.  They didn't put in shut off valves when they made the bathroom, so you have to run across the drive and shut it off in mom's cellar.  It's a pain.

B"H, Phil (a neighbour a mile or so away) was home and came to my rescue.  I felt sorry for him because of how cold it was.  The access to the pipes is outside and the water was still flowing even though mom had shut it off.  It's really irritating.

Anyway, it was too cold for the last connection to seal, so he'll be back tomorrow when it warms up to finish the job. 

I have my stress test tomorrow at 11:45.  I'll be happy to have it over with. 

Off to grab a hot cuppa of anything.  :]  Have a great one!

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another adventure to the list!

Yesterday, me and the critters (Jeff and Bindi) took advantage of the sun coming out and headed for the hill.  Jeff sprayed the crap out of everything (how much can one cat hold???) and precious, little, sane and decent Bindi trotted along side me enjoying the walk, stopping occasionally for an allergy scratch.  He's getting an allergy shot.

Anyway, I went in search of Slippery Elm trees, which are still slipping away from me.  I found every thing from American Beech, Walnut, Poplar, Ohio Buckeye, Willows, Sassafras, to every relative of the rose family.  *ouch*

After we roamed the hillside, we crashed at base camp (below the pond where my middle nephew likes to camp).  The boys chased each other.  Jeff tried to breed Bindi.  Bindi got mad and hid beside me.  Kitty watched from a distance to avoid being bred by Jeff, and I ID my twig collection.  :]

It was a fun trip and we all got over an hour of sunshine.  Which is a good thing, because this morning the sun is gone and sleet is falling outside my window.  :]

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jeff, the king of stink

This morning, I grabbed my laundry basket to head over to mom's and do my laundry, and the foulest of stenches rose up and invaded my innocent nostrils causing my nose hair to fall out and drop to the floor.  Jeff had sprayed the basket!

Last night, the King of Stink jumped on the trash can, turned and sprayed the top of my storage cabinet in the kitchen.  He wasn't content knowing he had snuck a shot on the lower level, NOOOO Jeff had to go for the next level up!  ROFL!!!

Next month, the boy is getting fixed.  No hesitation.  No delay.  Spotty was the sprayer out of Kitty's litter.  I thought he was bad, but there is nothing to compare to Jeff, the King of Stink.  LOL

Have a great day! 

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good morning!

It's the first time in 3 days I've woke up and almost feel normal.  I've had a nasty migraine that was a result of my own stupidity.  I'd been holding to a diet that was supposed to eliminate or drastically reduce PMS related stuff.   It really did work, until last month when I blew it completely.  Now I'm back to detoxing again.  *whimper*

Anyway, I'm trying to catch up today on everything that's taken a back seat. 

As for my brood.  So far this morning, Jeff has caught me in the face with both paws.  We're not speaking right now.  He's really mean when he wakes up in the morning.  I'm plotting my revenge.

Bindi is asleep on my lap.  He makes a great lap warmer. Tiger is zonked on the futon with Squeeky and Chubby can't decide if she wants in or out.  She's the only one interested in going out and freezing her butt off in the snow.  Then again, blubber queen is the only one who can honestly stay warm.  LOL

Off to a cuppa, breakfast and work.  Have a fun day!

Blogged with Flock

Monday, January 14, 2008

Adventure continued...

Back to our little adventure that took place Shabbos!  Each time I go up, I track down where the best mushroom places are.  Shabbos - I hit the jackpot!  There's a stump at the top of the hill that is nothing but one mass of chicken mushrooms!  I'm so excited!  It's got to put out at least a good 10 - 15 pounds or more of mushrooms come Spring.

I found a couple more logs that will prove excellent for foraging.  Combined, I should have an excellent year or more worth of dried mushrooms.  Of course, it will take me forever to dry them, but it will be worth it.  :]

The craziest moment was returning to the trail we climbed up on.  I missed it.  I missed it by a long shot, which wasn't good.  The ground was wet and covered with leaves and with my bad eye it's hard to tell where drop off points are when you're on top of them.  Drop off points mean falling off the cliff.

B"H, a couple trees showed where the potential drop offs were, and I managed to work around and find the right trail.  It was slick going down.  The trail was steep and partly covered by mossy rocks and wet leaves.  It was a recipe for the klutz to fall.  What saved my pride, was I could just picture Jeff and Bindi laughing at me if I'd slid to the bottom.  So I fought hard to stay on my feet.  :]

Those were the highlights of a fun day!  I'm heading off to nurse my aching migraine, which is a story for another day.  :] 

Have a great one!

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Late evening post

I took Jeff and Bindi on a long hike today.  We took a different route up the hill this time and then took the old logging road through the woods.  Years ago mom sold logs to a logger.  He cleared out a terrific trail for hiking on.  The trick is - being able to reach it. 

I think Jeff had the most fun.  He went flying up over the hilltop and jumped a deer in the process.  Nearly scared the fur off him and Bindi went running for his life.   LOL!!!  It was so funny!!!

Bindi gave the trip his best.  He had a hard time getting up the hill.  His allergies are driving him nuts, so he sneezed all the way up.  He stayed miserable.

Jeff, on the other hand, explored every nook and cranny of trees, holes, etc.  He tried seeing how far up the Beech trees he could climb and then with a wild look in his eyes went flying off and running down the trail.  LOL  He was an entertainer. 

Welp, I'll write more about the trip later.  I'm off to chop up mushrooms I bought Friday and get them in the dehydrator.  I think it's going to take me the better part of the week to dry everything I bought: parsley and other herbs, coconut, mushrooms, onions, cranberries and a few other things.  :] 

Good nite!  zzzzzzzzzz.................

Blogged with Flock

Friday, January 11, 2008

Howdy ho!

You guys know how when our bodies get put under pressure they collapse, so to speak? That's me. :] I've collapsed. *yo hits the floor. Jeff comes over and sprays her.*

Anyway, I'm taking the day off and resting. I'm calling it my pre-Shabbos crash. :] Mom's taking me to the grocery store shortly and afterwards I'm coming home, curling up on the futon and read till Shabbos. :] *contented sigh*

Hope everyone has a great weekend! *yo falls asleep at keyboard*

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some tidbits

Good morning!

Last night I did up a few videos for those of you with really basic questions about Blogger. I'm not happy with the quality they uploaded with. They went from beautifully clear to fuzzy. Anyway! I hope you can tell how to do a few things anyway. :]

Here's the YouTube versions:

Posting tips for blogger

Settings tips for blogger

Template tips for blogger

When you go to YouTube to watch my tidbits, look over at the related videos sections. You might learn more from what other's have posted.

For those with cable or DSL, there's a clearer version (which for some reason turned pink. LOL) here:

Posting tips for blogger

Settings tips for blogger

Template tips for blogger

The high speed links are to pretty large files, but you get a closer version of how to do stuff. The YouTube version looks far away.

Anyway! I'm off to do laundry. Have a great one! :]

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2nd post of the day!

Hey guys!

If anyone from 360 has moved to blogger or added a new blog here could you send me the link?

She who is trying to stop Jeff from spraying everything in the cottage. Next month, the boy gets fixed. Feel the fear, Jeff!!!!

Sleepy, sleepy morning

Good morning!

I had some really wild dreams last night. My cats got sick and I was trying to kill them to put them out of their misery by chopping them up with an ax. That's the last time I watch "The Burbs" right before bedtime. LOL

Yesterday was so much fun. It's the first time in I don't know how long that I actually felt alive. All I did all day was play outside gathering walnuts to put in my Shabbos bread and foraging the hillside for roots and nutts. Did I touch Avon? Nope. I figure I'll live to regret that move, but if I could live yesterday over again - I wouldn't change a thing. :]

This morning I chopped up some store bought mushrooms and stuck them in the dehydrator. I hope I don't forget they're in there. LOL

Off to daven (pray), get my Torah reading in and dive in on Avon. Have a fun day! Enjoy the great weather while it lasts! :]

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A view from the zoo!

Today I got to fulfill my dream I had last spring - be outside and write my blog entries and essays on a computer, in this case, my Fly Fusion pen - the best portable computer you could ask for!

Anyway, so here I sit on the lower ridge of the hill behind my cottage. It's beautiful. The temp is in the upper 60's, there's a nice breeze and the smell of the woods is already making me long for spring,

Me, Bindi and Jeff came up on a hickory nutt adventure. Spotty and Squeaky were with us at the start, but Spotty turned evil, chased Squeaky up a tree and won't let her down. After some 20 minutes I gave up trying to rescue her and left her To her fate.

Jeff and Bindi love these trips. Bindi has new places to sit and bathe, while Jeff explores every hollow he can find in the trees. If he finds a good one, he cries and I go check it out. He's happy and content when I do that.

The clouds are beginning to thicken overhead. We're supposed to get a thunderstorm with wind gusts up to 60 mph, That should be fun. We'd best get out of here while we're still dry.

It's been one awesome afternoon!

Monday, January 7, 2008

2nd post of the night!

The following blogs have been updated!

It Came From the Litterbox!

Wrinkle World! (a ridiculous story attached to a product review!)

The Pelican's Post!

Murphy and his stupid law

Good evening, y'all!

What a day! The weather was in the 60's and the sun shining! We were supposed to get a bit of rain but it never happened. B"H!

I played outside with the cats for awhile, then went in after my Fly fusion pen so I could sit outside and write my blog entries. That's when Murphy raised his ugly head out of the horse manure on the other side of the fence. I turned on my Fly Fusion and in less than the time it takes to say Rumpelstiltskin, the pen said, "battery power is low." *poof* off goes the pen.

Lesson learned, never wait four days before recharging your Fly battery. :]

All in all, it didn't really matter anyway. Whatever the wind was blowing around went straight to my sinuses and I've had a headache the whole afternoon. *sulk*

On the bright side! My Avon shipment arrived, along with some Torah books I'd ordered and my "Foraging with the Wildman" DVD. Wildman Bill is really cool! He got arrested for eating a dandelion in Central Park. You can read about it on his site. :]

Off to clean up Bindi's hairball! Have a fun!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I've made some updates today at The Wrinkle. Check out my calendar. It let's you know when the Avon campaigns stop and start. It's great for helping you know how long you have left to shoot for a free gift. :]

I've also changed my classifieds a bit by adding pics. I think it looks pretty cool. :] Lastly, I added a new blog entry about chocolate at the The Wrinkle. It's funny. Jeff enjoyed it. He loves it when I suffer. LOL

I freeze, therefore I shiver's gone from bum freezing to monkey freezing cold at the cottage! Monkey freezing is a British term for "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey." :]

Anyway, snow is whirling about, the cats are hunkered down and unhappy and I'm turning into an ice cube.

Not much happening today. Avon extended Campaign 1 order time, so I'm turning it in around 11:30 this morning. I'm spending the rest of the day curled up in a blanket writing essays for the Wrinkle and reading and a wee bit of housework. It's about all you can do on a freezing day like this. Right now, the blanket and a hot cuppa tea sound best of all.

(yo walks stiffly to the kitchen for her tea.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Evil beasts from hell

I looked out the kitchen window this morning and there was a massive dog and a not so massive dog staring back at me. The big dog was literally the size of a pony (maybe taller) and the other was about half his size.

Out came my slingshot! Unfortunately, the sweatpants I had on didn't have pockets, so I wasn't able to keep the onslaught of rocks flying. The evil mongrels caught on. So I ran in the house and pulled out my 22 pistol!

By the time I got out, the shorter varmint was running full speed down the field and the other was half way up the hill. I fired in the air to scare him off. It worked. He ran for his life.

Meanwhile, I went about the yard yelling for the cats, while looking like a stupid redneck with my holster hanging from my belt.

B"H, my cats are fine. Everyone had run for the trees. I'm hoping the stupid mongrels will cross the road and pester the neighbours. The neighbours will shoot them. :]