Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another adventure to the list!

Yesterday, me and the critters (Jeff and Bindi) took advantage of the sun coming out and headed for the hill.  Jeff sprayed the crap out of everything (how much can one cat hold???) and precious, little, sane and decent Bindi trotted along side me enjoying the walk, stopping occasionally for an allergy scratch.  He's getting an allergy shot.

Anyway, I went in search of Slippery Elm trees, which are still slipping away from me.  I found every thing from American Beech, Walnut, Poplar, Ohio Buckeye, Willows, Sassafras, to every relative of the rose family.  *ouch*

After we roamed the hillside, we crashed at base camp (below the pond where my middle nephew likes to camp).  The boys chased each other.  Jeff tried to breed Bindi.  Bindi got mad and hid beside me.  Kitty watched from a distance to avoid being bred by Jeff, and I ID my twig collection.  :]

It was a fun trip and we all got over an hour of sunshine.  Which is a good thing, because this morning the sun is gone and sleet is falling outside my window.  :]

Blogged with Flock


Anonymous said...

Sure sounds like a nice way to spend the day.

Yobeeone said...

It was, and if it weren't for it being so cold, we would have probably been out for several hours. The sun felt that good. :]