Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I freeze, therefore I shiver's gone from bum freezing to monkey freezing cold at the cottage! Monkey freezing is a British term for "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey." :]

Anyway, snow is whirling about, the cats are hunkered down and unhappy and I'm turning into an ice cube.

Not much happening today. Avon extended Campaign 1 order time, so I'm turning it in around 11:30 this morning. I'm spending the rest of the day curled up in a blanket writing essays for the Wrinkle and reading and a wee bit of housework. It's about all you can do on a freezing day like this. Right now, the blanket and a hot cuppa tea sound best of all.

(yo walks stiffly to the kitchen for her tea.)


Unknown said...

I understand...360 is crappy for sure. I wish I understood as much as you about computer stuff. I have my blog but don't know how to add all the stuff like you do. Favorite movies, books links to other places etc.

Diane said...

Hi Yo! This is a cool blog, better than Yahoo. How do I start up on this one and is this where Lois is too? I think I should change over as Yahoo really sucks and makes me angry. I don't like to be angry, lol! Try to stay warm, I know how cold little old houses can be, brrrr freezing!! Di

Yobeeone said...

Hey Di! Go to and it will take you through the 3 easy steps to making your own blog! :]

Once you've got blogger down, you'll love it. There's no frustration. You can make a post and it actually goes up. You post comments and they go up! :]

If you have any trouble with making your blog the way you want it, let me know. I've been helping Lo get hers set up. It's pretty easy once you know the tricks. :]