Saturday, January 12, 2008

Late evening post

I took Jeff and Bindi on a long hike today.  We took a different route up the hill this time and then took the old logging road through the woods.  Years ago mom sold logs to a logger.  He cleared out a terrific trail for hiking on.  The trick is - being able to reach it. 

I think Jeff had the most fun.  He went flying up over the hilltop and jumped a deer in the process.  Nearly scared the fur off him and Bindi went running for his life.   LOL!!!  It was so funny!!!

Bindi gave the trip his best.  He had a hard time getting up the hill.  His allergies are driving him nuts, so he sneezed all the way up.  He stayed miserable.

Jeff, on the other hand, explored every nook and cranny of trees, holes, etc.  He tried seeing how far up the Beech trees he could climb and then with a wild look in his eyes went flying off and running down the trail.  LOL  He was an entertainer. 

Welp, I'll write more about the trip later.  I'm off to chop up mushrooms I bought Friday and get them in the dehydrator.  I think it's going to take me the better part of the week to dry everything I bought: parsley and other herbs, coconut, mushrooms, onions, cranberries and a few other things.  :] 

Good nite!  zzzzzzzzzz.................

Blogged with Flock


Unknown said...

What fun watching those kitties. Poor Bindi though! Jeff sounds like he had a blast.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun little jaunt. I can't believe Jeff went flying over a deer. How funny.

Yochana said...

Sorry about that. Jumping a deer means to spook him and make him run. :] I forget not everyone is familiar with hunting terms. :]

It was fun, though. When the weather gets better again we're going on another adventure. :]