Friday, May 30, 2008


Look at this!  I'm getting a post out early! LOL  It's been quite a week.  Tiger came home.  I got my garden planted.  I'm enjoying snitching leaves from my herb garden and making delicious coucous with them. 

The funniest moment was last night I heard this loud noise by my bedroom window.  I looked out and there was Bindi hanging on the screen looking in at me. 
The look on his face was like spiderman had just been caught. Anyway, in a flash he shot up the side of the cottage and onto the roof.   It was hilarious!

When I went outside to see him, he was on the edge of the roof waiting for me.  Smarty pants.  LOL  I hope the baby birds manage to survive his relentless attempts to snatch them. 

Welp, I'm outa here for the weekend!  :]  Make it a great one!  :]
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oy! Crap!

I had no idea that I haven't posted here since Monday!  (yo sits feeling stupid)  well, let's see.  It's been a busy week, as always.  I've been working on the garden, slowly mowing my lawn, trying to keep the house clean with the cats shedding hair everywhere (picture that with 7 cats), and of course working on Avon and some side ventures.  And being angry at Avon for dropping products and insisting certain products can only be delivered by reps in person.  Thanks to that, I've lost nearly $60 in sales this week.

I'm hoping some cool tricks I learned last night about advertising on Craigs list will make up for Avon being a total source of irritation this week.  If I can make up the sales and more before Tuesday I'll be a very happy camper.  :]

My body has been acting up.  Jeff, Bindi, Squeeky and I have been playing soccer.  Jeff loves chasing the ball and doing all kinds of acrobatics over it.   Squeek tries to lure me away from the ball to chase her up her favourite tree and Bindi is just Bindi.  He slithers across the ground like a long-haired snake trying to get me to chase him.  LOL  He's so cute!!!

The other day I bought a reclining lawn chair. I can sit outside at night and stargaze without a stiff neck.  (happy grin)

That's pretty much it!  I'll try to remember to post something tomorrow.  Make it a great day!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just because!

Here's a special gift to all my MS, Dystonia, menopausal and post-menopausal friends. Enjoy and thanks for being my friend! :]

Click me.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A sleepy morning to ya!

To start!  Jeff has updated his blog.  And it happened again!  Tiger has been gone for over a month.  He's never been gone that long before.  Several weeks, but not over a month. 

So, I decided that today I'd finally admit it was over.  Then, last night a cat came sneaking through the door. Now, imagine you're sure your cat has died and suddenly he's staring at you.  It was the oddest feeling I've ever had.  It was like if Pee Wee, Stevie or Siamese had come back from the dead or something. 

I spent the evening just staring at him in total disbelief.  Just about an hour before Tiger's arrival, I'd been petting Jeff and said, "I miss Tiger." 

Tiger was in pretty good shape with the exception of having over half-dozen ticks attached to him and I lost count how many more cruising his body.  He had a few war wounds, lost a lot of weight, but otherwise had a healthy red tongue and looked great! 

Wouldn't it be cool if you could attach a tiny camera to a cat like him and see his adventures?  (yo pauses)  On second thought, it'd just make more worry myself sick.

Anyway, it took him awhile to calm down and snap out of his wild cat attitude.  His senses were on major alert.

So, that was an unexpected, absolutely wonder way to start the week.  :] 

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, May 23, 2008

Good morning!

I have an insanely busy day today. I'm trying to get a new avon article site up, advertise Jeff's eBay streamline page, write some more articles and post them at a few e-zine places, clean my cottage which is a total disaster and prep for Shabbos. :]

Last night I mowed the lawn with my little reel mower. That was fun and one less thing I had to do today. The cats had so much fun being chased by it. Jeff was jumping up in the air doing his funny twisting act and diving into the tall grass (roughly 3' high in the ditch) and waited for me. LOL

Bindi kept trying to get as close to the mower as he could. He's suicidal. LOL

That's pretty much been my week. Work and work some more. Man it's been fun!!! Hope next week is the same! :]

Have a great weekend everyone! :]

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Man time flies!!!

I just saw that I haven't posted since Monday! Crikey! I had no idea! I've been so busy with projects that the days as slipping by too fast.

Anyway! I have a treat for everyone! JEFF THE MIGHTY has his very own ebay streamline page! Yip! It's a real ebay page! You really can place ebay bids through it. Jeff, is an official ebay affiliate! And yes! I'm making him work for his food. His page is called Bid With Jeff! I wish they allowed it in the title, but they don't. Oh well. You can see it on the tab when you visit.

So, if you're an eBay fanatic! Would you mind bookmarking Jeff's page and even pass his page on to someone else!

Also! Jeff has been sneaking into my bathroom and peeing in my tub. I caught him the other night. So, take the poll in the upper left and let's decide if he's allowed to or not.

Welp, I've got to get Jeff's eBay link made and put on all my sites, so I'm outa here. Have a great day everyone!

PS: A message from Jeff: "This is just the beginning of my quest for world domination!!! First eBay - then the WORLD!!!!! muuahahahaaaaaaa *cough cough cough" Bow before me humans!!!!! *cough cough sneeze sneeze sneeze* (Human mommie, can I have some water and a huggie? Baby me.)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Howdy ho!

What a day! The grass finally dried just barely enough to cut my backyard. The grass was 2' high. It took a long time to get it cut because I had to keep lowering the blade as I went along. I still have to gather up my raking piles and toss them in the compost bin tonight.

Jeff chucked a bunch of cat food last night all over the mudroom floor. I wish he'd eat margarine or butter so I could keep his hairballs under control, but he refuses.

Let's see...oh! I bought Jeffie his own domain name: . Once cash flow gets the bugs in their software program fixed Jeff will have his own streamlined eBay page! Jeff and eBay! Scary, isn't it? LOL I thought "Bid With Jeff" was cute.

Anyway! I was at my YouTube site this morning and ran across my video of little Stevie and Bindi wrestling. I forgot just how adorable Bindi was when he was tiny. Enjoy the show!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

funny story

I forgot to mention this in my vid blog yesterday. Friday afternoon, Mom took me to Powell's (grocery store). Before I got even close to being in the store - the tics hit (Tourette Syndrome)! It was hilarious!!! I could feel the urges coming up to tic and the harder I tried to fight it the worse the tics were. ROFL!!! I wish I could have filmed the looks around me. ROFL!!!

Ya gotta love our dysfunctional bodies. LOL Ok! It's after 11:00, Bindi has already jumped on my lap waiting for me to go to bed. COOL!!! I just looked out the window! There's lots of fog!!! YEA!!! WAIT!!! WAIT!!! I think I see pirates coming through the fog! ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...splat.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

zzzzzzzzzz... the saga

It's been a wild day. I didn't get up till 8:00. The 1911 Boy Scout handbook says if you wake up and your body is still sleepy, stay in bed till it wakes up. (more or less) It woke up at 8. :] It helped too. It's the first time all week I felt good all day.

Didn't really do a whole lot. Got The Wrinkle updated with some more cool Father's Day gift ideas. That was fun. And now - I'm off to bed. :] I have to go de-tick it since the boys jumped on before I could check them. yuck.

Good nite!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good nearly afternoon! :]

The evil children woke me up at 4:20 this morning. I finally surrender at 5:10, crawled outa bed, broke up one fight - it took a broom to separate them, fed the cats and nearly fell asleep. :]

I'm still trying to stay awake. Anyway, I think the best way for me to wake up is go on the hill with the boys and Squeek, so I'm outa here. An adventure waits! :]

PS: I put a new article up about Father's Day gifts at the Wrinkle. I learned some really interesting stuff while researching the article. Did you know more collect phone calls are made on Father's Day than any other time of year! LOL

Monday, May 12, 2008

Good evening!

Not sure where my day went, but I do remember that before noon I'd lost my mojo and never got it back. 

Anyway, right now I'm sitting with a nasty tummy ache hoping I don't chuck up.  *whimper* 

Oh well, I'm off to find Jeffie, de-tick him and go to bed.  zzzzzz....good nite.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Good chilly morning to ya!

It's cold!  It's raining. Bindi came in this morning doing his famous whiny cry.  I asked him what was wrong, he put his little paws on the side of the bed and stretched up.  I pat his little head and it was wet.  Bindi was whining because it was raining again.  He's so funny.  He always whines at me when it rains.  lol

Squeeky's on my lap keeping it warm.  She's turning into a major lap cat.  I can hardly sit down without her hopping up.  :]

It's going to be a lazy day.  I want to work on Avon a bit and spend the day reading.  :]

Have a great mother's day!  I'm off for a cuppa tea.

Friday, May 9, 2008

End of the week!

Had a great time today!  I spent the entire morning creating mini-flyers, new and improved business cards, posters, etc.  When mom got home she drove me around so I could post them everywhere.  It was fun! 

I made some pretty creative and nerdy mini-flyers.  Like the ones I dropped off at the post office:  Stamp out those wrinkles with Avon's Advanced Wrinkle Corrector.  LOL Stupid, but fun!

The funniest was quite by accident!  I was at the pharmacy sneaking mini-flyers into the men's mags that said, "You can't strike out with Derek Jeter!" It doesn't sound funny until you realise I put it by accident in one of the men's sports mags that had some guy kissing a girl.  ROFL  I decided to leave it there.  :] 

I figure guys who want the Derek Jeter line would be more willing to order with there being a web address.  :] 

Welp! I've got to finish getting ready for Shabbos!  have a great weekend!  I'll be catching up on blog reading tomorrow night after Shabbos.  :]

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I'm sleepy and lazy, so I'll just let this picture speak for me instead. have a good night! :]

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And the winner is!!!

Two big items for the morning! The hummers have finally arrived!!! I'm so excited!!!  Glad the feeder is right beside my office window!  (happy grin)

The other biggie is - the winners of my first contest.  Yip, winners.  The number you had to get close to was 67.  Judy guessed 74.  Tammy guessed 59.  There was nearly a tie, so I decided the only fair thing to do was to have a 2nd place winner, and so it was!   :]

So, mazel tov guys!!!  :]

Off to fix lunch.  It took me over an hour to get my Avon site updated.  They're a lot like Yahoo blogging.  Right when you get things entered, it glitches and you lose everything.  So, I have to save every move.  Unfortunately, that means with every save you have to re-enter the edit area.  Takes forever, but it's worth it. 

Anyway!  Off to eat and watch hummers.  :]

Monday, May 5, 2008

You gotta laugh!

Remember the guy I held a gun on last month?  Guess who put the deer feeding station on our property?  Yip. It was him.  He stopped by tonight to explain to mom about what he had done.  He wasn't apologizing, he was just explaining it.

Of course, mom just let it go.  I didn't.  I tried explaining to her in front of him that you don't let people encroach on your property because stupid rednecks will keep doing anything they want till their on your back door. 

Mom was like, "What the heck are you talking about?"  He knew.  His eyes got big while I was stating my argument and he took a step back and started to defend himself when mom said what she did and stopped it.

Anyway, it's nice to know he's still afraid of me.  I want to keep it that way.  :]  Fear me!!!  I get it from Jeff. LOL

We also had a talk about dogs.  I told him I hunt them in the middle of the night when I hear them on our property and either shoot them with my sling shot or at them with my gun. And I do!  They come on chasing my cats.  That's not acceptable so they get shot at.

Anyway, It was hilarious!  His eyes got big again and he took another step back. ROFL!!!  Fear me!!!! ROFL

Welp that was the night!  Off to bed!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

2nd post of the morning

Hey guys! Posted my field test of SSS against bugs, ticks and wasps yesterday, see The Wrinkle. It's a video, so dial-uppers won't be able to load it. I'm writing up the results later this morning. Check back in around 4:00.

Let's see, and there's an interesting question posted at FOW, if you'd like to start a discussion on it in the comments.

Tomorrow is the revealing of my first contest winner!!! And! Poll results are - Skin Care is the "worlds" favourite when it comes to Avon products! :]

Lastly, there's a new post at The Pelican.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Attack of the pit bull and ugly dog.

Everyone at this point knows how much I hate evil nephews dogs... so, I've been doing what I call "protest" prayers, i.e., praying something happens to stop all the crap. Why? Because...

1. Evil dogs attacked mom's dachshund and no one cared.
2. Evil dogs attack my cats and no one cares.
3. Evil dogs attacked me and no one cares.

But tonight they attacked mom's horse - now mom cares. They chased Candy for close on 20 minutes. It was horrible. Mom's horse has arthritis and is 18 years old, and she had to take on a large mutt and a pit bull.

I won't go into full details but lets just say the stress took out my legs and I watched in horror as they went for her throat and gut. I can't even begin to describe what it was like to hear her whiny from the top of the hill, hear the dogs growling and barking and not be able to see what was happening to her.

B-H, she's alive and in better shape than the dogs. They have busted mouths and I'm sure bruised ribs from getting kicked again and again,

Mom finally put down the law - the dogs are to be chained and never allowed down here again. B"H, my cats are safe from the evil dogs - finally.

I hate it that the horse had to go through so much trauma to get their attention. If they had just listened it wouldn't have happened, but they kept insisting that no they were good dogs and he had total control over them. No one has control over an animal, especially dogs. Anyway, at least it will be peaceful again and a ton of stress off my shoulders.

In the meantime, I'm waiting for my body to recover. I'm in my wheelchair this morning. Hopefully in a few hours my body will be back to normal. :]

Make it a agreat day!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

This is cool! Click on pics for full effect. :]

Good medicine camp in the winter.

Good medicine camp winter part two!

Good Medicine Camp Spring. It's beautiful!!!

Welcome to my mini-jungle...

Complete with wild cats!!!

PS: All the scenes, minus the cats, are views from GMC. The cats are at Good Medicine Rock where the little falls empties into. With the exception of a couple water holes where the boys drank today, it's nearly dried up now.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Trespassers and Poachers

Just found out this morning ( was morning when I found out) that someone took a bulldozer onto our property, made a road with it, set up a deer feeding station and wait till the deer come up to feed and shoot them. No wonder we don't have any deer around our fields right now. I HATE POACHERS!!! DIE MAMSERS!!!!

They're not doing it for food. They do it to sell parts like heads, feet to buy drugs. I HATE POACHERS!!!!

Anyway, that's my afternoon k'vetch. I'm off to see if mom has called the Game Warden. I want those guys jailed. Actually, I want them executed.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Relax and enjoy!

Here's a lovely way to end the week! Lemon posted this of her little fish pond. Here's the link to her blog so you can read about it: Cottage by the Sea!

YEA!!!! My first contest!!!

Hey guys!!! I've got my first contest going! Some of you have gotten an email on it, most of you haven't, so go here to see how to participate!

Happy tea to ya!

Good morning!

I've updated The Litterbox and the Pelican. Jeff tells an exciting mini-tale he's sure you'll enjoy. :] The Wrinkle will be updated after I post here.

There's really nothing to tell today. Not that it's stopped me any other time, but there is even less today, with the exception that I'm freezing.

Wait! I know of something! I'm ready to murder the delivery boy from Staples. Usually when I order I get it the next day, but the delivery boy screwed up and didn't make it. So, he was supposed to come yesterday. He didn't. I called Staples. They said he had stopped by and no one was home. LIAR!!!! I was home all day. I told her my office window faces the drive and I would know if he came, and if he did in fact come why didn't he honk the horn? Because he didn't come. He LIED!

So, I'm waiting for him today, mainly so I can mock him. :] Anyway, it's frustrating because I'm out of printer ink and need to get my Avon flyers made up to post at the grocery store tomorrow. grrrr....hurry up dude so I can feed you to Jeff of the Fang!

Ok. I'm done. Off to the Wrinkle and then to breakfast - poached egg on matzah! mmmmm....