Monday, May 5, 2008

Attack of the pit bull and ugly dog.

Everyone at this point knows how much I hate evil nephews dogs... so, I've been doing what I call "protest" prayers, i.e., praying something happens to stop all the crap. Why? Because...

1. Evil dogs attacked mom's dachshund and no one cared.
2. Evil dogs attack my cats and no one cares.
3. Evil dogs attacked me and no one cares.

But tonight they attacked mom's horse - now mom cares. They chased Candy for close on 20 minutes. It was horrible. Mom's horse has arthritis and is 18 years old, and she had to take on a large mutt and a pit bull.

I won't go into full details but lets just say the stress took out my legs and I watched in horror as they went for her throat and gut. I can't even begin to describe what it was like to hear her whiny from the top of the hill, hear the dogs growling and barking and not be able to see what was happening to her.

B-H, she's alive and in better shape than the dogs. They have busted mouths and I'm sure bruised ribs from getting kicked again and again,

Mom finally put down the law - the dogs are to be chained and never allowed down here again. B"H, my cats are safe from the evil dogs - finally.

I hate it that the horse had to go through so much trauma to get their attention. If they had just listened it wouldn't have happened, but they kept insisting that no they were good dogs and he had total control over them. No one has control over an animal, especially dogs. Anyway, at least it will be peaceful again and a ton of stress off my shoulders.

In the meantime, I'm waiting for my body to recover. I'm in my wheelchair this morning. Hopefully in a few hours my body will be back to normal. :]

Make it a agreat day!


Unknown said...

Yo...that was terrible! I would be in a W/C too if I had witnessed something like that! I just hope they do keep the dogs chained and away from there. You know how people are, will comply for a while and then go back to what they want to do. Glad the horse is okay and I hope she or he kicked the sh-- out of those dogs.

Yobeeone said...

I think mom will keep it enforce. The horse was dad's and as long as it's alive she feels like she still has a piece of dad around.

What amazed me was that the dogs are alive. She really did kick the shit out of them last night and they still got right back up and try to kill her. They were bleeding at the mouth and everything.

B"H, she never fell or that would have been it. It was bad enough when she'd trip. The dogs took it as a sign and increased their efforts.

What ticks me off more than anything, was it wasn't until I started screaming at the dogs that my nephew decided to do anything about it. Up till that point, he watched it happen. I hate him.

Like I keep saying, he's evil and I wish the dogs had attacked him and not the innocent horse. He deserves it.

Unknown said...

Let us hope that the dogs will be so upset being chained up they will turn on your nephew and give him a good bite!

Yobeeone said...

That would be nice. (Yo sits back dreaming of the day.) :]

Anonymous said...

Those dogs need to be put down. Roaming packs like that which attack other animals are not safe. Next time it might be a person too.
Poor horse!! I hope he kicked them hard too.

Yobeeone said...

They do need put down. They're ruined now. As soon as they get the thrill of the chase it's all over.

Evil nephew who owns the dogs let his daughters kitten run loose outside claiming the dogs wouldn't hurt it. Naturally, the dogs grabbed it by the head, poked out it's little eye and it cost my nephew over $100 to have the cat repaired. Have I mentioned how much I hate him?