Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Howdy ho!

I updated my Bike/Run Log. I put three photos up of my training route. :] Nothing much is happening today. I'm trying to get myself to settle down and work. It's kinda hard with Bindi curled up on my desk. He looks so sweet I can't make him move.

Welp, that's it from my "nothing's happening" today. :] Make it a great one! :]

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

crazy day!

Welp, I woke up with a sinus headache. What's new. LOL

Bindi had a good nites sleep. I ran the humidifier with a Vick's type thingy in it and he didn't cough all night. I'm a happy camper.

Let's see what else happened? Nothing really. I spent most of the day using micro niche finder trying to come up with article ideas. I got caught up in the fun of my new software toy and completely lost track of time. :] I got in some strength training and tomorrow I hit the road for another run/walk. :] It's supposed to rain. I love running in the rain. :]

Welp, I'm outa here. Gotta check everyone's blog, do dishes, set my stuff out for tomorrow's run/walk and get to bed. :] Hope everyone had a great day!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hilarious moment of the day!

Sometimes Jeff's curiosity gets the best of him. Tonight a couple deer were in the yard and he decided to investigate. One of the deer wasn't very happy about it, lowered his head, stopped his front hoof and Jeff took flight!

He ran across the yard, across the drive and zipped up his favourite tree in lightening time! ROFL!!!! He refused to come down until I called him. LOL!!!!

On the not funny side, Chubby and Spotty have given Bindi their cat flu, so he's hacking all over the place and sneezed little yellow-green snot on my white t-shirt last night. I can't wait till everyone is better.

Back to the funny, yet irritating and disgusting, yet still funny moment - Spotty came over while I was sitting outside in my observation plot drawing plant life and sprayed my leg! What on earth possessed him to do that I'll never know. LOL

Welp, that was my day. I'm heading off to mop the floor and watch Ice Road Trucker. Tonight we hear Alex's dx.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Welp, haven't a clue as to what I've done to my right side, but it sure does hurt. I was up most of the night protecting it from the cats. Worse than the cats was having to sleep on my back all night. Feels like it's going to be another night of it. *sulk*

Anyway! On the bright side, I got a new video made today! I posted it at The Wrinkle. It took all day to make edit it. I'm not sure if it's my pc or because of what happens when you load a vid into YouTube, but it seems to be running a little funny when I watched it.

If anyone watches it, could you let me know if the captions are running too fast? They were timed perfect before the load. I just need to know if YouTube upload messed it up and if so, I'll have to reload it.

Welp, I'm outa here. My butts tired of sitting. LOL Make it a great night!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This has been a sleepy day. I did my run/walk (see blog). Did quite a bit of house stuff and got my soy milk made. That takes forever. It takes about 20 minutes for the milk to boil, etc. Then a good 15 - 20 to clean the milk machine and a good 20 or more for the milk to cool enough to put in jars.

Thankfully, I love my soy milk and how much money I save or my lazy self probably wouldn't do it. LOL

I did a bit of work on Avon and surrendered to a lot of naps, playing stick with the cats and picking black rasberries for tomorrow's breakfast. :]

Welp, I'm off to finish dishes, play some chess and kick back with my book. Have a great evening! :]

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

it's me!

We had a monster of a storm last night! It sounded like someone turned a fire hose on my bedroom window. Lightening was flashing everywhere. Thunder was shaking the cottage and silly little Bindi was sitting at the bedroom window watching the whole thing.

Jeff probably would have slept through it except I woke him up when I went to unplug the pc.

Cat update: Tiger hasn't been home since the last time I mentioned he returned. Spotty and Chubby have a nasty case of cat flu. And, I still haven't figured out if Kitty is still pregnant, ever was pregnant or what! Her belly is smaller. It's not lumpy like it was, but her tits should be funnier if she's nursing. oh well.....

Off to clean up the mess from last night. It blew all my recycle stuff all over the shed. It's a mess.

Make it a great evening!

Monday, July 21, 2008

monday part 2

ugh. welp, the first half the day was great. got in 2.8 miles. the humidity was a killer 81%, so my time was 52 minutes instead of 45 like it should have been at this point in the game. But that was cool! I'm proud of 2.8. By end of next week I should be pulling a 5K (3.1 miles) :]

The second half the day was a sign that the evening would suk...and it does. I'm sitting here with my sinuses killing me, I have a headache and now I have the stupid squirts. I feel miserable.

Tomorrow I'm calling the doc. Now you know I'm feeling yucky. lol

On the bright side, my Adidas running hat came today. It's mamash comfortable and much better than the one I used 20+ years ago. It's impossible to run when you're eyes are sensitive to the sun without a cap.

Anyway, feeling crappier. Off to bed. Good nite!

Laugh for the day!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Yea!!! It's the end of the week!!!!

Welp! I survived the week! I got in 7.8 miles this week. I'm proud! That gives me 16.2 for the month so far. (big proud grin)

I've got to make myself get out on the road by 7:00 AM. By 9 it's just getting way too hot. I think the humidity got me more than anything today. It was bad. My peak flow meter said my lungs were fine, but the humidity was so heavy at 76% that it was hard to breathe.

The cottage is staying a comfortable temp, but I'm not moving around too much.

Bindi is sacked out on the futon looking very comfy. :] Jeff's suicidal and likes being out in the dead heat - Bindi has more sense. He looks so cute. :]

Welp, I'm outa here for the weekend! I'm going to finish sweeping, doing dishes and mopping for Shabbos, then kicking back with "Inkheart." This is one really cool book!

Make it a great one!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

another lazy day

As much as I told myself I had to work this week - I didn't do it. I couldn't force myself after having such a hideous holiday. I had to make up for it by relaxing all week. :]

The librarian brought me a new book today. It's called, "Inkheart" by Cornelia Funke. She's brilliant! I love the way she writes. There's a cool spot at Scholastic about her books: Peek into Cornelia Funke's Writing Room.

I called today and set up a dentist appointment. He can't see me until August 19. I hope I don't have to surrender and go elsewhere. I have a tooth that's giving me fits and I can't afford any place but the clinic. grrrr... oh well....chewing on plantain should help. :]

Welp, I'm outa here to read! Catch y'all later!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

zzzzzzzzzzz Part 2!

Another sleepy day. I didn't get to bed last night until about 11:30. I was having fun writing dorky stuff and lost track of the time. duh Anyway, I held to my plan that I wouldn't open the door no matter how bad someone scratched at it. It was wonderful. :]

I updated my Bike/Run Log. I'm trying to figure out how to get some pics when I'm out without killing my camera. hmmmm.....

Welp, I'm outa here. Bindi is taking a nap on the futon and I'm about to join him. Make it a great evening!

PS: Is anyone else having a ton of trouble with their allergies this year? Mine are driving me nuts. (no comments on the "nuts" please) LOL

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I hope the kids let me sleep tonight. Naughty little beasties kept me awake all night last night. Literally all night. I've been napping like crazy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz If I can catch the cats I'll be in bed early.

(very long pause) I've been sitting here trying to think of something to write and absolutely nothing is coming to mind, so I'm goina go get ready for bed. :]

See ya tomorrow! And hopefully, I'll be more awake. :]

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sorta back and sorta fried. LOL

I was lazy and took an extra day for my holiday today. I had to have at least one day of my break that was good and this was it. :]

I updated my latest training run/walk. I've got to get some pics up at that site. All text and no pics is freaking boring.

Anyway, that's pretty much it for today. Kitty is looking good. She really doesn't look like she's going to have very many kittens. And she's getting close to having them - her tits are beginning to fill up.

Welp, I'm off to play some chess, draw crazy toons and take my millionth nap for the day.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Week Review

Welp! This wasn't exactly the best holiday in the world. LOL And I'm sorely tempted to take another week off to make up for it, but I won't. I'll take a week off next month instead. :]

So the week consisted of vertigo, migraines, back and butt spasms, stepping in cat puke (that was last night), trying not to barf from the migraines and sleeping with onions against my ears to help with earaches. (The cats liked how I smelled.)

The parts in between were great! I was still able to do one strength training workout with Core Secrets and all three of my run/walk trainings! (yo tosses cat in air to celebrate)

Today I pulled off 2.3 miles in 40 minutes. :] I'm a mamash happy camper!!! (tosses cat again and lives to tell about it) Next week I go from doing 30 seconds running/4.5 minutes walking for 40 minutes to 1 minute running to 4 minutes walking for 45 minutes!

Second most exciting thing of the week was today! My heart-rate monitor came! :] I can't wait till Monday to test it out on the road. That's going to be fun!

Lastly, does anyone else have a Curves pedometer? Any pedometer? What do you think of them?

Off to get ready for Shabbos. Still got a good bit of housecleaning to do. Make it a great weekend!

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not the holiday I'd planned on. sulk sulk

Ok! So far, I've had a migraine for a good 3 or 4 days of my mini-holiday, which has led me to rebel and decide I'm not going back to work until next Monday. :]

Not much has been happening. Morris looks great! In fact, he's disappeared. I guess he's enjoying having his body back to normal.

Squeeky's abscess is slowly shrinking. Jeff is up to his usual antics. Bindi stuck his whiskers up my nose yesterday and got slapped. He was surprised. I guess he thought I liked his exceptionally long whiskers up my nose. LOL

Most of my time has been spent putting ice packs on my achy head, watching Stargate Atlantis reruns (i download them from itunes) and a very late spring housing cleaning. Oh! And I've been playing hours and hours of chess to help me forget about my achy head.

Back to cottage cleaning! When I had to use my crutches last week I discovered how non-handicap my cottage had become, so I'm working hard at getting everything cleared out.

Welp, I'm outa here! Off to do a wee update on my Bike/Running blog. I'll snoop around later this evening to read up on everyone's posts. Make it a great day! :]

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Taking it easy...

Cat updates:

Squeeky's mega-abscess is shrinking! B"H!

Morris the Stray:
His ear isn't as swollen, but still looks gross and disgusting! B"H, he no longer smells like infection. That was really gross and scared the crap outa me. It's a really bad sign when that happens.

Anyway, I bought disposable gloves today so I don't continue grossing myself out working on his mess.

Other Updates!

I'm updating my bike/run blog shortly here. It's full of excitement! zzzzzzzzz....

I'm also taking work and shoving it out the window until Monday or Tuesday, depends on how much fun I'm having. Anyway, my tiny pea brain needs a holiday, so I'm going to be playing chess, chasing the cats, reading and making ridiculous videos that make absolutely no sense. I might even post a few! Eventually. Maybe. I'll think about it.

I have a really cool video I've been dying to make about "Amish Sightings!" Mom even volunteered to help me get snap shots and stuff to film what's happening to the Amish around here! We did the shots a couple weeks ago. I'm proud to say I didn't get run over by a buggy, trampled by a horse or hit by a car during the initial filming.

Anyway, so .... long pause....heck I'm might not come back to work until next Wednesday. longer pause....

Welp! I'm outa here. Oh! And did I mention Kitty is pregnant? Not kidding! We've got a new round of kittens to raise. I hope she only has 3. although it feels like she's got at least 5 in her. That will put me back up to a dozen again. Good thing I adore cats.

Catch ya later!

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Oh where oh where has the little cat gone?

I have no clue. Morris disappeared after breakfast this morning and hasn't returned. That worries me because he desperately needs his medicine.

I was surprised to see him gone because he's barely moved the past couple days. Yesterday he only got up to eat, drink and that was it. Hopefully, he'll come back before bed time. He's so miserable I'm surprised he hasn't tossed himself under a passing car. Poor baby.

Hope everyone had a great day!