Thursday, July 23, 2009

Give me liberty...

Todays speech tidbits come from Patrick Henry, most famous for his line "Give me liberty, or give me death." The "Give me liberty…" speech was made in March 1775. Though the speech was directed at the oppression of Britain, it's quite fitting towards the illegal alien occupying the White House and his cronies, who like himself, hate the Constitution and are slowly taking our freedoms away one by one. So, Henry's speech, like Paine's, is quite appropriate.

With that said - here we go:


"If we wish to be free…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!

…The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave...There is no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable - and let it come!

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry peace, peace - but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!

…Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty G-d! I know not what course others may take - but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thomas Paine: The Crisis (1776)

"These are the times that try men's souls. That summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country: but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated…

I call not upon a few, but upon all; not on this state or that state, but on every state; up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at state. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it… 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."



Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm so confused…



So tonite I'm out with Little Bo trying to work on the "trust" factor, when up pops Blackie, her mom, who happens not to be her mom, but one of her dads. Yes, I finally got a good view of Blackie and Blackie has balls!

So go figure. Since when do male cats raise kittens? He took three kittens, to my door and showed them where to get food. When LB was lost or wherever LB was, He crazy trying to find her.

So who is the mom? I'm guessing it's Kitty. When Kitty gave birth to the original crowd, she was the worst mother on earth - she kept trying to kill them and I had to make her lie down and feed the little buggers.

This time, if they are really hers, she totally abandoned them and left them to the father. LoL

So that's the latest on LB and her totally dysfunctional family.

BTW, she's trying really hard to get as physically close to me as she can. She got within a few feet of me tonight and hung with me all evening. That was cool. : )


Friday, July 10, 2009

Revenge is sweet

This morning the masked bandit family bit the dust. Jerry didn't answer his phone this morning, as usual, and he's heading for Cols for the weekend, so I shot them. Not Jerry and his wife - I shot the coons.

Surprisingly, it didn't bother me one bit. Last nite I'd stepped out onto the porch and all 4 started growling and charged me.

Then one slipped around the side of the cottage and I heard a cat cry out, which meant it got attacked.

Then this morning, one played Houdini and escaped. It attacked Jeff. So, after watching all that happened, I realised they really were the ones who killed the kittens.

That's what made it easy to shoot them. Revenge. I don't care what anyone says - revenge is sweet and I feel quite happy now.

That probably sounds cruel, but for the past few days Blackie has been scouring Little Bo's hangouts crying for him. It's heartbreaking.

On an interesting note. They killed 3 kittens. I killed 3 small coons, plus their mother. When I killed her, I said, "That's for breaking their mother's heart." And bang.

If I'd only listened to mom to begin with the kittens would still be alive. She kept saying shoot the coons. But nooooo, I had to be compassionate and tell mom I couldn't shoot or trap the mother because she had kids.

Oddly, she showed up with the whole family, got trapped and now they're gone.

It's nice to know I don't have to worry about the cats being attacked for awhile. I won't get into how much money I'll save in cat food, as they were eating everything that went out.

Now if the possum who showed up last nite behaves - we'll have some peace at the cottage. : )


Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Squeeky Bandits Gang

Outside in what I call the jail, Spotty spends a lot of time there here lately, are 3 young coons. In a live trap next to their jail cell, is their mom. It took awhile to get her trapped. She was slightly shy since I'd already trapped her twice in the past 5 days. But she's trapped nonetheless.

I caught them eating all the cat food on the porch. I'd put out extra food for Blackie the Gimp. Anyway, I couldn't make them leave. They haven't learned that humans are to be feared yet. So I left them to the food.

I checked on them a little bit later and low and behold, in the big water pan was one of the little ones enjoying a good bath. Well, it wasn't really a bath, it had it's little paws going along the bottom feeling for food. It was kinda funny, if you forgot the cats drink from that thing. Crikey! How many nights have those naughty little beasts been sticking their stinky butt and feet in there? Oy!

Anyway, once they left the porch, I tried to scare them off with my pistol. They never budged. It was like I'd never done a thing. Why is that? I think it's because they hear guns going off all the time. If they lived in a wood that was quiet, the loud sounds would have scared them off. Sadly, they live in a very noisy world. Not only with audio, but light noise as well. There's no place in this section of the valley that's dark. There's street lights every where.

The lack of genuine darkness has changed their eating and foraging habits. Nocturnals now spend almost as much time, it seems, hunting by day as by night.

Anyway, off my theories and on to tomorrow. I have to call Jerry before he leaves for Columbus. I need him to help me ditch the coons before he goes to Columbus for the weekend. Who knows, maybe his wife would be interested in seeing the young ones before they go. He has the truck, so it should be an easy transport.

What I like is that they'll be relocated as a family. On the other hand, if they're the ones who killed my precious Bo, I hope someone shoots them all.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A morning quickie!

Hey all!  Little Bo is still alive, I think.  At least he was last night.  I named him Little Bo, the kitten in Julie Andrews Edwards book.  Ok, if you've ever read the book, Little Bo is a girl, BUT Bo can also be a boys name, so this isn't like Bindi having a girls name.  That was an accident of him being too long-haired to see his weenie.  LOL

Anyway, still trying to get close enough to get a pic.  No luck yet.

Now for a k'vetch.  I hate July 4.  The neighbours will be shooting fireworks off for an enternity.  One landed a few feet from my bedroom window.  I wasn't happy.

I was luckier than my Uncle Mick in Middleport.  One sailed right into his attic window.  That brought the cops over real quick like.  Mick, the guy who was launching literally several thousand dollars worth off in the old football field will be paying for that one.

I've been afraid one may land on one of the cats or deer.  An object shaped like an arrow and sinks deep in the ground when it lands will penetrate an animal with no problem.

Anyway, that's the weekend news.  Oh wait!  One more thing.  My Aunt Mimmie gave me $50 to put towards my mini-laptop!  I'm one super happy camper!  : )