Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Squeeky Bandits Gang

Outside in what I call the jail, Spotty spends a lot of time there here lately, are 3 young coons. In a live trap next to their jail cell, is their mom. It took awhile to get her trapped. She was slightly shy since I'd already trapped her twice in the past 5 days. But she's trapped nonetheless.

I caught them eating all the cat food on the porch. I'd put out extra food for Blackie the Gimp. Anyway, I couldn't make them leave. They haven't learned that humans are to be feared yet. So I left them to the food.

I checked on them a little bit later and low and behold, in the big water pan was one of the little ones enjoying a good bath. Well, it wasn't really a bath, it had it's little paws going along the bottom feeling for food. It was kinda funny, if you forgot the cats drink from that thing. Crikey! How many nights have those naughty little beasts been sticking their stinky butt and feet in there? Oy!

Anyway, once they left the porch, I tried to scare them off with my pistol. They never budged. It was like I'd never done a thing. Why is that? I think it's because they hear guns going off all the time. If they lived in a wood that was quiet, the loud sounds would have scared them off. Sadly, they live in a very noisy world. Not only with audio, but light noise as well. There's no place in this section of the valley that's dark. There's street lights every where.

The lack of genuine darkness has changed their eating and foraging habits. Nocturnals now spend almost as much time, it seems, hunting by day as by night.

Anyway, off my theories and on to tomorrow. I have to call Jerry before he leaves for Columbus. I need him to help me ditch the coons before he goes to Columbus for the weekend. Who knows, maybe his wife would be interested in seeing the young ones before they go. He has the truck, so it should be an easy transport.

What I like is that they'll be relocated as a family. On the other hand, if they're the ones who killed my precious Bo, I hope someone shoots them all.


My Road thru Life said...

You going to have to get rid of those coons!!

Unknown said...

Hope the coons are relocated by the time you read this. I don't think I could handle them eating the cat food if I had cats outside!! I would be tempted to do more than relocate