Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sleepy, sleepy morning

Good morning!

I had some really wild dreams last night. My cats got sick and I was trying to kill them to put them out of their misery by chopping them up with an ax. That's the last time I watch "The Burbs" right before bedtime. LOL

Yesterday was so much fun. It's the first time in I don't know how long that I actually felt alive. All I did all day was play outside gathering walnuts to put in my Shabbos bread and foraging the hillside for roots and nutts. Did I touch Avon? Nope. I figure I'll live to regret that move, but if I could live yesterday over again - I wouldn't change a thing. :]

This morning I chopped up some store bought mushrooms and stuck them in the dehydrator. I hope I don't forget they're in there. LOL

Off to daven (pray), get my Torah reading in and dive in on Avon. Have a fun day! Enjoy the great weather while it lasts! :]


Unknown said...

HIDE Jeff!!


Yobeeone said...

I have a chain saw! That beats an ax any day! muuhahahaaa...*cough* *cough* hairball pops out. jeff tosses it in envelope and sends to Boots.

Anonymous said...

Nut bread, wow that sounds great. Keep that ax away the kitten please!!

mrsmel said...

It did MY heart good to hear that you had such a wonderful day! Nice to have those occasionally. You deserve many more. Huge hugs

Yobeeone said...

I want to pick up some bananas today and have banana nut bread for shabbos. mmmm..... I drool!

LOL!! No more watching The Burbs before bed time! That will get rid of the axes! :]

Thanks, Mrs! :] May we all have lots of days like that one! Especially our body parts working well enough to pull stuff off. :]