Friday, January 11, 2008

Howdy ho!

You guys know how when our bodies get put under pressure they collapse, so to speak? That's me. :] I've collapsed. *yo hits the floor. Jeff comes over and sprays her.*

Anyway, I'm taking the day off and resting. I'm calling it my pre-Shabbos crash. :] Mom's taking me to the grocery store shortly and afterwards I'm coming home, curling up on the futon and read till Shabbos. :] *contented sigh*

Hope everyone has a great weekend! *yo falls asleep at keyboard*

Blogged with Flock


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better Yo. Take care of yourself. You've probably been trying to do too much. Take care. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Rest well my friend.

Jeff!!! no no no

Yobeeone said...

I got in some rest, and then took the boys (jeff & bindi) on a long hike. It was a really nice day. :]