Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Evil beasts from hell

I looked out the kitchen window this morning and there was a massive dog and a not so massive dog staring back at me. The big dog was literally the size of a pony (maybe taller) and the other was about half his size.

Out came my slingshot! Unfortunately, the sweatpants I had on didn't have pockets, so I wasn't able to keep the onslaught of rocks flying. The evil mongrels caught on. So I ran in the house and pulled out my 22 pistol!

By the time I got out, the shorter varmint was running full speed down the field and the other was half way up the hill. I fired in the air to scare him off. It worked. He ran for his life.

Meanwhile, I went about the yard yelling for the cats, while looking like a stupid redneck with my holster hanging from my belt.

B"H, my cats are fine. Everyone had run for the trees. I'm hoping the stupid mongrels will cross the road and pester the neighbours. The neighbours will shoot them. :]

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