Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So Cool!

Today I ordered Artscrolls' Mishkan DVD program. This thing is so awesome!!!! Can't wait till it gets here - should be Friday.

Here's a glimpse! (I've probably posted this before, but hey! 4 strokes! Dystonia and very little sleep - I have no clue of anything. LOL)


Anonymous said...

Hope it comes early so you can spend some time playing with it.
Very dramatic video.

Yochana said...

I'll have a good hour or a little more to play. (beaming till you need sunglasses)

I love the music! I keep playing in the background while I'm working. lol

The great thing is parashat Terumah isn't going to make me slip into a coma or make my eyes go crossed ever again. LOL

Unknown said...

Looks so interesting.....I can appreciate, really I can!