Thursday, April 3, 2008

I hate dogs part 2,762

Good morning!

Starting the morning out with a couple cute stories. Bindi jumped on my bed last night, put his little furry arm across my shoulder just as far as he could stretch it and went to sleep. He was so cute.

Later, Jeffie jumped in bed. I was too tired to give him his usual greeting, so he tried to wake me up by shoving his cold wet nose in my ear and sniffing. ROFL!!!

When he was little his nickname was "Sniffer" because he went through the house sniffing everything really loud. LOL He doesn't do it so much anymore, but when he does it's really cute. :]

We're back under a flood watch till sometime Shabbos. Unless something mamash major happens I don't see us getting 2-3" of rain. I've been monitoring the charts and there's not enough out there to cause any damage. Of course, that could change, but I'm not too worried.

I'm off to clean up the cottage. Have a great day everyone!


Unknown said...

Good luck on NOT having flood problems. We are supposed to get rain too and I sure hope it doesn't mean flooding rains. Cute kitties, they can be so sweet......when it suits them.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you don't have to worry about flooding this time. It sounds so cute the way the kittens come into bed with you. So cozy and cute.

Yobeeone said...

This morning, Jeff was jealous of Bindi lying with his head on the pillow and his arm around my shoulder, so Jeff got on my head. Glad he didn't put his hiney in my face. LOL

I'm hoping my predictions are right. The storm has grown since this morning. Hopefully it will stay mostly south of us.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

"Does reverse rain dance" to drive rain away.

from: Chief Lemon-Pie-in-Face of the Evil Monkeys Steal my Underwear tribe.

Yobeeone said...

ROFL!!! You've been drinking fermented lemon juice again, haven't you! ROFL