Thursday, April 24, 2008

Howdy ho!

Hey everyone! Day two and the onion worked again! :] The down side? Onions make my bedroom smell like a boys locker room. *gag*

Anywho! I just updated The Litterbox! Jeff tells his latest exciting and slightly disgusting adventure! Jeff says it's one you're sure to enjoy. :]

Jeff still isn't up to par yet with his allergies and everything, so we didn't go on the hill. Instead, he slept and me, Bindi and Squeeky went down and hung out at the creek. It's so nice and cool there.

Anyway, I sat watching for wildlife and Squeeky spent her time attacking Bindi every time he went to pee. It finally got to the point that Bindi was whining because he had to go so bad and Squeeky wasn't letting him. ROFL Poor little baby. LOL

So, that's been today's highlights! No wait! One more! The librarian came today and brought me a National Geo video. "Nightmares of Nature: Night Stalkers, Human Encounters with Bats, Rats and Poisonous Insects!" The dark side of nature!!!! eeeee....Jeff better not watch or I'm sure he'll have another exciting tale to tell. :]

Have a great evening!


Unknown said...

Good to know the remedy is working. Did Jeff ever go to the Vet for his allergies?

Yochana said...

LOL tonight will be yonion's big test! It's supposed to rain tomorrow and I always get a sinus headache before it does - so we shall see!

Jeff's main problem is hair balls. He refuses to take the med for it. He refuses to eat butter. He refuses to eat margarine. So, today I got mad and put it on his paw. Now he has no choice. :]

Anonymous said...

I just want to know how you know what a boys locker room smells like?? lol

Yobeeone said...

LOL! It's like this! When I was a teen taking martial arts, we trained at the Jr. High building. Naturally, the only place to change was the boys locker room! And believe me...even 5 hours after school was out - that room still stunk! LOL