Monday, April 28, 2008

A good soggy morning to ya!

Yea it's raining, pesach is over and life is back to normal.  :]  The cats were so happy to have their old cat food back.  They're not used to eating cat food that costs $29.99 for a $10 bag (Science Diet).  They prefer their $8.99 Purina Kit and Kaboodle!  I prefer it too!  :]

Some really cool things happened over the weekend.  Shabbos, I went hiking and saw a pair of Baltimore Orioles!  I haven't seen them in years!  Then I saw a box turtle (first of the season).

Yesterday, I saw a red spotted newt.  I've been waiting for them to pop out and now they're here!  I love newts.  :]

Anyway!  Me and Jeff had an exciting adventure yesterday and he's insisting on posting his later.  :]  I'm posting mine at the Pelican.  One of these stories actually happened!  The other is the product of a warped mind!   

Have a great day!!!!
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Anonymous said...

Your just a regular outdoor sports person. I wouldn't know one of those thing from the other. I think it's so neat the way you know all these things. Enjoy.

Unknown said...

A product of a warped mind! Boots says it is yours LOL

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Newts remind me of Monty Pythons bit:
guy:That lady's a witch!
fellow:"Oh , really?
guy: Yes, she turned me into a newt!
fellow: Well, you dont look like a newt.
guy: (sheepishly) I got better!

Its a "you had to be there" kind of thing sorry.

You had a great day yesterday. Have another one today!