Friday, April 11, 2008

Good morning!

Yesterday was a busy day. My cousins came in from Washington, as in state. I hadn't seen Steven for probably 20 years or so.

I spent most of the day working on putting up an audio on tick tips. It should have been up within 10 minutes or so, but my audio software refused to work, so I had to track down some new software. Long story short, after 5 hours of mind numbing work, I finally got it up. It was worth it though.

It used to be when I put up audio you had to wait for it to download. Now you just click the play button and it automatically starts playing. No delays. :] You can check it out here if you want: Click me.

I'm off to breakfast. Jeff put up his pic yesterday at the Litterbox. Have a great weekend!

PS: I still don't have my new camcorder. Turns out the guy I bought it from doesn't bother to mail things out until he thinks he has enough orders to go to the post office. I paid out a freaking $13.99 shipping for that? Guess who's getting a really bad write up at eBay? grrrr....

1 comment:

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Expensive shipping for bad service.
shabbat shalom!! Enjoy babganoush and humus