Monday, February 11, 2008

Land of the Missing Balls..coming to a cat near you.

Poor Jeff is sitting at the vets having his balls zapped. I felt so bad leaving him off and hearing him cry as they carried him away - I nearly grabbed him and ran for it.

But! I was sick of him peeing (spraying) on my seforim (Torah books), my sink, tub, dishes, my pants leg, bed, walls, futon, Avon boxes, desk, file cabinet, everything in the closet and bedroom, etc., so he had to stay.

I'm supposed to pick him up at 3:00. He's going to hate me when he leans back to lick his balls and they're gone. Bindi will probably laugh at him, the girls will squeal with glee and I'll be happy knowing my house won't stink anymore. Well, except for the deer skull and leg bones I brought down.

Anyway! I'm off to get a little time on the hill. I'm hoping to finish my debris hut today. :] There's an update at Wrinkle World. It tells a little about my adventure yesterday. I'll be putting an update at the Pelican later. I have some pics I want to post. :]

Have a great one!


Unknown said...

Poor Jeff. I wish he could have had it done when he was too young to know what what happening! Will this really keep him from spraying?

Yobeeone said...

I know. It breaks my heart to have had to do this. I'd loved to have seen what his kids would have looked like. He's such a handsome cat, with a great line.

There's no guarantees that this will stop his spraying, but it does work on most cats. I hope it works for him. (yo falls on knees pleading with Hashem for it to work.)

The good part, he won't be so inclined to roam and he'll stop crying to get out at night.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

He might develop a bit of a pot belly. Mine did afterwards, like little old men.
But they never did spray. They were more rambuncious and they are sweeter now too.
They seem to heal really quick from this.

Yobeeone said...

Glad Jeff is naturally skinny. Hope that doesn't end too much. :]

More rambuncious????? oy! He's already helter skelter through the house. LOL

That's a relief to know they heal quickly. I've only had to have females fixed because of the spread of cat flu. They don't heal fast.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

No no no ... lol, I meant he was more rambuncious BEFORE the operation.. not after LOL> sorry about that.

Yobeeone said...

How dare you frighten me!!!!! lol