Wednesday, February 6, 2008

And then there was rain...

B"H, we just missed getting flooded. The side creek came out of it's banks and the one in front came up to the bridge, but not over. *whew* Elsewhere the roads were flooded over and the Ohio is expected to crest sometime Shabbos. This was a messy one.

I mentioned going to the barn if I got flooded. Mom hates cats, so this was my best option. Besides, I had already put my tent and a chair in their when I was preparing the outside crap for a flood, so all I'd had to do was pop the tent up and make meself at home. LOL

Welp, the sun is trying to come out and I want to get on the hill. So! Catch y'all later.

PS: Jeff is sick of being wet. I bent down to dry his belly earlier and he rolled onto his back so I could do it right. LOL Poor baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sweet little Jeffie.