Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jeffinator update

The bad boy of spraying hasn't been stopped. If he couldn't get a spray out, he squatted and peed! So! Jeff the Evil Sprayer shall not be stopped by surgery. He even shot Bindi in the face. Bindi wasn't happy.

The bad boy of surgery has managed to pull part of his stitches out. I'm iced in. We have no car. My brother has it at work - over an hour away. The vet wanted him to come back in, but there's no way until tomorrow. Meanwhile, a long piece of string is dangling from Jeff's balls, which the vet said I'm not allowed to cut and remove.

So, my day is being spent keeping an eye on my little Jeffie and making sure he doesn't hurt himself anymore than he already has. Naughty boy. And yes, my nerves will be completely frayed by morning. :]


Unknown said...

I sure hope you make it to tomorrow and Jeff gets to the Vet before he does himself in or you! Thinking positive thoughts that after he realizes spraying is doing him no good he will quit!!

Yobeeone said...

I hope I can too.

Jeff bit the long string off. There's a smaller one hanging at the moment. Hopefully it will stay, because he's not healed yet.

If it breaks loose tonight, with the King of Tugging, I'm calling my niece-in-law, the nurse. If all else fails, she can stitch him back together. LOL

Unknown said...

I am so worried about him and I know you are too. Good luck.