Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a night!!!!

I was outside playing with Jeff and Squeeky and spotted a couple deer. One shot off and out of sight. Then the other shot off. Next thing I knew the two were chasing each other all over the hillside, kicking up their heels and obviously having a great time. :]

A few minutes later, a third deer joined in the fun and it was all out chaos - white tails flying everywhere! LOL! I went back in when they disappeared, walked in the kitchen and - yip! You guessed it! There was a deer looking back at me through the kitchen window! A second came up from behind and we all stood there staring at one another.

I managed to back off and out to the porch. Jeff was happy that he could sit and rub against me, until - ANOTHER FLASH OF WHITE!!!! A rabbit shot across in front of me and it's little white tail was bobbing about! Jeff was on the run!

Meanwhile, the two deer made their way around the cottage to where I was sitting. The larger deer raised it's nose high in the air trying to get a whiff of me, lowered his head and went back to eating.

At one point, Jeff got too close to the larger one and it slammed a hoof down with a thud that sent Jeff back to me. :]

The closes they got to me was about 8'. It was so cool! For once the neighbourhood dogs weren't barking so it was quiet enough to hear them tear the grass, chew and listen to their hooves against the limestone drive.

What a way to end the day! :] Good nite!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A beautiful story. I can just picture it reading what you wrote. Isn't nature something?!