Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time change

I can't believe all the snow from yesterday is nearly melted. Yea!!!!! Green grass again! :]

Jeff is sick. He's been puking, he's sneezing a lot, his eyes are watery and his poopie is a bit loose. I'm hoping it clears up so I don't have to take him to the vet. I know it's cat flu, but sometimes it can get out of hand.

Bindi has reached maximum puberty. About 4 days ago, his hormones finally kicked in full blast and he's driving us all crazy. I liked it better when his little hormones were just teasing us all. LOL

B"H, it looks like we're going to be rain free till Thursday. That gives me a good four days to work on my little cabin. :] I can't wait.

Off to take a nap. Time changes always get me. :]


Unknown said...

You must not have gotten as much snow as us. We are still digging out. No green grass showing at all. I don't think I heard about this cabin or else I am have an MS (mind slowdown) attack. Boots sends best wishes for Jeff's recovery.

Yobeeone said...

We only got about 4 or 5" of snow. I think closer to 4. Glad it wasn't more. :]

My cabin! I've been working on a design for my tiny cabin, made from logs and covered in mud and clay to seal it. Until, that is, I came across and excellent design for enlarging and improving my tepee!

I learned that I can install a loft, if I get the external frame strong enough! That'd be cool! I love my tepee. :]

Anonymous said...

You sure must not have gotten much snow if it's already melting. Oh I just read above. I hope Jeff feels better and I hope you can control Bindi. What is your tepee made of? I thought it was a tent?

Yobeeone said...

Little Jeffie is slowly coming around. Wish he'd improve faster, although I am enjoying the peace and quite. LOL

My tepee is made of 2 walmart tarps, a shower curtain and a tent cover. lol! If the weather ever improves and stays that way for longer than 24 hours, I'll be able to improve the structure. :]