Sunday, March 16, 2008

A bang in the night!

Last night me and Chubby had a scare.  A big dog (from the deep sound) was in the yard down by the creek barking wildly at something. 

Me and Chubby dived out of bed and raced to the window.  She was so cute.  She put her little paws on the window seal and slowly raised her head up just enough to see out, then ducked and looked up at me. 

I gave her a pat, grabbed my pistol and ran out the door.  It only took one shot to send the dog flying.  I hate dogs.  Anyway, had he treed Tiger?  A coon?  No clue.  I took my flashlight out and searched the trees, but got too cold before I could go the entire creek line. 

Earlier today I went out to see if I could find the brutes tracks.  He must have stayed on debris because I couldn't find any prints in the mud or sand.  BUT!  I did find a skull and the vast majority of it's skeleton.  It's a coon skull.  He couldn't have been but a year old.  Since we haven't had coons around for a long time, it must have been from last year or maybe a little before.

Anyway, it's now sitting on my tiny wildlife museum case in a ziplock bag.  :]  I'll post a pic tomorrow. 
Blogged with the Flock Browser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You lead such an exciting and interesting life. There is always something going on that's interesting. Looking for to seeing the picture. Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya.