Sunday, March 30, 2008


I took Jeff and Squeeky on a Shabbos hike yesterday. We explored along the streams, checked out the pond and spent some time at Good Medicine camp.

It was an exciting trip because I found chickweed and stinging nettle - both of which shall end up on my plate. :] But I also found something else! Something I didn't want to see! Something that sent shivers down my spine! It was - my first snake of the year. Notice, no exclamation point. I wasn't excited.

Neither Jeff or Squeeky saw him. I'm surprised I did! He was just a little garter snake, about 12 - 13" long, all curled up beside a rock. I couldn't believe he was out on such a cold day and not even in the sun. So! I took advantage of it. There was a stick next to him, so I picked it up and stuck it under his belly and gave him a lift. He was stiff, but I think fear woke him up. (evil grin)

Anyway, his evil little presence was a warning signal to be careful exploring the woods now. (bummer) Our hillside is chock a block full of snakes and where I hang out is prime snake territory. I'm hoping to go up today and clear out some of the snake hiding places around camp.

So that was yesterday's exciting hike! :] Make it a great day!

PS: The movie Fitna is back up on my FOW blog. Remember, it is not for the politically sensitive or those with weak stomachs.


Unknown said...

Have I ever told you I am scared to death of snakes?!!! I don't even like worms. When I was a little girl someone threw worms at me on the school playground....a nasty boy! Anyway, Boots and I are in awe of you now LOL

Yobeeone said...

Did I mention I was shaking inside when I did this? LOL I'm trying to overcome my fear of them. If I don't, I'll have to stay off the hillside all summer and Jeff would never forgive me - or stop trying to shred my flesh with a weed-eater! LOL

Unknown said...

My buddy in Florida has black snakes that keep coming in her yard. Her lab goes nuts

Yobeeone said...

LOL! That must be great entertainment!

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

I chased one from my pond with a shovel batting him all the way. Poor guy is afraid of me now.