Monday, March 17, 2008

2nd post of the day!

Here's the coon skull I found yesterday! Cool, isn't it?!!!

Here's another coon I found today. This one was older than the one above and still had a lot of meat attached. Not a good pic, but if you look mamash close, you can see the flesh beside the eyeball.

Here's it's pelvic bone.

Isn't this a lovely post? (evil grin) You can go eat supper now. (even more evil grin)


Unknown said...

Jeff is right......You are evil!!

Yobeeone said...

Jeff also thinks I'm cruel and heartless because I insisted he get rid of his best buddies - ear mites! :]

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting. Do you save these and do something with them?

Yobeeone said...

Nope! I throw the ear mites out! LOL

But seriously folks! I have the first skull I found in a Glad bag with an index card in it with my collection data. I'm making a tiny museum, for my own entertainment, of animals, plants, amphibians, reptiles and trees on the farm. :]

I have a deer skull and snake skin outside. I need to put the snake skin out in the rain. Jeff peed all over it. lol

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Jeff needs a good thorough talking to!
Cool skeleton collection.

Yobeeone said...

I'm glad I was able to collect the bones while I could. The flood took everything away.