Friday, March 14, 2008


Last week I closed with the massacre. This week is a look at the victims who were murdered in the massacre. You've seen their blood splattered on the Torah and floor. You've seen the muzlims celebrating the massacre - now here's the faces of those they murdered.

One week later, there's eight families with an empty seat at the Shabbos table tonight. There's one less grandchild to send a gift to next week during Purim. And the world remains silent because we're only Jews.

The victims of the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva. Top row: Avraham David Moses (16), Ro'i Roth (18), Neria Cohen (15), Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar (16); Bottom row: Yochai Lifshitz (18), Segev Peniel Avihail (15), Yehonadav Haim Hirschfeld (19), Doron Meherete (26).


Unknown said...

Only Jews! The chosen people. Bless the families of these children

Yochana said...

Thank you, Lo.

The world forgets that Hashem said to Israel, "Those who bless you will be blessed, and those who curse you will be cursed." I prefer blessings. :]

Anonymous said...

Those poor children, and their poor families. My heart goes out to them.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Neria Cohen looks lke he is about 9 years old!! A baby!
These poor families. So much hate in the world and so little reason for it.

Yobeeone said...

I know. He really does look about that old. I can't imagine what this past Shabbos was like for the families. It would just push the reality in even more painfully deeper.