Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Feeling better

I'm feeling a lot better than I did yesterday. Yesterday was freaking tough. My body felt like I needed to pull out my wheelchair for the day. I decided to stay in bed instead watching:
  1. Tremors marathon
  2. Wishbone
  3. The British mini-series "North and South."
  4. And the British mystery series "Campion."
Anyway, my weather predictions were bang on and we never came close to the flood they kept predicting. B"H!

I'm hoping to catch up on housecleaning and my course today. The sky is supposed to clear up, so maybe I'll be able to head up to the tepee and hang out there a bit. Maybe. :]

I'm off to breakfast and take the latest weather readings. Have a great day!

PS: Three cheers to the Republicans who went out and voted for Hillary so the muzlim wouldn't win! Three cheers to the arabs who refused to vote for who they call, "the black muzlim." Yes folks, even they know he is.

Go Hillary!!! We're doomed whether Hil gets the presidency or a Republican, so what the heck, go Hillary. :]


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Glad you are feeling better , now stay that way doggone it!
Obama came out of nowhere and his background is shady. His friends are awful , lots of scandals and his church is odd to say the least.

Yobeeone said...

Sadly - I spoke to soon. About a half hour after this post, my stomach was killing me. grrrr....

Right now I'm eating orange sherbert. It always make my tummy feel good.

Mom and I were talking about elections earlier. She had to agree, that at least with Hillary you know what you're getting. LOL There will never be surprises with her. Can't say that about the rest. LOL

Anonymous said...

So glad your feeling better. Oh I'm reading above and I'm seeing your stomach in not good. Well Terry's not feeling well either. Stomach too and achy all over. Sounds like flu to me. Hope you feel better soon.