Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The muzlim approach to education

[America's fate hangs in the balance. A few short days from now the elections will determine whether we become a socialist, marxist, communist, muzlim regime or remain free.

Therefore I shall rant and make no apologies as to how many people I offend, who I offend, how much hate mail I get, and who refuses to ever speak to me again. I seriously don't care.

For people to apologise for telling the truth at this point is absurd. Liberals are dead set on destroying our country. They're ready to turn it over to someone who wants to destroy us from the inside out. Therefore I don't apologise.

Particularly today when I woke with a sinus headache and some stupid idiot decided to have some fun tapping on my windows at 1:20 AM.

If they come back tonight and I catch them before they run - they get shot at. If I'm lucky, I might even hit one. Don't muck with a woman going through menopause. lol]

“It is our moral obligation to give an equal education, Pre-K through college, to every child born in America.” --the muzlim

If that comment doesn't make you sick - I doubt anything will. "Equal education?" He didn't say "equal opportunity." What's the difference between the two?

Equal opportunity
= if you apply yourself and work hard, you have a chance to make something of yourself. We'll even provide a few tools to help - like more scholarships! But! You have to work for them just like anybody else.

Equal education = Regardless of whether you work or not - you'll have the exact same education as someone who applies themselves and has earned the right to higher education.

But since you haven't applied yourself, that's cool. Higher education will be way too hard for you, so we'll lower the standards and teaching level to ensure you have an equal education and catch on.

SAT's? ACTS? Don't worry about it. You'll never pass if you haven't applied yourself, so we'll either eliminate them or make them easier so you can pass and have an equal education as those with brains.

Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, Hocking College, Princeton? Can smaller colleges compete with these guys and raise their teaching and education standards high enough to be equal? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. The biggies will have to lower their standards in all areas to that of your basic college.

By the way, private universities will have to end. They descriminate and that doesn't fit our agenda.

For those wanting into the medical field. No problem! Even if you're a moron with the intelligence of an amoeba under equal education you will now have the right to train in the medical profession.

What about the pre-K through high school level? There will no longer be advanced classes. They're offensive and makes people who are ignorant feel bad.

There will also be no more special schools for the brilliant kids. Why? That's not "equal education" and we can't have that.

What does that do for the morale of the intelligent? It will kill them because they're not allowed to use their intellect to the fullest. It's demoralising, but tough luck. That's your problem for being so smart. Live with it.

What about homeschooling? You've got to be kidding. Do you really think
we can allow homeschooling in an "equal education" society? Seriously! There's no way.

Kids homeschooled are usually smarter than their in-school counterparts and that's just not fair or equal.

Homeschooling will end, folks.

Welcome to EQUAL EDUCATION! Wake up!

For further reading, try wikipedia and if you're willing to accept the truth, perhaps you'll see the similarities are more than similarities - it's the direction we are heading.

Communism and Marxism

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My Road thru Life said...

Thanks Yo, for putting it into words that the liberals can understand. I hope!

Yochana said...

Thanks Judy! Glad you liked the read. :] It would be really nice if it did open some eyes.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Homeschooling is the enemy of totalitarian government. You need public education to instill propaganda into children. Our universities have done that of late. Education there is not what it once was. It is now a bastion of Marxist thought.
Joe McCarthy was not all wrong as some think.
Hitler banned home schooling first thing and it is still against the law in Germany.

I cannot believe that anyone who sits down and does an honest look at Obama could vote for him in good conscience. I think most who will vote are caught up in the nice sound of the words but they don't take them apart to see what he is really saying.
By his own admission he is drawn to Marxists. Thats chilling and scary.
God help America if he is elected.

John Holton said...

This is great! I've linked to it.

Yochana said...

Thanks John!

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Wow John I love your profile picture, you handsome devil you!

Yochana said...

ROFL Lemon!