Monday, October 13, 2008

2nd post for the day

Spent yesterday exploring the creek with the kids. They were hilarious. Jeffie was really wound up and ricocheting off everything he could find.

Bindi practised his jumping techniques over the water...failing a few times. Squeeky held to her position on the bank. :]

Next came the big adventure of digging up dandelion roots. I'm trying to put back enough coffee for the winter. :]

Then it was off to look for sassafras. There's quite a few trees up the right fence line so I've got some digging to do this week. :] The toughest part will be taking the clippers and fighting my way through the thorn bushes to get to them.
Can you say "OUCH!!!!" LOL

Today's a busy day. Sukkot starts tonight and I have a ton of work to do before then. So, catch y'all later! Make it a great one!


Daniel Greenfield said...

chag sameach, enjoy your sukkot

Yobeeone said...

Thanks! You too! :]