Sunday, March 22, 2009

Adventure Sunday!

(Jeff, Bindi and Squeeky snacking at Base Camp.)

Spent a couple hours on the hill with the kids today.  It was a lot of fun!  Saw 6 Cedar Waxwings behind the pond!  That was the first highlight!

The second highlight was when we came off the hill and were sitting in the yard, still birding, when I heard Red-tailed Hawks behind me.  There were three of them tearing into a Turkey Vulture.  It was awesome!  I love aerial combats!

That has pretty much been the day.  I'm still sore.  My homemade ointment is doing wonders in helping my neck.  I should feel well enough tomorrow to go out and have some fun on my scooter again.  : )

Off to watch my marathon of Primeval!


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Ok we now demand the recipe for homemade ointment or else!!!

We have marsh hawks and eagles. You know I lived almost half my life in Utah and I see hawks, vulture and eagles daily in NJ.. and never once saw any in Utah.
NO lifting!!!
I don't wanna have to walk out there and slap you.

mrsmel said...

The brown-headed cow birds, and rose breasted grosbeaks have returned here. I'm waiting for hummers to show and for juncos to leave. It's springing! Hugs

Yochana said...

Kat, I wish the Starlings would leave. Sadly, they're a year round species. I want to put feed in the feeders for the migrants, but the stupid starlings empty the feeder in an hour or less.

Lemono: It has comfrey, calendula, plantain & st. Johnswort in olive oil, lavender & bees wax. I use it for everything: cat scrapes, bruises, toe sores, etc. I even use it on the cats. :)

I saw my first eagle on the way to Hunting Island in SC. The second time was Bear Island Wildlife Management (SC). It was competing with an osprey for a fish. The osprey won. LOL

My Road thru Life said...

Glad to hear your feeling better. We've been hearing birds around here but I can't idenify any of them except robins. Terry hung our American flag back up this morning and also my wind chimes and my perinal garden is sure coming to life.

Unknown said...

I share your misery with the starlings. They make me so mad and I keep reminding myself that they are His too.....BUT grrrr

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Starlings kill bluebirds too. :(

Yochana said...

And take over martin nests. Evil buggers. Like to get my hands on the throat of the idiot who introduced them to America. moron.

On the other hand, they dive bomb the cats. That's pretty fun to watch. lol