Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today has been wild.  I thought for sure we were going to lose our electric.  It was flashing on and off like crazy.  I was glad when it finally settled down.

I feel so bad for the wild animals.  A finch showed up at my window looking for food.  I felt horrible.  I don't have anything or any way to get to Jim's (2 miles away) to get any bird feed.  I put some cat food out.  Hopefully that will help some.

We've been snowed in all week.  It's not looking much better for tomorrow.  It's like an ice rink outside.  hmm...I wonder how the squirrels are doing with the trees iced?  hmm...


Anonymous said...

wow.. She shares a name with me really..Chana means grace.

What a dear little munchkin she is.
Mazel tov to the family.

Anonymous said...

squirrels need ice skates to adapt to the cold

Yochana said...

Thanks, Lemon Lime Slushie! (hmmm...don't know why I'm thinking 7-11.)

Sultan, I was thinking about putting out little ice climbing gear packs. Knowing squirrels they'd make good use of them. :]