Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life back to normal

Shavuot is over.  It wasn't as torturing as I thought it'd be.  LOL  I kicked back and read the 3rd volume of "Gemarakup Super Sleuth," then started in on volume 4.  Plus, I spent time learning Talmud, sleeping and sitting outside watching the birds and deer.

Speaking of birds!  I had to rescue several baby Barn Swallows that had fallen from their nests.  That was fun!  Scary, but fun!

That's pretty much been it.  Outa here to exercise, eat breakfast and get back to work.

Make it a great day!
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Unknown said...

Not here for so long and then you only have time for a short review of all that time!! Your readers are heaving heavy sighs......Do I go to your other blog to hear about the baby swallows? I am so glad you helped them

Yobeeone said...

I hope to get it posted there today. I also have a hummer video to put up! :]

My Road thru Life said...

Sound like you did allot of reading and some relaxing. Not all bad. I missed you. I have a new Blog now, you'll have to check it out, I sent you an invite.

Yobeeone said...

Thanks for reminding me about the new blog! I forgot to put the new link on my site. Got it fixed! :]

Anonymous said...

Glad the time turned out okay for you. Glad also that the swallows got saved :)

Yobeeone said...

They were so cute. When I was carrying one, the mommie flew up to a beam that I could reach. I took it as a hint, climbed up and deposited the little begger there. It was really cool! :]