Thursday, June 19, 2008

The joy of cats!

Spotty came home this evening with smelly pus oozing from his latest ear wound.  I can't believe it.  Anyway, I think I've gotten most if not all the pus squeezed out.  He was such a good boy. He not only let me drain the pus without of fus, but also sat patiently while I trimmed away the hair around his wound.  Now is that a good boy or what?!  :]

It was another moment that made me really happy that I have my homemade medicine chest.  I was able to clean the wound with yarrow tincture and then add my homemade healing salve.  He can get either one in his mouth and it won't harm him.  Actually, it might heal any odd things going on inside.  LOL  Unlike store bought stuff.

Otherwise, it's been a rather calm day, with the exception of a migraine.  :[  But it's still been good. 

Off to enter today's bike ride!  See ya tomorrow!
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Unknown said...

You are like an old fashioned healer. Lucky kitties to have you to take care of them

Anonymous said...

Dr Yo!

My Road thru Life said...

Dr. Yo Medicine woman that you. Better than having to go to the vet every time something is wrong. You go girl!

Yobeeone said...

Yip! They call me, "Little Medicine Yo Sitting Full of kah kah!"