Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tribute to Mrs. Rice

Mrs. Rice passed on today.  B"H, there was no suffering, just fall down and gone.  I'd like to go that way, or in my sleep.  Just quick and simple.  

Mrs. Rice was probably the coolest old lady you could meet.  She always had a big smile and always willing to lend a hand.  She always looked happy, even a couple years ago when she lost her oldest daughter, several months later her husband, several months later her oldest son and not too long after that - she lost a son-in-law.  She still gave you a big happy smile.

One of the things I remember growing up, is her home was always open and you never knew what to expect when you went it.  Like, you might find flour all over the kitchen (literally), where her girls were experimenting with cooking.  LOL  She never minded it and thought it was great.

She also raised great kids who were just like her - always a big smile no matter how bad things are and always willing to lend a hand.

I feel deeply for her daughter Rosemary right now.  She has not only lost her sister, brother, dad and her husband, in the past couple years but now her mom, who she moved in with after her own husband died.

Mrs. Rice admired her Rosemary.  When she was bringing me back with Conner from the vet, she said she couldn't get over how Rosemary could always look happy, always be laughing no matter how unhappy she was or how bad she hurt.  Well, Mrs Rice, she got it from you and that's one wonderful gift to pass on to your children.  

You'll be missed.

1 comment:

P90X Health Workout Program said...

What is really nice about the videos is that there's someone telling you what to do. It's kind of like watching TV, you plug in and turn off your mind. He tells you, do push ups, you do them - you don't have to think about it. Workouts on my own are usually lackadaisical, I take longer and longer breaks or just decide it's time to hit the shower. Here he just lays it out, and no individual exercise is more than maybe 2 minutes, so you're always changing it up.