Friday, September 12, 2008

Swollen and irritated

A vicious, evil wasp snuck up on my while I was making pita bread and stung me again and again around my lower lip and chin.

I chewed up plantain and stuck it on.  It's helped some, but it's still pretty swollen and painful.  I hate wasps.

That's the highlight for the day!  I'm outa here till after Shabbos.  I'm going to go rest my face now.  LOL


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Sorry about evil wasp attack!( May the sewers of Rangoon back up into his breakfast! Amen)
Well I hope there is something beneficial in the wasp venom.
You know years ago they found that honey bee venom was good for some MS sufferers.
If you have to be attacked at least there should be some bright side to it.

I hope you baked him into the bread :)

Unknown said...

the evil wasp was probably just hungry and thought a sting might make you run from the bread so he could taste! I can see a great cartoon from this episode! Hope you are better soon

My Road thru Life said...

Oh no!! How awful. You poor thing. That bread must have really smelled good to that evil wasp. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.