Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Starting life over at 52...

Dang.  Bad news tonight.  My brother just called my mom and said the plant where he works is closing in 2 months.  He's confused as heck.  He  has no idea what he's going to do.  He might go to school, but he doesn't know what he'd take.

Evil nephew also loses his job, but it doesn't matter, he's still young enough to go back in the military.  I'd mentioned earlier that he planned on joining the National Guard.  He was sworn in today.  yea!!!  Can't wait till he leaves for training.  He doesn't have to go for the full boot camp since he was in the Air Force. 

Youngest nephew was talked out of going army and he's going Air Force.  Smart choice - they have better uniforms.  lol  Anyway, he heads for boot camp in January.

I feel for my brother.  I told mom if my mind ever returned, as well as my body, I'd be so far behind the times in my field that it'd be ridiculous.  I'd have to take adult education classes to get caught back up.  He's been a janitor in the plant for most of the past 15 years and doesn't have any training in anything.  He's in for one wild ride.

He's lucky though.  He owns his home, so no payments there.  He has free heating - he has a natural gas well.  His other bills are squat, so he won't hurt too much.  I think he's set for at least a year.

Anyway!  Sorry for not being in touch lately.  I've developed new symptoms and I'm tired.  You can only fight so long and then you have to give yourself a break and that's what I've done lately.   Thankfully, most of you know what that's like.

Once I'm back in command I'll catch everyone up on stuff. 


Anonymous said...

Hoping you will soon be in the pink. Yes most of us do know how it feels sadly enough. I wish none of us did. It gets overwhelming sometimes.
If he has janitorial experience a license in plumbing or heating and air conditioning might be a good way to go.

Unknown said...

Sorry you are facing health challenges, I know what you mean. Hang in there. You have always inspired me so I know you can overcome! Tough luck for your brother. I worry about my oldest son who is in an iffy situation right now too.

Yochana said...

Chana of Lemonville: ROFL!!! You should see my brother and plumbing. LOL!!! It's hilarious.

Heating would work. He used to run part of dad's propane company. He delivered bottle gas and did a little work on heaters. That one he's good at.

Lo: It's tough watching people we know losing jobs or in a sitch where they might lose them.

Guess we're sorta lucky to be on disability at the moment. Actually, I'd rather be out working, but when I was I lost job after job because of Corp. buyouts. oh well..

My Road thru Life said...

Sorry to hear about your brother. Hope he's able to find something. He might check at the nearby high schools. We have a friend that works for a high school do that sort of work and really likes it. Anyway you take care of yourself and do what you need to do and rest that body up if it needs it. Prayers and God Bless.

Yochana said...

Jerry's toughest problem will come in a major pay cut. He's used to making over $50,000/year working at the plant. Pretty darn good money when you're single and barely have a bill. :]

Daniel Greenfield said...

I hope you feel better, and I still keep your name in mind during Refoeini