Friday, June 18, 2010

Jeffie's Plot Fails

The new kittens are getting creative in finding places to hang out.  This morning I found them up underneath my youngest nephew's truck.  I'd like to think that Jeffie was keeping an eye on them, since he was relaxing under the truck as well.  But, I think if truth be told - he talked them into climbing on the tires hoping the truck would move and run them over.  

Anyway, it wasn't long before Justin showed up.  I raced out the door to stop him from taking off.  It was a good thing too, because one of the bigger cats was taking his good old time coming out.  So, Jeffie nearly got his wish today.  I'm sure he's depressed, but he'll snap out of it and try again.  LOL


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

lol. devious Jeff back in the saddle again.

Yobeeone said...

Jeffie reminds me of the "silent but deadly" farts. LOL