Wednesday, December 31, 2008

From Jeff the Cat

Silly human completely forgot she has a blog called Yobeeland.  So I shall update you on our human's small and depraved world.

Today she installed a cat door.  Naturally being human she took us for fools, as though we had no idea how to work one, so she set about to demonstrate.  Sadly, her butt was too big to squeeze through the tiny door and she may be stuck there for life.

Enough about her!  Here's a pic of me enjoying my new door!  Tomorrow I'm putting bars over it and reporting her for cat abuse.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A bum freezing happy chanukah!

yes!  My bum is freezing...along with my nose and my toes!  Even my beloved cabin socks I knit several weeks back can't keep me little tootsies warm. It's 10.9 degrees at the moment and falling.  Last night it got down to 8.  Tonight it's going lower.

I knit a tiny cap for my great niece who will be born roughly Feb. 5.  It's really cute.  Next is a blankey.  Wanted to start it today, but I don't have enough yarn.

Anyway, I'm taking the week off from work.  I'm tired.  I was in bed all weekend sick.  B"H, my brother bought me a big bottle of Vicks NyQuil.  It's a life saver.

So, I'm spending my free week knitting, learning Talmud and goofing off with the cats.  :]

Hope everyone has a great week!  Off to check out everyone's blogs and off to get my daf in for the day. 

Good nite!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Starting life over at 52...

Dang.  Bad news tonight.  My brother just called my mom and said the plant where he works is closing in 2 months.  He's confused as heck.  He  has no idea what he's going to do.  He might go to school, but he doesn't know what he'd take.

Evil nephew also loses his job, but it doesn't matter, he's still young enough to go back in the military.  I'd mentioned earlier that he planned on joining the National Guard.  He was sworn in today.  yea!!!  Can't wait till he leaves for training.  He doesn't have to go for the full boot camp since he was in the Air Force. 

Youngest nephew was talked out of going army and he's going Air Force.  Smart choice - they have better uniforms.  lol  Anyway, he heads for boot camp in January.

I feel for my brother.  I told mom if my mind ever returned, as well as my body, I'd be so far behind the times in my field that it'd be ridiculous.  I'd have to take adult education classes to get caught back up.  He's been a janitor in the plant for most of the past 15 years and doesn't have any training in anything.  He's in for one wild ride.

He's lucky though.  He owns his home, so no payments there.  He has free heating - he has a natural gas well.  His other bills are squat, so he won't hurt too much.  I think he's set for at least a year.

Anyway!  Sorry for not being in touch lately.  I've developed new symptoms and I'm tired.  You can only fight so long and then you have to give yourself a break and that's what I've done lately.   Thankfully, most of you know what that's like.

Once I'm back in command I'll catch everyone up on stuff. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tribute to Ellen Rice Brooker

Ellen Rice Brooker
Aug 9, 1953 - Oct 30, 2008

This was the shock of the week. Friday we found out a good friend had passed on Oct. 30. You miss these things when you don't take the local paper. She had been sick for awhile and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong, by the time they discovered it was autoimmune hepatitis - it was too late. Her liver was too far gone to recover or for a transplant.

I knew Ellen since I was three. She was my hero and my babysitter. She taught me how to tie my shoes, play the piano by ear, taught me how to bowl and how to have a stinking ton of fun!

When I was really little she knew I thought it was cool that she was in the band, so at one home game she came up in the stands so I could see her uniform. It was so cool that when I hit sixth grade I joined the band.

Ellen always had a big smile for everyone. She was one of those rare people whose face literally glowed. She also loved travel and adventure.

She also cared about the young kids around her.

When I was in junior high, she saw that none of us kids had anything to do and she wanted to give us a place where we could hang out, have fun and be away from bad influences.

She went to her pastor and asked to turn the church basement into a youth center. I think Ellen was around 21 or so at the time. He agreed. Next on her list was to find people to volunteer cool stuff for the center. By the end, she had a pool table, ice hockey table, foose ball table and a bunch of board games.

Toss in a really little black and white TV with coat hangers and other wires and roughly a ton of tin foil for a great snowy reception and waa laa! The Methodist Youth Center was born!

Ellen spent most the time in the kitchen making popcorn and and homemade pizza.

There were a number of us who didn't live in walking distance of the center, so she'd stuff us in her car, pick us up and take us home. Sometimes we didn't get home until around midnight.

It wasn't until a lot of years later that I realised what it took for her to pull off all she did for us. She worked full time, was actively involved in her church, then there was us and somewhere in between she had a social life. LOL

One of my favourite memories was hanging out with her and her friends. Thankfully, her friends didn't mind having a kid in junior high tagging along with them every week and I didn't mind people making fun of me because I hung out with my former babysitter. :]

Anyway, we were at my bus drivers house (his daughter and Ellen were good friends) eating popcorn, homemade pizza drinking pop and playing cards. About 2:00 in the morning we got a call from mom asking where the heck I was.

"I'm with Ellen at the Webers playing cards."

Mom ordered me home. I never have figured out what her problem was. I was with Ellen and her friends. The worst that could happen is I might eat too much pizza and throw up. LOL

Anyway! We had a big laugh about it and mom will continue to be made fun of for it till the day she dies.

I could sit here all day and write stories but I'll end it here.

The world lost a gem.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


That describes me. I'm beat.  November caught up with me this week.  It took a lot for me to do NaNoWriMo and this week has showed it.  I'm dead.  I even stink.  Not really.  Shut up, Jeff. I do not.

Anyway, I'll catch up on reading everyone's blogs after Shabbos.  Tomorrow's going to be wild trying to get ready for Shabbos.  The cottage is a mess, thanks to me and muddy feet cats. 

If you want to download today's word search puzzle, a.k.a. "A Frosty Search!" , OH! and want to read a ridiculous review I did on an Avon product (you're guaranteed to laugh) go here: Wrinkle World.  The link to the word search is at the end of the article.  :]

Catch y'all later!  I'm off to bed. zzzzz...............

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Having a heck of a time waking up today. Basically, I've accomplished nothing but fight with AVON because their site crashed and I couldn't place my order online.

The problem with the site being down meant if anyone tried to place an order at my online store they wouldn't be able to. That's frustrating.

But on to good news! Bindi is cleaning his wienie. Squeeky, Spotty, Kitty and Chubs are crashed on my bed. Morris is snug as a bug in his heated hide-away and Jeff is somewhere under mom's house. I'm sitting here trying to stay awake. :]

I've posted some new product reviews at Wrinkle World. I'll have another review up later - when I get off my lazy duff.

There's some cool new posts at Stroke Facts.

Tomorrow I hope to put some new stuff up on my squidoo lenses.

OH OH OH!!! Do you guys like word search puzzles? If so, I have a word search puzzle maker now! It's really cool! I posted my first puzzle on today's Wrinkle post. Look for the PS at the end of the post!

Off to figure out supper. I'm not really hungry so cream of wheat! Here I come! :]

Catch ya later!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I WON!!!

WOW!!! I can't believe I survived Nanowrimo!!!! I'm so stinking proud of myself! :] I ended with 50,373 words which were broken down to 3 stories: "Attack of the Mini Moose," "Revenge of the Mini Moose" and "Peanut and the Missing Monkeys!" Peanut was a main character in the Mini Moose stories.

I'm taking a week off and then I'll start the editing process.

Anyway, look to the left and see my proud winners badge of courage! :] I'm gloating.

Spending today lubing and cleaning my beloved sewing machine, tweaking a set of curtains, knitting a second pair of socks and celebrating my victory!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

good news...

I love good news.  :]  News like evil nephew will be leaving soon for National Guard training.  Too bad he's not going back in the Air Force...too bad he left it.  Too bad he'll be back after his training.

My middle nephew, Justin, will be going in the army in January.  He hates being in debt with school loans, so army was the way to go after he graduates from Hocking College next month.  Smart move, although I think he should have gone Air Force...they have better uniforms.  lol

Any who, I think every male should have to serve time in the military.  It should be here like it is in Israel - mandatory military service, both male and female. 

I envied all my friends getting to serve in the military after graduation.  I wanted in the Air Force really bad.  But, in '79 the military still had strict standards.  I had seizures and arthritis - that ruled me out.  Now you can practically get in if you're dying of cancer.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing where Justin gets posted.  It'd be great if he ends up at Fort Jackson in SC.  It's a nice place, nice area, I think he'd like it there and FJ is right by Walmart.  LOL

He'd hate the heat though, but you get used to it after awhile.  I also have friends there which would give him some off base connections.

On to another subject.  The cats have enjoyed Turkey Day.  They've gone through 2 cans of Friskies Turkey and Giblet dinner and loved every bite of it.  They ate better than me.  I had veggie soup and homemade biscuits.  :]

Welp, I'm off to see how close I can get to finally finishing my novel.  I'd hoped to be completely done by today, but this has been a mamash tough week and I haven't felt well (dystonia).

Catch ya later!  Hope everyone is having a great day! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wasted day?

I feel like today has been totally wasted.  It's dark and dreary out and I've had no energy at all.  I keep falling asleep at the pc.  lol

Anyway, I got a direct update on Chaim (the kid I asked for prayer on) from his mom.  He had a severe reaction to Motrin.  He nearly died.  I did a search on "severe reaction to motrin" earlier and this is what I found:   This describes him perfectly, and is much easier than me typing it all.  It's freaking scary.

They currently have him on morphine to dull the pain.  That's going to be a mess in itself when he comes off it.

Apart from that, it's quiet.  Everyone's spread out about the house asleep.  Bindi finally quit his wanting out every 30 seconds.  He'd run to the door, I'd let him out and 30 seconds or less he'd jump on the window ledge and want in.  I think he was bored.  LOL

I have around 16,000 or something words left till my novel is finished.  I'm excited!

Lastly, I did an AVON product review about pet beds and added a couple tips for getting your pet to actually sleep in one.  :]  Click here.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Emergency call out

A friend of mine's youngest son is in ICU and has been since last Shabbos. 

Docs don't know what's wrong with him and naturally keep predicting the worst.  He hasn't made any signs of improvement. 

So, tehillim for Chaim Shimon ben Chana. 


Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm froze.  Didn't accomplish as much today as I wanted. 

Morris' electric kitty heating pad came today.  Sadly, when the sun went down the evil possum chased him away.  I hate that thing.  I'm leaving the pad on tonight, just in case Morris comes back. 

He loves it.  Stayed on it from the time I put it out until evil possum chased him away. 

Welp, I'm yawning.  Still have a lot of writing to do for nanowrimo, dishes to do and washing to put away. 

PS:  Remember my mini-comic book, "Revenge of the Cat!" Welp, it's posted on my Doodling Strokie site.  :]  I'm putting up part 2 tomorrow. 

Also put a new AVON product review up at the Wrinkle.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Feeling super proud!

Just completed book 1,"Attack of the Mini Moose!" for nanowrimo!  It's 25,000 words long and my eyes feel like it. I've written over 9,000 words since last night to finish it.  I'm beat and excited all at once.

I'm off to clean my craft room and start in on some projects.  I have a number of sewing projects I need to do for the cottage. 

Later this evening, I'll start book 2: "Revenge of the Mini Moose."  It's going to be half the length of book 1.  I have to be finished by motzei Shabbos in order for me to stay on target for the 50,000 word challenge.  :] 

Then it's on to book 3: "Mini Moose: A New Hope!"

Welp, my eyes are killing me and my tummy's growling, so I'm outa here.  I'll catch up on everyone's blogs when my eyes stop hurting and burning.  :]


Friday, November 14, 2008

Last minute updates before Shabbos!

Added a super cool video no making minis scrapbooks to my making memories lens. 

Added a couple new articles on soy milk:  tips for cleaning your soy milk maker and tweaking the flavour!

Added a new product review to the Wrinkle!

Have a great weekend.  I'll catch up on blog reading after Shabbos.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's up!!!

Finally got my "How to Make Soy Milk" lens up!  Stop by and check out the polls!  :]

Off to nanowrimo, torah reading and finally to bed.  Good nite!

Kitty sleeping pad update!

Morris' pad is scheduled to arrive Monday!  yea!!!!  He just has to suffer a little longer and he'll be warm again! 

I'm going to put it in the dogs little igloo.  There may be a lot of head room and excess space, but I think the heater will make up for it, plus I'll be a little flap over the doorway.  That should make it nice and toasty inside.  :]

Outa here to get my squid lens up!  later!

sleepy morning

It's 24.4 out. brrrr....hope little Morris is ok.  I felt better last night when Spotty decided to spend the night outside.  Morris wasn't out alone.

Busy day ahead.  I have a new squidoo lens I'm putting up.  If anyone could, please check out my "Making Memories Scrapbooking" lens.  I just made it yesterday.  If you could leave a comment on the lens and give it a rating (rating place is directly under lens name) it would help improve my ranking. 

Ranking's important because the lower the score the better the odds are of people finding it.  :]

Anyway, there's a poll you can vote in, videos that give scrapbooking tips, list of eBay scrapbook stuff, an Inspiration Alley with cool pics from Flickr of some pretty cool scrapbooks, gift ideas, etc.  :]

Also if you could pass the lens along.  It might help improve my rank.  :]

Outa here to get my 5 mile moring bike ride in and a short workout with my Iron Gym. 

Make it a great day!

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Monday, November 10, 2008


I stuck my head outside earlier and the bitter cold cut straight through me.  I looked around for Morris. He'd headed for cover early.  He's not staying in his little home I set up for him.  He got ran out by the possum.  I'm working on a new place for him.

In the meantime!  I just placed an order for him!  Check this out!

It's an outdoor heated kitty pad.  Hopefully, Morris will love it.  If not, there's 7 other cats who love being outside and I'm sure one of them will take to it.  :]

It's late and I'm off to bed.  Big day ahead of me tomorrow. Good nite.

Debris shelters and the cat from hell.

Just got back a short while ago from Good Medicine Camp.  I'm trying to build a temporary shelter before working on the permanent one.  I don't have much hope the permanent (hobbit) shelter will be done before the ground freezes.  Once it does, it won't thaw until late Spring.

Anyway, Bindi met us (me, jeff, squeeky) at camp.  I have a sneaky suspicion that's where he was when I was trying to get him to come with us on the trip up.  Sneaky little boy. 

If you don't know what a debris shelter is check out this link: How To Create A Debris Shleter.  It has a couple pics.

On the way back, the cat from hell, Kitty, attacked Squeeky.  Squeeky was so afraid to come off the hill, I had to carry part way back till she felt safe.

A little further down the hill, the cat from hell attacked Jeffie.  It was a battle getting Jeff to come off the hill.  He was scared stiff.  So, of course, once he did come down Bindi took full advantage of the situation and launched his own attack rolling Jeff across the field in a tight hug.  They were so funny.

So, that was my day.  Back to work. Trying to get my new squidoo lens up within the hour so I can start catching up on my nanowrimo novel.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alas, I tried, but thanks to HUSSEIN obama it's time to surrender...

Welp!  I shut down FOW because I was bored with it.  But now that HUSSEIN obama, a.k.a. muzlim bastard is taking an office that doesn't belong to illegal aliens, I feel compelled to re-open my former blog, tweak it and make it fit the battle slogan, "Dissent from Day One!" or I just might create a new blog altogether. 

So!  Yobeeland returns to tracking my uneventful life and the battle returns to the FOW. (tomorrow-ish)

Meanwhile, check out the Sultan's brilliant post for the game plan

Never surrender! Never give up!

PS:  On the lighter side!  Check out the tweaks I made to my Doodling Strokie site and let me know what you think!  Leave a comment on it!  Rate it!  Help me get it's little rankings up.  And!  If you know of someone who has had a stroke or just likes to doodle, pass the link along.  :]

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This is just too good to be true, but it is true and it's hilarious!

This is what the liberals wanted for a "vice-president".  They wanted a dipsomaniac!  Watch it and laugh!  :]

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3rd post for your amusement. LOL!

This is from Oct 3, 2008 and it cracks me up!  Enjoy the read!  When you don't know your job. 

2nd post of day

The Sultan expresses my sentiments exactly.  Click his name to read the full article.  It's another excellent read.

Sultan Knish
"For my own part I do not recognize Obama as my President, nor will I refer to him as such. He has no legal right to serve in office nor has he won a legal election. Nor do his cronies have any right to serve in any position they are appointed to.

We have a long journey through dark lands ahead of us. Let us hope to soon once again emerge into the light."

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The only good news...

Mike Bartrum, retired tight end for Philly Eagles, won last night and is now our County Commissioner!  GO MIKE!!!!!

Now!  To all you bloody, worthless, anti-semitc, America hating, bastard liberals - every single one of you - I hate your guts.  You've brought nothing but destruction on our country by electing an illegal alien who is a muzlim, a socialist commie and connected with terrorists.

Secondly, as a Jew I hate your guts even more.  Yes, every one of you who voted for that bastard.  Never at any time in history have my people been safe under a socialist communist regime.  We usually die in great numbers. 

As is, in the past 48 years, because I'm a Jew I've had my life threatened on numerous occasions, been attacked, fired, had more anti-semitic crap thrown at me than I care to remember, etc.

My former synagogue was defaced numerous times.  We had to end our yearly holocaust remembrance march because it stopped being safe.  Our JCC was vandalised on more than one occasion. 

If it was like that in a democratic society, what the bloody hell is it going to be like now, you filthy stinking swine?

Years ago FEMA began creating concentration camps.  There's over 600 with the largest being in Alaska.  I hope your bloody selves end up there before I do.  Because you ignoramouses that's what happens in  socialist commie countries.  Camps are set aside for rebels who refuse to submit to evil.

But go ahead.  Live in your blindness. 

Remember the expression, "he who has ears to hear, let him hear?"  Well, guess who's deaf!

The battle lines are drawn and you are the enemy.

Rant over.  I need tea.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the #1 response of the day!

This was a classic liberal response from someone after I sent them off to the Sultan's site showing who the muzlim's criminal associates are.  The response back was:

"You don't seem to have a clue about political ideologies, the way you band all of these together! But that's your perogative!"

Let's just say, I haven't stopped laughing!  LOL!!!!

BTW, check out the Sultan's post and you'll know why I'm laughing so hard at her response.   (big grin)

Favourite twitter post of the day!

This is my absolute favourite tweet someone posted earlier today!

"I'm going to vote and go buy another gun."

morning thoughts for D-Day.

Welp, this is it folks.  Will the lazy liberals who want to mooch off the government turn our country into a socialist communist regime or do we remain a FREE country.

Stupid liberals want a socialist/communist country but have no idea what socialism is.  Let's take a look at one very important thing that  happened over the past couple months in "web land." 

A big scream hit twitterville when word broke out there's the possibility of limiting our time on the internet.  Panic was ensuing.  If we are limited to the time we're allowed on the internet, businesses will collapse, some will barely eek by and others will never be allowed to exist.

Like it or not - that's socialism.  Socialism seeks to control the population.  You do it by finding ways to cut people off from one another, as well as their businesses.

Internet marketers are a threat to socialism.  Those who run them are mavericks. Mavericks are independent thinkers.  Socialism despises that and seeks to destroy it at all costs.  You can't control mavericks.  They're only allowed to exist in FREE countries. 

Here's something to think about.  Why do you think people fled their socialist/communist homelands?  Just for the fun of it?  Are you that stupid you can't figure out how horrible it was for those people?  Are you that intellectually inferior to not understand the same will happen here?  Obviously you are and I curse you for your foolishness and your gross stupidity. 

If evil should win today, may the biggest blunt of it fall on your heads and you suffer worse than those who stood for what's right.  You have no idea how much I mean that.

You see, the difference between you and me is this - I love my freedom.  I love being able to try and build a business from scratch.  To create something that never existed in this or that form before, in only the way that I can create it.

I love trying to fight my way off government support.  Government support, by the way, is socialism.  They keep you in control that way.  You're forced to rely on them.   I hate being on it and I WILL find my way off.

Some people are happy and content to be on government support.  They're lazy.  They think it's grand and never want it any other way.  They have no self respect.  They have no pride.  They're sick and the refuse of society.  To them, socialism is heaven, but only because they're ignorant and have no clue what socialism really is.  Then again, if they did I doubt they'd care.

People, if you think the subject of politics ends today, I guarantee you it won't - not if the socialist, communist muzlim wins.  The battle has only just begun.

How do I know?  Because, there's people in Crown Heights who are bracing for another possible pogrom tonight and all because of today's elections.  Need I say more?

If you don't know what a pogrom is - look it up.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Maybe you'll listen to this guy....

This guy is absolutely brilliant. However, it does come with a warning. The first half of this video is for everyone. The second half, you'll know where it's at, is for my christian visitors only, to challenge them one more time - are you a hypocrite or do you really stand for what you "claim" you believe.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008


So far this week I've managed the following:

1. Falling full force onto my right knee. It's all messed up.
2. Rehurting that knee on numerous occasions.
3. Maimed my left pinky which kept the whole side of my hand numb for several hours.
4. And today - food poisoned myself. I barfed up my entire meal of beans. I barfed it in the trash can. I barfed it on the floor. I think I barfed it every where except right out the door.


My body still isn't feeling so great, but let this be a lesson to me - don't let beans sit out for hours on end, even if it is just beans and water. Alas poor body...I knew it well.

So back to pondering. As mom was driving me back from picking up 3 cans of 7-up from the machines outside Jim's, I said I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be sitting two days away from an election that would determine whether we become a socialist-communist regime or remain a free democratic country.

Twitter friends have stopped following liberals because their posts are sickening. The blindness. The determination of the liberal to hear only want he wants to hear, despite what he's hearing is in fact, the exact opposite of what he thinks is being said boggles the mind.

"In a world where communication is becoming increasingly important, and where day after day we are required to "get behind the words" to the truth of the statements from our political leaders, our television and radio, our newspapers and magazines, and our business and scientific advisers, it is essential for all of us to develop our capacity for logical analysis. As propaganda and persuasion techniques have become more sophisticated, so has the mental equipment needed for sorting the wheat from the chaff."

From: Tony Buzan, Make the Most of Your Mind (New York:Fireside, Simon and Shuster, 1988) 133.

Well said. Especially for this time in our history.

Speaking of history! There has never been a time in their existence that liberals have contributed anything positive to society. Nor have extremists, like those behind the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades.

Tuesday will reveal how much the liberals have successfully reared their hideously ugly heads in an attempt to destroy the only truly free country on the planet.

Beliefs will be put to the test. Are you a hypocrite? Or will you stand for what you "claim" to believe?

At this point in the show I've lost every cowardly liberal coming on to read my post. Why? Because they are firm believers that truth suks and is highly over-rated.

For those who are insane enough to stick around I shall continue on with my rants and leave you with a few of my favourite quotes from Dumbledore to Harry Potter:

"Sometimes we have to choose between what is right and what is easy."

And my favourite of all time:

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Everyone who has voted in advance for the muzlim. Everyone who will vote on Tuesday and votes for the muzlim, have voted for America to become a socialist, communist regime.

Check out my earlier post today of Arnold telling why he left his country to come live in America. He grew up under a socialist regime. He knows what it's like. Try listening to him.

It is by their choices that show us who they truly are.

Think about it.

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For those who are voting to be a socialist regime.

Like it or not. Those of you voting for the muzlim are voting for socialism. Arnold grew up in a socialist regime. Here's his excellent opinion on the subject. Listen to his exposure on your muzim messiah.

This next video where the muzlim talks about Civilian security isn't the pleasant thing you might think it is. It's part of his socialist game plan that will eventually be similar to the KGB/Gestapo.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around on everyone's blog this week. It's been a pretty intense week and I've barely had time to breathe. I hope to catch up with everyone Sunday. Meanwhile, have a great weekend! :]

PS: Jeff isn't feeling well and barfed. Spotty got in a fight and got his ear tore up (3rd time this year). Morris is loving his little feral winter home I made him. Bindi has two tiny bumps on each side near his arm pits, so that means an eventual trip to the vet. Everyone else seems to be doing fine. :]

Dear Mr. Obama

Thursday, October 30, 2008

And christians and jews will actually vote for the muzlim when...

"His voting record earned him the title of the most liberal senator in the US Senate in 2007.

To beat Ted Kennedy and Hilary Clinton as the most liberal senator, takes some doing.

Obama accomplished this feat in 2 short years. I wonder what would happen to America if he had four years to work with.

There is a reason Planned Parenthood gives him a 100 % rating.
There is a reason the homosexual community supports him.
There is a reason Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, Hamas etc. love him.
There is a reason he said he would nominate liberal judges to the Supreme Court.
There is a reason he voted against the infanticide bill.
There is a reason he voted No on the constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.
There is a reason he voted No on banning partial birth abortion.
There is a reason he voted No on confirming Justices Roberts and Alito. These two judges are conservatives and they have since overturned partial birth abortion. The same practice Obama wanted to continue.

To read the full details on your muzlim messiah, go to "Audacity of Hypocrisy & Deception - Why not Obama?"

This election is going to test what you claim to believe. I see catholics, baptists, etc. about to vote for a muzlim who is solidly AGAINST EVERYTHING their own religion teaches. What does that say about you? Lip service? Why be catholic, etc if you don't practise your own religion and stand for what you profess?

Then there's my fellow Jews who are stupid enough to vote for someone who is the antithesis of Torah. Congratulations on spitting on the Torah and who you are. You far from make us proud.

Go back and look people at his voting record. While you're looking I suggest you stop going to church. Stop going to synagogue. Because your presence there is a mockery to all you claim to believe by attending your places of worship.

Stop being a hypocrite. Just quit going. Toss your bibles into the trash, because by casting your vote for the muzlim you've proved it's meaningless to you, so why keep it around? Because it makes you look good? Hypocrite.

So what do you truly believe?

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The muzlim approach to education

[America's fate hangs in the balance. A few short days from now the elections will determine whether we become a socialist, marxist, communist, muzlim regime or remain free.

Therefore I shall rant and make no apologies as to how many people I offend, who I offend, how much hate mail I get, and who refuses to ever speak to me again. I seriously don't care.

For people to apologise for telling the truth at this point is absurd. Liberals are dead set on destroying our country. They're ready to turn it over to someone who wants to destroy us from the inside out. Therefore I don't apologise.

Particularly today when I woke with a sinus headache and some stupid idiot decided to have some fun tapping on my windows at 1:20 AM.

If they come back tonight and I catch them before they run - they get shot at. If I'm lucky, I might even hit one. Don't muck with a woman going through menopause. lol]

“It is our moral obligation to give an equal education, Pre-K through college, to every child born in America.” --the muzlim

If that comment doesn't make you sick - I doubt anything will. "Equal education?" He didn't say "equal opportunity." What's the difference between the two?

Equal opportunity
= if you apply yourself and work hard, you have a chance to make something of yourself. We'll even provide a few tools to help - like more scholarships! But! You have to work for them just like anybody else.

Equal education = Regardless of whether you work or not - you'll have the exact same education as someone who applies themselves and has earned the right to higher education.

But since you haven't applied yourself, that's cool. Higher education will be way too hard for you, so we'll lower the standards and teaching level to ensure you have an equal education and catch on.

SAT's? ACTS? Don't worry about it. You'll never pass if you haven't applied yourself, so we'll either eliminate them or make them easier so you can pass and have an equal education as those with brains.

Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, Hocking College, Princeton? Can smaller colleges compete with these guys and raise their teaching and education standards high enough to be equal? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. The biggies will have to lower their standards in all areas to that of your basic college.

By the way, private universities will have to end. They descriminate and that doesn't fit our agenda.

For those wanting into the medical field. No problem! Even if you're a moron with the intelligence of an amoeba under equal education you will now have the right to train in the medical profession.

What about the pre-K through high school level? There will no longer be advanced classes. They're offensive and makes people who are ignorant feel bad.

There will also be no more special schools for the brilliant kids. Why? That's not "equal education" and we can't have that.

What does that do for the morale of the intelligent? It will kill them because they're not allowed to use their intellect to the fullest. It's demoralising, but tough luck. That's your problem for being so smart. Live with it.

What about homeschooling? You've got to be kidding. Do you really think
we can allow homeschooling in an "equal education" society? Seriously! There's no way.

Kids homeschooled are usually smarter than their in-school counterparts and that's just not fair or equal.

Homeschooling will end, folks.

Welcome to EQUAL EDUCATION! Wake up!

For further reading, try wikipedia and if you're willing to accept the truth, perhaps you'll see the similarities are more than similarities - it's the direction we are heading.

Communism and Marxism

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2nd post of the day

More things the liberals will turn their back to because they don't want to hear the truth.  What will they do when they have to experience it?  Pretend it's not happening?

Wall Street Journal

Leave it to a liberal...

As you can tell, Yobeeland is no longer just a spot for me to share my days and goodies on the cats, but spouting my thoughts on all things formerly posted at FOW.  It's much easier than using separate blogs.  :]

Anyway!  Sara Palin hanging from a moose.  What sort of sick mind came up with that one?  More!  Only a liberal could possibly ask if this is going too far.  Anyone with a sense of decency knows it is and doesn't have to question it. 

My opinion:

1.  The guy needs fined for poor taste and jailed for 30 days.
2.  And the Palin replica needs removed. 

Freedom of speech is one thing, but there is a limit and this low life passed it. 

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Monday, October 27, 2008

On the elections

The elections are almost here.  The gullible will vote for a muzlim who has lied about his birth, his religion, his attitude towards whites.  He's changed his story more times than Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney combined have changed mates.

Arabs say he's muzlim and won't vote for him because he's a black muzlim, and black muzlims will vote for him because he's a black muzlim.

Whites will vote for him despite his having supported a black racist church for 20 odd years that believed and taught hatred of whites and the destruction of America and he claims he never heard it.  Is it out of self-hatred they'll vote for someone who hates them?  Probably.

He hasn't been able to prove where he's born and took forever trying to find his birth certificate.  Is that normal for a politician?  No. Yet despite that and those who have said his fake birth certificate is fake and even his grandmother said he was born in Kenya - they'll still vote for him.

Let's go back to his own grandmother saying he was born in Kenya (and other family member have said the same), how do the liberals defend their muzlim messiah?  They say she hates him or she's senile.  Pathetic.

Despite it all, the gullible and naive will believe the medias defense of their "muzlim messiah" and vote for him anyway.  In turn, it will lead to what one twitter tweeted, "Adolph Obama Change: United Soviet Socialistic America." 

The liberal will scream at that.  Let them.  They'll only scream because they're not listening to what he says, because if they did listen, they'd know everything he's been saying says he wants a Socialist country.  Wake up!

I hope those foolish enough to fall for the muzlims rhetoric will be proud that they aided in the establishment of such a society because it's coming and I will happily sit back and say, "I told you so!"

Welp, Jeff just came in and wants his canned food.  Off to feed the little monster.  :]

Friday, October 24, 2008

One last thing!!!

I found this site this morning.  I was looking for scrapbooking stuff.  This is a big book, but you can download 16 pages of it for free.  It has expressions, quotes and little ditties.  Some of them are hilarious!

Click the book or click me, then click downloads at the site and you'll see the book to download.  :]

Catch ya later! 

35 minutes till Shabbos!

Nearly outa time.  It's been a busy week.  Had a TIA that mucked my speech for a day and fried me lil' brain.  That was interesting.

The rest of the time was spent trying to catch up on my stroke site and learn some more about Squidoo and stuff.

The cats have been crazy.  Jeff is depressed.  It's raining out and he hates rainy days, so he's in on my bed fast asleep.  That won't last long. I'm getting ready to pull out the vacuum.  LOL

Bindi is protesting and sleeping in an empty AVON box on the porch.  He looks quite happy and content.  :]

Squeek is perched on top the futon - her favourite place and Chubby, as always, is in feeding her face. 

Welp!  That's me lil' week.  :]  I'm off to read blogs, vacuum and hit the shower.  Can I get it all done in under 30 minutes? hmm....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Take Dan Kennedy's dare...

Here's the link to his report:  (It's a PDF file.)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ya gotta laugh

Today was insane.  I'm building my little hobbit hole in the side of the hill above Good Medicine Camp.  I wanted to use logs, but my back won't take the ax to the tree.  So, I'm stuck with using scrap tin from my roof.  It's the perfect length and almost the perfect height.

Anyway, this morning I got the bright idea to drag it up on the hill.  I looped some bailing twine around the bent up side, tied the rest around a pvc pipe and pulled it up.  With the end turned up, It looked like I was dragging a toboggan behind me.  :]

Everything went great until I reached the 3/4 of the way mark.  That's when all crazy broke loose.  A couple 2" long stickers mistook me for a pin cushion and ripped my calf a couple times.  That woke me up.  lol

The thickets were so tight I couldn't get the tin through.  Jeff caught on that I was stuck and came to the rescue.  He peeked around a bush, came out and did his little thing he does when he wants me to follow him. 

Unfortunately, this time my back wouldn't let me bend enough to get through his trail, so I had to create a new one.  He came back and tried again.  LOL 

So now the tin is left behind in the thickets and I'm beating my way through snake pit alley (my name for behind the pond), past briars, etc with a shovel doing my Josh Gates impression saying, "I'm goina get eaten by a Yeti.  I'm goina get eaten by a Yeti."  It sounded much better than saying "snake."  LOL

We arrived at GMC slightly damaged.  Jeff and Bindi were starved and I discovered that I hadn't brought enough water for myself. 

The boys were luckier than me.  I had brought their little container of cat food.  You'd have thought they hadn't eaten in weeks.  LOL

Anyway, tomorrow, if I'm able, I'm heading back up with the clippers and creating a clear path for my tin.  And I'm taking a couple plastic bags to collect more walnuts.  :]

Outa here for the night!  Catch ya later!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yea!!! It's nearly Shabbos!

This is my rescuer today! It feels awesome! The only problem is the smell. When I was out, 7 elderly perverts chased me down with their walkers. The smell had turned them on. ROFL

Anyway! Kitty just made Jeff cry. I heard some commotion on the porch, looked out and saw Kitty in defensive position. I called for her to come in and heard a pathetic little girlie cry from under the deck - Jeff was hiding from her.

As soon as he saw me he ran out. I picked him up and he didn't want down. My little evil Jeffie. ROFL!!! Poor baby. I shouldn't laugh at him, because Kitty is freaking evil. She's mean to everyone.

Welp, I'm outa here. Shabbos starts in 2 hours 25 minutes and I need to get my herbs in and peppers out of the garden. It's supposed to freeze tonight. That should make the trees look pretty. :]

Make it a great weekend everyone!

Yo and Jeffie the Mighty

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Once upon a little back

Me lil' back sent me off to the doctor yesterday.  Doc gave me Methylprednisolone (that's an 18 letter word - lol).  :]

Mom picked it up today.  I haven't taken it yet.  I have to go over all the papers that came with it.  Write down my meds I take and call the pharmacist to make sure I can take it without killing myself.

All the warnings on it sound really scary.  I might stick with my hot water bottle.  It's safer. 

Anyway,  Tiger and Squeeky are asleep on the futon.  Naturally, Jeff and Bindi are out playing in the rain.  LOL

That's pretty much been my week.  It's been a tough one and I'm ready to crash.  Hopefully, next week will be better.  :]

Off for another nap!  Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, October 13, 2008

2nd post for the day

Spent yesterday exploring the creek with the kids. They were hilarious. Jeffie was really wound up and ricocheting off everything he could find.

Bindi practised his jumping techniques over the water...failing a few times. Squeeky held to her position on the bank. :]

Next came the big adventure of digging up dandelion roots. I'm trying to put back enough coffee for the winter. :]

Then it was off to look for sassafras. There's quite a few trees up the right fence line so I've got some digging to do this week. :] The toughest part will be taking the clippers and fighting my way through the thorn bushes to get to them.
Can you say "OUCH!!!!" LOL

Today's a busy day. Sukkot starts tonight and I have a ton of work to do before then. So, catch y'all later! Make it a great one!

Socialism... :]

Since Dame Lemon of the Beach mentioned socialism. Enjoy! :]
For more interesting reads, try: Sultan Knish and Lemonlimemoon

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yo's thoughts on the economy...

Something people tend to forget with all this is that there is nothing new under the sun. We've been through a depression and other financial disasters before and not only survived, but in the end - we came out on top.

I've been listening to people who lived through the Great Depression. The one's I've talked to (and they suffered) would like to see us go through another one because that's the only thing that will genuinely wake us up and get our acts together. Mind, they'll suffer again and they don't care. They're focused on the end result which will be a positive.

For people who throw all the blame on the government, it's not all it's fault - though it can lay claim to a rather big chunk of it. It takes more than one person to ruin a marriage - and it takes more than a few people in the government to ruin a country. We've gone along with it. If we the people are supposed to be running our country and the government do our bidding - welp...we're sinking it together.

Problem is - we are a spoiled people, who have become brats and don't want to give up our excessive spending lifestyles.

We don't want to pay the price for our stupidity. It's much easier to blame everyone else, want bailed out, anything to avoid being responsible for our ignorance.

I'm spoiled and I admit it. I spend lots of money on books, so many that I keep putting them in boxes to make room for more books. I justify my obsession because it stimulates the mind and I'm not wasting money on stupid trinkets to put on my shelves, which do nothing for the mind.

I spend lots of money on software programs - they stimulate my mind.

When it comes to games - I don't waste money on software games like "War of the Worlds." I spend it on games like chess! It stimulates the mind.

I spend money on art supplies - it's relaxing, fun and stimulates my mind.

I spend on exercise equipment. It keeps my muscles from atrophy, which I've experience in the past because of strokes and dystonia and PT isn't fun. It's also - great for the mind and wards off depression.

See! I can excuse make everything I spend a penny on because - it stimulates my mind. Good enough excuse for me. LOL

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I dream of sleeping...

Got to bed at midnight.  The kids thought it was so much fun they decided to wake me every hour on the hour and a few times in between.  Evil children.

Yom Kippur is tomorrow, so I won't be online until late Thursday night. 

Anyway, it's raining. YEA!!! Has been all day and it's been wonderful!  :]  We needed it really bad.  The cats aren't too keen on it though.  Jeff came through earlier soaked to the bone and gave me a look of disgust.

The only good part about being soaked for him is he loves the microfiber cloth I use to dry him.  I guess he think's it's the "cat's meow."  (yo ducks as Jeff throws hickory nuts at her)

Welp, I'm outa here.  Gotta clean up the house and the dozen eggs that splattered on the floor earlier.  LOL


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd post of the night!

Hey guys!  Check out my post at Stroke Facts!  This video is hilarious!!!

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Wild and crazy day! (said like Steve Martin)

The day began with someone puking their hairballs from the living room futon, straight into the kitchen, which was then picked up by the tiny paws of 6 cats and carried about the cottage.

Next came Tiger.  He looked pretty good when he got up.  Four hours later, the left side of his face looked like Jeff turned it into a balloon and the eyelid was turning inside out.  I freaked.  Called the vet and Tiger had to make a quick trip in and cost me $44.30.

The vet assistant had thought Tiger's problem was an abscessed tooth.  It wasn't.  Tiger had gotten into a fight (possibly a mouse the size of Manhattan or the size of a rather large dog) and as a result, has a face full of infection.  He's housebound for the next 6 days.

Meanwhile, mom's Dish Network stopped working.  It took me about 35 minutes to figure out the problem and that was that.

By days end - my morning was shot, my afternoon was shot and now - so am I.  LOL!!!!!

PS:  FOW has ceased to exist.  I made my final post a few minutes ago.  :]

Monday, October 6, 2008


Welp, so much for short-cuts.  I tried to back up my pc today, because it refused to start this morning.  I took it as a siman and started backing up.

duh.  The short cut suggested by Windows used up 10 hours of my day and didn't work in the end. 

So, I went back to the long way of doing it and was done in under 1 hour.  So much for reading the handbook.  LOL

Not a bad though.  Got the storyboard and part of the script for a cartooning video I'm doing this week (G-d willing nothing else goes wrong.).  That was fun.  Jeff enjoyed having me away from the pc for the day, except when putting in new CD's.

Still waiting to hear back from the doc's office.  I called for an appointment because of my back...upper and lower.  It took me to the breaking point this morning.  I can't get started on my cabin until my back will let me move.  Total bummer.

Anyway!  Off to catch up on blog reading and kick back with Goosebumps on TV.  :]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

alas poor yo...we knew her as being totally creepy

You know how we have our lovely low immune systems, which get lower when we have little contact with the public? brought some sort of bug home from school and now I've got it.  I hate running a fever.  I hate the cats knowing I am...any sign of life is in danger.  LOL

To avoid any further whining - I'm going to grab a hot cuppa molasses coffee, kick back and watch the two hour episode of Heroes.  I don't get local channels so my former sister-in-law recorded it for me.  This is exciting!  (big happy grin)

PS:  Where's the whiskey when you need it.  Or at least a good peach Brandy!  Oh wait!!!!  Tomorrow when I go shopping we're going right past the liquor store!  mmm...nothing like a good peach brandy to make you feel better. 

I love auto posting

I love using Scribefire to post to my blogs.  I can create a post and set any date and time I want for it to auto post.  :]  Talk about lazy. LOL

Rosh was good.  I got a lot of learning in and re-evaluating me scruffy little life and setting goals for the coming year in: personal, spiritual, health, business, money, leisure, relationship, family (cats) and stuff.  :]  5770 looks to be a good year!  :] 

For those counting!  The world only lasts 6000 years -  so there's now only 230 years left till the end! 

If you think about it, that's less than 2.5 people's lifetimes.  Let's figure it!   My uncle Vic lived to 104.  My great grandma Burtonshaw lived to 91.  That leaves 35 years. My grandma, Nannie lived to 94, 3 days.  Combine the 3 and the world has been gone for 59 years.  Cool!  (happy grin)

Anyway, 2nd day of Rosh I had a nasty sinus headache.  My room got too cold and that was that.  Every time I let me lil' forehead get cold I get a headache.  *whimper*  So, I sat around playing my ukelele trying to distract me lil' brain from the pain.

So, that's me little life this week.  Outa here to get stuff done.  Make it a great one!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

a good morning to ya!

I'm happy (beyond words) to say I'm feeling pretty darn good, but exhausted from being in pain all week. 

I spent Friday doing yoga, trying to get my back to bend.  It finally happened and that helped tons, but my sciatica is mamash out of whack.  I have pain all the way down to my foot and my thigh has sharp pains in it.  But!  Rather my thigh than my back.

Anyways, I have two things that I've got to get: a real mattress and a decent desk chair.  Both are necessities.  I think my futon mattress is the culprit behind my sciatica.  Even with the plywood under it, it's still not helping.

So, that's my k'vetches for the morning.  LOL  I've caught up on my blog reading and responding and have a ton of stuff to do.  Rosh Hashannah begins Monday night, so I have to pre-write stuff so it will automatically post on my sites during Rosh.  Otherwise, my Google ranking will fall and that will hurt. 

Outa here for the day!  Make it a great one!

Friday, September 26, 2008


I know. I'm totally behind in everything this week.  Over the past four days I've been in a ton of pain.  Without going into details, let's just say my lower back is killing me.

It's bad enough that mom left me the keys to the car in case I have no choice but go to the doc.  Personally, I'd rather call the ambulance, that way I don't have to drive on Shabbos. 

Anyway, I'm off for a short soak in the tub and see if I can get a bit of relief.  have a great weekend.  If I'm feeling better, I'll try and catch up on all the blog reading I'm behind on after Shabbos. 

Hope everyone's been doing ok.  :]

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Earlier this year I mentioned encroachers on our farm, i.e., the drug runner who made a deer feeding station on our property when he has 80 acres of his own.

I was just outside a little bit ago and heard his 4-wheeler. He's felling trees. He knows when to do it - at dusk, that way no one will go back and catch him because it's late.

I tried to warm mom about this, but she doesn't care. Problem is, right now he can go back and build a house on our property if he wants and there's nothing mom can do about it. He can take the property for free. She made the fatal mistake of giving him permission to do the feeding station and the way it was worded implied "do whatever you want." Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

The vegetation is still too thick to get through to see all the damage he's doing. Once it dies down enough, me and my ax will remove whatever he's doing.

Anyway, grumpy me is heading off to find the kids! :] Later!

Monday, September 22, 2008

quickie for the night

Just a couple lines to say busy day.  Spent 2.5 hours working in the garden, trying to find where the food was hiding. Finally found my red peppers and the banana bells.  Still looking for the yellow peppers.  LOL

A bit beat.  I'll be back to posting sketches tomorrow. Good nite!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wrong date, it was really 9/16.

Corrections: milk crates :] Other typos shall remain unmentioned. Enjoy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Swollen and irritated

A vicious, evil wasp snuck up on my while I was making pita bread and stung me again and again around my lower lip and chin.

I chewed up plantain and stuck it on.  It's helped some, but it's still pretty swollen and painful.  I hate wasps.

That's the highlight for the day!  I'm outa here till after Shabbos.  I'm going to go rest my face now.  LOL

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good morning!

Aside from whining that I'm temporarily out of remission, there's nothing much happening. So, let's post a toon instead! Enjoy! PS: There's another posted at FOW.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

morning update

Still not all there, not that I ever was to begin with. LOL

I have learned something from my experiment. I went back to eating some processed foods to see what would happen.
My body responded in a rather unpleasant way.

So now I have the experimental background and the results of others to start writing articles on the subject. :]

I admit I took my experiment a bit too far. Late afternoon I had a fatigue attack. I felt it coming on and knew I had to get to the futon and lie down fast. I didn't quite make it. I went to get out of the chair, hit the floor and I was out.

I didn't have fatigue attacks when I was on my no-processed-food diet. So, today it's off to the store and restock on my take-forever-to-fix-my-meals food. LOL

I'm outa here. Gotta daven and get to work. I lost the whole day yesterday. It was a total waste. Well...except for my Primeval all afternoon and evening marathon. :] I should have the scripts memorised by now. LOL


Monday, September 8, 2008

Quick shot for the night

Did my usual 2.0 miles today. Felt great. Felt strong. My pulse rate was awesome! About an hour later I was a bit of a mess. I took extra zanaflex, which knocked me out cold. LOL

The only answer was to kick back and watch my own mini-Primeval marathon. I love being able to download episodes each week from I-tunes. I'm still out of it, but trying to get a new post put up on my stroke site before bed.

CAT UPDATE: Tiger is doing better. Squeeky's sore is 99.9% healed. :]

Outa here! Make it a great one! Good nite everyone!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

outa here for the night

hey guys! i was going to put up a decent post, but little Tiger still doesn't feel so great. i still think that aside from the pink eye he got stunk by a wasp or bee. when he came in yesterday morning, he dived onto his cat food like a starved little animal. by afternoon he would only eat soft food and his face was swollen.

after benedryl and amoxicillin the swelling was down this morning. i'm calling the vet tomorrow because he still acts funnier than usual. anyway, he's lying at my feet and needs attention, so i'm gone for the night.

i'll catch up on blog reading tomorrow. :]

meanwhile, here's little tiger by my stinky feet. no. he's not dead, jeff. shut up.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When the tables have turned...

So they say as you get older you become the kid and your kid becomes the parent - tonight was another one of those nights! LOL

Mom calls me up about 20 minutes ago and says she's going in town to walk with her boyfriend. The first thing out my mouth was it's late and it's a school night. LOL It was really funny listening to mom try to justify herself. LOL

Anyway, not much happened today. I'm beat. I did get a pretty cool post put up at my stroke site. I'm going to do a series on cartooning as therapy. :] I used it when I was at my worst and had a ton of fun.

Speaking of which! Here's a toon from the past!

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Monday, September 1, 2008

To gross you out for the evening!

A sleepy morning to ya

This morning began with Bindi sitting behind me while I was getting my breakfast ready. I didn't know he was there, so he got stepped on several times before he was able to escape.

I couldn't get my balance so that's why he kept getting stepped on. I'll have guilt for the rest of my life. His little eyes kept looking up at me saying, "Why are you doing this to me????" See! Guilt till I die.

Morris is walking on borrowed time. I'm ready to kill him or at least give him a good whack on his fanny. Last night he was sitting on the porch daring any of the other cats to get inside. Idiot.

About 2 AM, the coyote were calling back and forth in the valley. That's just freaking creapy. I was worried about the horse all night. Kitty got scared and came in. They must be prowling a lot lately because all the cats minus Tiger (who I have seen lately) and Spotty are staying inside at night.

A fun moment from last night. I stepped outside with my ukulele, playing "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" to look for the cats. Just as I pulled the door shut behind me I saw 2 deer 20 yards in front of me. So, I started playing. I thought they'd leave but I guess they figured, "Hey! Cool! Dinner and music." So they kept on eating. LOL

Welp, busy day today. I have another stroke site to set up and lots and lots of articles to write. Catch ya later!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The shabbos countdown

Welp, Shabbos begins in about and hour and 7 minutes, so I'm outa here to clean and get ready.

I cheated this week.  Mom rushed me to the store to pick up bread and some for for Shabbos because I'm not in the mood to cook. lol  I'm so glad nearly every store on the planet sells kosher food these days.  Makes life so much easier.  :]

Anyway!  I'm outa here.  I'll catch up on my blog reading after Shabbos.  :]

Have a great weekend everyone and a safe Labor Day (beware of flying drunks).  :]

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now this is cool!

No stories from Jeff today. Instead this was inspired by Morris the Stray.

I've been really worried about him with winter coming on in a few months. I felt so bad last year that I couldn't let him in the house because it would have started a spray fest.

He had a number of places to stay warm. There was under mom's house, which was roughly a heater and of course he had the barn with lots of cubbies in the hay. But I still felt horrible.

So, this morning I did a search on igloo cat houses and got the link below. This site has a couple really cool ideas and they're cheap to make!

If you have strays hanging about you might want to give one of these a try.

I hope Morris likes it when I'm done.

Neighborhood Cats | Info | Winter Shelter

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

howdy ho!

Welcome to the evening report. :]

Today began with lots and lots of rain! I hope I don't see the sun tomorrow either, because we could really use another day of it, plus it's so cool out it feels great!

The rain also keeps Squeeky from rolling around on the driveway. A couple good days of rain would really give her hole a chance to heal. :]

If you look at my 12 second jobber to the left, you'll see where Bindi has spent a good deal of time today. He's on my lap again. My lap is really damp. LOL

I spent today putting up a Squidoo lens. It's another stroke blog. It's different from the usual one I point you to. There are cool video of Kurt Douglas near the bottom. :]

Welp, I have one more article to post tonight, so I better scoot. I want to be finished by 7:45. Catch ya later!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A little sick of the pc tonight

Let's see...ah! I've got it! How about the big event that happened last night after I turned off the pc!

Jeff was really playful and so excited that I was chasing him all over the cottage. In fact he was so excited that in a flash he jumped on top of their cat food bag, squatted and peed. So, much for my nicely mopped floor. LOL!!!! He's so rotten. LOL!!!!

Now for a short run down of this morning! :]

1. Evil tiny possum rips more stuff out of the hole his mother made in my trash can. I hate him.

2. It's still dark, I let Spotty in, pet him on the back and he turns around and bites me on my leg. Spotty is grumpy in the morning.

3. Squeeky rolls around in the gravel, not helping her hole one bit.

The afternoon?

Things went great at the neuro. I'm now taking a 150 mg of Lamictol a day. He was behind getting to patients so I didn't bother him with stroke questions. He did, however, say if I figured out why there is such a thing as chronic migraines to let him know and we'd make tons of money. LOL!!!!

He also named off a series of various types of Dystonia I have. There were so many that we'll just stick with saying I have Dystonia.

He also told me what's wrong with my eye that I can't see out was a really big word. Let's just say I have an eye problem. (happy smile)

That's pretty much been my day. Check out my little 12 second clip on the left and I also posted a new AVON vid over at The Wrinkle.

Outa here for the night. Gotta big catch up day tomorrow for my stroke site. Good nite!

PS: Also! I posted a really cool short video of botox being used for spasticity at my stroke site. It's pretty cool!

PPS: Squeeky's hole in the neck is from her abscess. When she tore the scab off she was left with a big hole. Now it can finally finish the healing process. :]

Monday, August 25, 2008

Crazy day!

Got to bed around midnight and around 5:00 AM this morning I woke up with a headache. oy. (yo sits feeling sorry for herself and wondering why she's referring to herself in the 3rd person.)

I spent most of the day lying down.

Squeeky has a "yucky" neck. The scab fell off. She's back on antibiotics to make sure she doesn't get infected while we wait for the hole to heal. Problem is - she keeps scratching it and rolling. She's not helping. :[

Anyway, I'm outa here. It's been a long day and I'm not feeling all that great. Catch ya tomorrow!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good evening...

Read the title like you're Boris Karlof being really creepy. :]

It was another busy day. I got all my laundry done. Helped Jeff write his horror story. Did about 30 minutes of strength training on my Total Gym and spent the rest of the day napping and working on my stroke web site.

In short - I can't wait till shabbos. :]

Welp, it's late. Jeff is curled up on my lap asleep and I still need to find Bindi yet and make my bed. See ya tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

busy day

This morning I got up and did my jog/walk. It was my 60 minute day and it went really well. Really well means by the time I got home I didn't see a long tunnel with a light at the end. LOL So, since I'm still alive - it went well. :]

After I did a cool down, we took a surprise trip to Athens. I bought $68 worth of clothes for only $24 something. I love a good sale! :] Then we headed for Starbucks and drank coffee till I had to tinkle.

From there it was off to Elder Beerman's and discovered it was Farmer's Market Day in the parking lot! I was so excited!!!! I got a big bag of apples, some mini-pears and raw local honey. :]

Then back home to where I collapsed and wasn't worth much for the rest of the day. :]

But! I did get a new article posted on my stroke site. This one is really cool. It's about why hispanics are fat and basically how being fat makes you a walking time bomb.

It's late so I'm heading off to check out everyone's blogs, clean the kitchen, find the cats and go to bed. zzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, August 18, 2008


Hey everyone! Long crazy day. Took me 57:16 to do 3.2 miles today. I'll write more about my tendency to not use my brain later. LOL

Yesterday I spent some time watercolouring outside in the yard. It was fun.

Then I spent some time playing my ukulele and slept a lot.

That's pretty much it. :]

BTW, I found a great video and posted it at my stroke site. I laughed till I cried. It brought back so many found memories of having a stroke. LOL

Friday, August 15, 2008

totally behind

Welp,as always on erev Shabbos, I'm completely behind. I've been trying hard to get my stroke site up. I'm no where near where I want to be. It'll will be an all day process Sunday.

Anyway, if you want to see it's birth, or should I say it wallowing in it's after birth (GAG!!!!), here's the link: Stroke Facts for Patients.

Hopefully, by the end of Sunday it will have lots more stuff on it. :]

Welp, I better get going. I only have 40 minutes to finish my bread, mop the floor, straighten the house and get my bath. zzzzzzzzzzz

Did I mention that I'm ready for Shabbos? LOL Make it a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

late night and behind

I've had a heck of a time trying to get my tiny little brain to work today. I can't stay focused for the life of me. I've got a neuro appointment Aug 26. I'm asking him to up my meds a bit.

One, it will help me stop contorting as much when I'm out on a jog/walk and two, I'm having a hard time controlling my focus and head in general. You know it must be pretty intense for me to want my meds upped. LOL

Anyway, I posted my stroke adventures over at . I get questions about my strokes so this was in response. :]

Anyway, I'm totally behind tonight, so I'll catch up on all my blog reading tomorrow morning. :]

Good nite. :]