Thursday, September 4, 2008

outa here for the night

hey guys! i was going to put up a decent post, but little Tiger still doesn't feel so great. i still think that aside from the pink eye he got stunk by a wasp or bee. when he came in yesterday morning, he dived onto his cat food like a starved little animal. by afternoon he would only eat soft food and his face was swollen.

after benedryl and amoxicillin the swelling was down this morning. i'm calling the vet tomorrow because he still acts funnier than usual. anyway, he's lying at my feet and needs attention, so i'm gone for the night.

i'll catch up on blog reading tomorrow. :]

meanwhile, here's little tiger by my stinky feet. no. he's not dead, jeff. shut up.


My Road thru Life said...

I probably missed it, but how is Squeeky doing? Has his hole healed up yet? I do hope Tiger feels better, poor lil guy. Hugs.

Unknown said...

I am not sure my previous comment went. Anyway,,,hope Tiger is better, let us know.