Monday, September 8, 2008

Quick shot for the night

Did my usual 2.0 miles today. Felt great. Felt strong. My pulse rate was awesome! About an hour later I was a bit of a mess. I took extra zanaflex, which knocked me out cold. LOL

The only answer was to kick back and watch my own mini-Primeval marathon. I love being able to download episodes each week from I-tunes. I'm still out of it, but trying to get a new post put up on my stroke site before bed.

CAT UPDATE: Tiger is doing better. Squeeky's sore is 99.9% healed. :]

Outa here! Make it a great one! Good nite everyone!

1 comment:

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Glad to hear about kitty.
Hope you are doing a bit better in the AM.
Let us know!