Tuesday, September 9, 2008

morning update

Still not all there, not that I ever was to begin with. LOL

I have learned something from my experiment. I went back to eating some processed foods to see what would happen.
My body responded in a rather unpleasant way.

So now I have the experimental background and the results of others to start writing articles on the subject. :]

I admit I took my experiment a bit too far. Late afternoon I had a fatigue attack. I felt it coming on and knew I had to get to the futon and lie down fast. I didn't quite make it. I went to get out of the chair, hit the floor and I was out.

I didn't have fatigue attacks when I was on my no-processed-food diet. So, today it's off to the store and restock on my take-forever-to-fix-my-meals food. LOL

I'm outa here. Gotta daven and get to work. I lost the whole day yesterday. It was a total waste. Well...except for my Primeval all afternoon and evening marathon. :] I should have the scripts memorised by now. LOL



Unknown said...

I am positive processed foods do terrible things to our bodies but it already has made mine too lazy to do what you are doing! That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

The Feingold diet for hyperactive kids proved that processed foods were very bad for people.
On the bright side 7 UP was safe as nothing awful is in it.
:)what does this have to do with anything? not much just that I could not stand to live without soft drinks.

Yochana said...

LOL Lemon!

Yeah, processed foods kill your muscle control. Today at Rite Aid I had tremors. I haven't had them that bad in ages. Right now, they're about a 1 on the Richter scale. :] At Rite Aid, they were a 5. :] I love my body.

Anonymous said...

Well, we need Moshiach now. Not later.. but now now now.
I am tired of this world as it is with all the nasty things and we just need a whole new world.
Hey! thats a song :)
Will keep you in prayer for refuah shelima and none of the remission stuff, just complete healing.
I keep you there daily, just so you know someone is keeping on top of it.

My Road thru Life said...

So sorry to hear you had such a terrible reaction to normal food. What a shame. Maybe if you had done it more graudally it wouldn't have been so bad. I hope your feeling better soon. Hugs