The elections are almost here. The gullible will vote for a muzlim who has lied about his birth, his religion, his attitude towards whites. He's changed his story more times than Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney combined have changed mates.
Arabs say he's muzlim and won't vote for him because he's a black muzlim, and black muzlims will vote for him because he's a black muzlim.
Whites will vote for him despite his having supported a black racist church for 20 odd years that believed and taught hatred of whites and the destruction of America and he claims he never heard it. Is it out of self-hatred they'll vote for someone who hates them? Probably.
He hasn't been able to prove where he's born and took forever trying to find his birth certificate. Is that normal for a politician? No. Yet despite that and those who have said his fake birth certificate is fake and even his grandmother said he was born in Kenya - they'll still vote for him.
Let's go back to his own grandmother saying he was born in Kenya (and other family member have said the same), how do the liberals defend their muzlim messiah? They say she hates him or she's senile. Pathetic.
Despite it all, the gullible and naive will believe the medias defense of their "muzlim messiah" and vote for him anyway. In turn, it will lead to what one twitter tweeted, "Adolph Obama Change: United Soviet Socialistic America."
The liberal will scream at that. Let them. They'll only scream because they're not listening to what he says, because if they did listen, they'd know everything he's been saying says he wants a Socialist country. Wake up!
I hope those foolish enough to fall for the muzlims rhetoric will be proud that they aided in the establishment of such a society because it's coming and I will happily sit back and say, "I told you so!"
Welp, Jeff just came in and wants his canned food. Off to feed the little monster. :]
Arabs say he's muzlim and won't vote for him because he's a black muzlim, and black muzlims will vote for him because he's a black muzlim.
Whites will vote for him despite his having supported a black racist church for 20 odd years that believed and taught hatred of whites and the destruction of America and he claims he never heard it. Is it out of self-hatred they'll vote for someone who hates them? Probably.
He hasn't been able to prove where he's born and took forever trying to find his birth certificate. Is that normal for a politician? No. Yet despite that and those who have said his fake birth certificate is fake and even his grandmother said he was born in Kenya - they'll still vote for him.
Let's go back to his own grandmother saying he was born in Kenya (and other family member have said the same), how do the liberals defend their muzlim messiah? They say she hates him or she's senile. Pathetic.
Despite it all, the gullible and naive will believe the medias defense of their "muzlim messiah" and vote for him anyway. In turn, it will lead to what one twitter tweeted, "Adolph Obama Change: United Soviet Socialistic America."
The liberal will scream at that. Let them. They'll only scream because they're not listening to what he says, because if they did listen, they'd know everything he's been saying says he wants a Socialist country. Wake up!
I hope those foolish enough to fall for the muzlims rhetoric will be proud that they aided in the establishment of such a society because it's coming and I will happily sit back and say, "I told you so!"
Welp, Jeff just came in and wants his canned food. Off to feed the little monster. :]
You haven't checked your facts too well. One of few requirements to run for US presidency is that (s)he be native born. Please refer to "fact check".
He has to be born here and he wasn't. is a leftist organization owned by the Annenberg foundation which has strong ties to William Ayers the homegrown American Marxist and terrorist of the 60s.
They are about as honest as adolf hitler when it comes to *facts* on their own people.
Obama has no certificate stating that he was born here, only that he was born,
His 16 year old mother would have had to be 18 and lving in the US for 3 or 5 years or more in order for Obama to be a citizen since his father was foreign. This was not the case. She was a teen who had not lived in the US for that amount of time and further was too young for it to count anyway.
Obama's ties to foreign dictator, his cousin Odinga who murders Christians like they were cheap dogs is another problem with him.
Ayers wrote both of his books for him and is the man who put him in politics.
There is not one decent person in cohoots with Obama at all.
White *guilt* has a lot to do with voting for him but also the dumbed down education of Americans today is beginning to take a horrible toll on how this nation is going.
now hawaii has sealed his birth certificate which is as good as an admission of guilt for the I told you so. I dont think you will get the chance.
The people who love Obama love what he stands for. A free ride, huge taxation,and embracing America's enemies at any cost.
Few will regret their vote. They are angry with America just as Barack and his wife are mad at America.
You're right Lemonie. I won't get to say I told you so. I hadn't thought about your angle. :]
Sultan, and people will wear blinders and pretend there's nothing suspicious about it.
Surely there's a law somewhere that would put a stop to this crap, then again, if there was they would wear blinders and pretend it doesn't exist.
There are laws but they are put on hold. The dumbing down of the US educational system was for a purpose. Everyone laughed at McCarthy when he said Communists were infiltrating the US. Hollywood was filled with them. But he was right in spite of being zealous and considered a joke today.
There is no way you can get so much as a driver license without 7 forms of ID proof in NJ. How can you run for president without it?
Why arent people concerned about his deep relations with Ayers and with his dictator cousin whose Christian murders he supports!!
He herds up Christians like animals and slaughters them!! Its horrendous and obama sends him money!
Why is no one talking about his membership in the socialist party?
There is far too much about the man that back in the 50s and 60s wold have set alarms ringing in everyones heads. Today.. nothing.
Ronald Reagan said the same in '59 about communists and socialists working within the government and warned against it. He saw medicare as a part of their scheme to bring the country into submission so to speak.
I mentioned something similar to what you said about ID. They wanted me to show them my driver's license at the doctor's office, despite the fact they know me and my doc has for over 20 years.
In Brooklyn, I couldn't get my driver's license. Every time I went in they had a new ID that I needed to present. I had to go to the "speedy" service one in Manhattan where they barely asked for any ID. I had my license in 15 minutes.
If it's that difficult at the doctor's office where I'm known as is my family for 5 generations, and the mess for my DR in New York, how is it a politician gets off scot free?
Conspiracy. That's the only answer.
I can't understand how people are blinded by Obama and can't see behind the man. A man is know by the company he keeps and he sure hasn't kept very good company in the past. I'm afraid our country is in for some very tough times if he is elected but they say you get what you deserve too. I am not looking forward to that.
Judy, and he's kept some pretty scruffy and scary company.
I'm not looking forward to the elections nor what's to come afterward.
It's true, you do get what you deserve. Makes me shiver.
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