Just a couple lines to say busy day. Spent 2.5 hours working in the garden, trying to find where the food was hiding. Finally found my red peppers and the banana bells. Still looking for the yellow peppers. LOL
A bit beat. I'll be back to posting sketches tomorrow. Good nite!
A bit beat. I'll be back to posting sketches tomorrow. Good nite!
Good to hear from you and I'm glad your finding things in your garden.
Why did you hide them in the first place?
You must have been reading that book "Hidden Gardening for Wealth and Fame" by I.P. Daily.
Now you will be famous.
Why does it rain once a week in Athens? Can you tell me that? Do you know that the cobble stone is very slippery when its wet there? Especially if you wear Bass Weejun loafers with leather soles (size 6, navy blue). Let me tell you that pavement is hard when it meets your butt too!
It's not easy going thru life in Athens with your butt in a sling.
My list of excuses for the garden.
1. If I can't see the garden, I don't know it exists. It's on the other side of the large shed.
I tried using my x-ray glasses I ordered from the back of my Spiderman comic book, because anything advertised in them works 100%. Unfortunately, I couldn't see through the shed. I'm crushed.
2. I'm allergic to the garden. Seriously. Every time I work in it I have an asthma attack, so I avoid it at all costs. Except this week and I really needed some veggies.
It was worth the attack and itching and rash.
3. If people can't see your garden, they can't steal out of it.
Being the paranoid little Jew that I am, I don't find the creek, bushes and a house blocking the view quite adequate enough.
PS: Did you just get back from Athens? Have you been able to explain your butt in a sling without feeling silly? (evil grin)
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