Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2nd post of the day!

This morning began with Spotty jumping on the shelf sending 70 little potted plant thingies flying to the ground. I'm still waiting for the dirt to dry so I can clean it up without a mess.

Then, I spent some time downloading some cool music clips to use with my videos. Get ready for a total improvement in my videos. Really! They're going to be awesome! Either that or I'm in some sort of extreme denial.

Anyway, the rest of the day has been a total waste. I think it's because yesterday I worked myself into a coma. It was great, I accomplished a ton and now my brain is lying on the floor in a pool of Bindi's shedding hair and ticks trying to recover. So! I'm taking it down to the creek with the kids and see if I can wash it off and get some work done when I return. :]

Hope you're having a great day! :]

1st post of the day! Go RabbiJackie, Go!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Still not awake yet. :] It's freezing cold in the cottage. brrrrrrrr....

Last night was wild and irritating. Evil nephew brought his evil dogs up and one (not the pit bull) attacked me and naturally no one said anything. I blew up at mom later. I get really disgusted by this whole thing. I let her know if the dogs ever bite me I'm suing the crap out of him, and I will. Maybe that will make her wake up.

Anyway, he just missed sinking his teeth into me. I could feel the heat of his breath through my pants. So, I'm still angry this morning. I wish he'd drop dead. I'd celebrate the same way I did when my dad died. It was like a monkey off my back.

I've decided the next time, I'm letting her dachshund out and then we'll see how serious she takes the mongrel. I will say the pit bull was sweet. He's not the aggressive biter pit bulls are known for (yet anyways). To be honest, he's a bit of a coward. He's terrified of the neighbors great dane. When it barks, he cowers back and runs. It's really funny. He'll also let me pet him and he's afraid of me. I like that.

On to better news! Jeffie just forced his way onto my lap. He's a big baby in the morning. Bindi is still in bed. Squeeky is out cold on the futon. Chubb just finished feeding her fat body and Spotty is keeping watch on the porch. Oh crap! I just noticed Jeffie's left eye is swollen. I'm outa here to check out his latest. Have a great day!

Monday, April 28, 2008

A good soggy morning to ya!

Yea it's raining, pesach is over and life is back to normal.  :]  The cats were so happy to have their old cat food back.  They're not used to eating cat food that costs $29.99 for a $10 bag (Science Diet).  They prefer their $8.99 Purina Kit and Kaboodle!  I prefer it too!  :]

Some really cool things happened over the weekend.  Shabbos, I went hiking and saw a pair of Baltimore Orioles!  I haven't seen them in years!  Then I saw a box turtle (first of the season).

Yesterday, I saw a red spotted newt.  I've been waiting for them to pop out and now they're here!  I love newts.  :]

Anyway!  Me and Jeff had an exciting adventure yesterday and he's insisting on posting his later.  :]  I'm posting mine at the Pelican.  One of these stories actually happened!  The other is the product of a warped mind!   

Have a great day!!!!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, April 25, 2008

A bird singing morning to ya!

Hey folksies! It's a beautiful morning. A pair of mockingbirds just flew past my study window having a good chase. :] And there just went a pair of barn swallows. Paco the taco bell dog is sniffing for a new place to pee. How can such a tiny tea cup hold so much?

Anyway! Dystonia is attacking my eyes like mad this week. I'm having a heck of a time doing anything because of the spasms and other irritation it causes that I can't describe. In other words, me lil' eyes are miserable. *sulk*

Otherwise! It's been a good week. I've accomplished a lot with Avon. I've nearly got my new web site up. I'm reading a really cool book called, The 4-Hour Workweek", and pesach is almost over and my life will be back to normal. :]

Off to grab some breakfast and give me lil' eyes a break. Have a super weekend!

PS: I discovered something really cool with Amazon! Run your cursor over the book link! Is that cool or what???!!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Howdy ho!

Hey everyone! Day two and the onion worked again! :] The down side? Onions make my bedroom smell like a boys locker room. *gag*

Anywho! I just updated The Litterbox! Jeff tells his latest exciting and slightly disgusting adventure! Jeff says it's one you're sure to enjoy. :]

Jeff still isn't up to par yet with his allergies and everything, so we didn't go on the hill. Instead, he slept and me, Bindi and Squeeky went down and hung out at the creek. It's so nice and cool there.

Anyway, I sat watching for wildlife and Squeeky spent her time attacking Bindi every time he went to pee. It finally got to the point that Bindi was whining because he had to go so bad and Squeeky wasn't letting him. ROFL Poor little baby. LOL

So, that's been today's highlights! No wait! One more! The librarian came today and brought me a National Geo video. "Nightmares of Nature: Night Stalkers, Human Encounters with Bats, Rats and Poisonous Insects!" The dark side of nature!!!! eeeee....Jeff better not watch or I'm sure he'll have another exciting tale to tell. :]

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On a side note!

I set the poll this time so you can see the results so far! :] Also! Go here to listen to the audio review I made of Avon's Bug Guard Expedition. Hint! I was wearing it when I got the ticks.

Morning ramblings...

Guess what I woke up to this morning? The howling of coyotes and a Great Horned owl hoo hoot hooing in the distance. :]

Jeff's allergies have got him down and he's been consoling himself by wiping his nose all over my chin. He has stinky breath. I distracted him with a can of salmon in sauce. He's happy now.

Yesterday a friend called with an idea to help me get rid of my incessant headaches. Brace yourself! Before bed I cut open an onion and put half of it beside my bed at face level. I breathed in onion all night! I woke up with clear sinuses and no headache - the first time in literally days! It's a smelly solution, but it works! :]

Welp, I'm off to breakfast. I've spent most of my morning working on my Avon re-launch and just remembered I haven't eaten. duh. Make it a great day! And remember the onion! LOL

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Taa Daa

Hey everyone!  Let's see, where does the comedy begin?  Oh! I know!  Yesterday I drank some dandelion flower tea, swelled up, had to take Benedryl and laughed myself sick about being allergic to the flowers.  :]

Today, I ate a potato cake, felt like something stung me in the mouth and now my mouth and tongue are all funny, and yes - more Benedryl!  LOL!!!

Yesterday, Bindi chucked up something interesting on my bedroom floor.  That was fun.  I almost took a pic, but then decided it wasn't that interesting.

AND!!! Last but not least!  I've had 13 ticks on me!  I think this summer I could possible set a new record and end up on Ripley's Believe It or Not!

That's it!  Make it a great evening!  :]

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, April 18, 2008

Here's to the matzah!!!

Hey guys! It's going to be a wild day today. I'm trying to get in some nature observation time and get things ready for pesach and shabbos. Can you say chaos? Anyway! I'm off to enter Squeeky's big adventure from yesterday, then off to the hill.

I'll be checking my email throughout the day. Have a great weekend! And see y'all Tuesday!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

2nd post of the day! Poll update!

This is pretty cool! So far the top two in the new poll are: friend and self!

Good morning!

Before I forget, Pesach starts right after Shabbos, so after tomorrow I won't be posting again until Monday night.

Mom's feeling a bit better, so we're going in sometime today to get groceries. I can't wait. I'm out of a number of things and I can't finish my Pesach preps until I get some masking tape and a bucket.

Anyway, nothing much happening this morning. I managed to get the first round of de-wormer down Kitty's throat. I felt so bad for her. She foamed at the mouth the whole time. Poor baby. But at least in a few days she won't have worms sneaking out her butt and onto my bed. GROSS!!!

OH WAIT!!!! Bindi gave me a tiny little gift last night. I crawled in bed, shut off the light and layed there enjoying the hum of the electric heater when I felt something funny on my hand.

I rolled over, turned on the light and there was my tiny present! POOP! Nah! Just kidding. It was a STINKING TINY TICK!!!!!! I HATE TICKS!!!!

I leave you with that thought, just because I'm evil. :] Have a fun, tick-free day!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sneezes and temps

It's been a weird morning. We were supposed to go in town, but mom is sick so I've been forcing my natural remedies down her throat. I love it! It's like revenge for all the crap stuff she'd shove down my throat when I was a kid. muuuuhahahaaaa....

Anyway, I'm hoping she'll feel well enough later to go in town. Jeff doesn't feel well, he's running a temp and I need to get him some amoxicillin. I just gave him an allergy pill. I'm waiting to see how long it takes to knock him out cold. LOL It took about 20 minutes the last time.

Anyway! I took the above pic yesterday. Jeff was so funny. He loves taking on the biggest trees he can find. He sizes them up and then attacks. Meanwhile, Bindi's only concern is where can I drink water from this time so I can go pee! ROFL

I tried to post a little vid that I did of them last night, but the file was too big, so I have to redo it. Keep an eye out on the Litterbox. It will be up by noon. Seriously, it will! :] Off to put it up!

PS: Forgot to mention. In the pic - Jeff was getting ready to pounce Bindi. :]

Monday, April 14, 2008

Bindi and the Geese!

This morning I saw a pair of Canada Geese walking about the barnyard, so I grabbed my new video cam and raced out to make a few short videos. I used the barn as a birdblind and to protect me from the bitter wind. Anyway, to make a long story short, here's the little clip I took.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Camcorder update

It came today! It's really cool! Does all kinds of neat stuff! Can't wait till Sunday to record some stuff and see if it will load in Vista. :]

Have a great weekend! Back to finishing my Shabbos preps.

Good morning!

Yesterday was a busy day. My cousins came in from Washington, as in state. I hadn't seen Steven for probably 20 years or so.

I spent most of the day working on putting up an audio on tick tips. It should have been up within 10 minutes or so, but my audio software refused to work, so I had to track down some new software. Long story short, after 5 hours of mind numbing work, I finally got it up. It was worth it though.

It used to be when I put up audio you had to wait for it to download. Now you just click the play button and it automatically starts playing. No delays. :] You can check it out here if you want: Click me.

I'm off to breakfast. Jeff put up his pic yesterday at the Litterbox. Have a great weekend!

PS: I still don't have my new camcorder. Turns out the guy I bought it from doesn't bother to mail things out until he thinks he has enough orders to go to the post office. I paid out a freaking $13.99 shipping for that? Guess who's getting a really bad write up at eBay? grrrr....

Thursday, April 10, 2008


mmmm....see the creamy box of mouthwatering chocolates to your left. Stare at it. Stare deeply into the box!!! Now, look down and ask yourself, "How many pounds did I gain from that?" ROFL!!!

Those are French chocolates and it really does take you to a chocolate store if you click the pic. I gained 4 pounds there. My personal favourites are Israeli chocolates, especially the bitter. It's to die for. (I just gained 3 pounds typing that.)

One thing I found out from my little survey so far is that my mom really wanted chocolate for Mother's Day. So, yesterday while we were at Kroger, I picked up some Ghirardelli. It has cremes: mint, caramel, etc. I gave it to her early so she could gain weight in advance. LOL!!!! I'm evil.

Welp, this post is making me hungry and since there really wasn't anything at all to talk about, I stuck with the thought of chocolate. :]

PS: Jeff has a special treat he's posting later today at the Litterbox. Stay tuned!!! It's going to be exciting!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

There's a woodsucker on my corncob!

This is the season for evil wood suckers, a.k.a. termites.  For the next week they'll show their faces, I'll chase them with termite killer and eventually they'll go away and I won't see them again until next year. CURSE YOU TERMIES!!!!

I didn't get to go on the hill today.  Jeff is still pretty scruffy, so we stayed home.  I could have gone without him, but it wouldn't have been as much fun.  :]

That was pretty much the day.  Jeff slept, I worked at the computer and cleaned the house.  I hope the excitement hasn't been too much for you.  LOL

Back to trying to find Bindi.  He never comes inside till it's late.  Naughty little begger.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Yea!!! I won the ebay bid!!!! Here's my new little videocam that's replacing my old one that's slowly biting the dust. I can't wait till it comes. :]

It's pocket size like my old one, but comes with 2 GB memory and picture/vid quality is about 4x better than what I have now.

On a sad note, little Jeffie came around the cottage tonight with his little eyes half swollen. His allergies are worse than mine. Bindi still had one little allergy pill left so i gave it to Jeffie. It took about 15 minutes and he was out like a light. I'll have to take him in for an allergy shot this week. Poor baby.

Back to watching Star Wars II! Have a great rest of the weekend! :]

Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday morning round-up!

Good morning!

Jeff is crashed beside me on his favourite Avon box.  It sits next to the window by my pc so he can look out when he wakes up.  Sometimes he opens the lid, crawls in and goes to sleep.  :]

Meanwhile, the creeks are up.  The rain is still coming down.  I'm sitting here with a sore throat, achy head, achy body, etc hoping it doesn't flood after all.  This is what I get for not dressing properly with the fluctuating temps and not eating right.  My self-inflicted stupidity strikes again.  :[

On the bright side, it's giving me a chance to try out all my herbal tricks!  I've got garlic oil all over the bottom of my feet and between my toes to keep my lungs clear.  I'm using my homemade yarrow tincture to strengthen me lil' bod and fight off any possible infections.  I'm drinking garlic, ginger, honey and lemon juice tea by the quarts, along with TM's Gypsy Cold Care tea.  When mom gets home and if we're not flooded, we're going to Jim's so I can get more cheese cloth to make a garlic compress to put on my chest.  :] 

Oh! And I made up a big batch of "kitchen sink" soup: cabbage, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, barley, split yellow peas, brown rice, lentils, misso, amino acids and fresh parsley from my little batch in the back window.   See!  It's "kitchen sink" soup!  :]

I'm feeling queezy again, so I'm off to bed.  Have a great weekend!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I hate dogs part 2,762

Good morning!

Starting the morning out with a couple cute stories. Bindi jumped on my bed last night, put his little furry arm across my shoulder just as far as he could stretch it and went to sleep. He was so cute.

Later, Jeffie jumped in bed. I was too tired to give him his usual greeting, so he tried to wake me up by shoving his cold wet nose in my ear and sniffing. ROFL!!!

When he was little his nickname was "Sniffer" because he went through the house sniffing everything really loud. LOL He doesn't do it so much anymore, but when he does it's really cute. :]

We're back under a flood watch till sometime Shabbos. Unless something mamash major happens I don't see us getting 2-3" of rain. I've been monitoring the charts and there's not enough out there to cause any damage. Of course, that could change, but I'm not too worried.

I'm off to clean up the cottage. Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Plight of the missing Bindi! or There's a turd on my butt!

For the second day in a row Bindi disappeared on a hike. Yesterday, I had to make an extra trip up the hill to find him. He was waiting on me. Sometimes I think he just likes the extra attention. :]

Anyway, today when he disappeared I went hunting him because I didn't want to make an extra trip. Me, Jeff and Squeeky roamed around for nearly 15 minutes trying to find him. I never did.

Meanwhile, I went to the edge of the back of the pond and saw something shiny on the dam! It was 4 painted turtles sunning themselves!!! There was 7 - 9 altogether. I lost track of how many heads were sticking up. I stopped being irritated with Bindi after this. If he hadn't disappeared, I would have never seen them.

Any who, Bindi came up behind me just as casual as anything. Little rascal. I wanted to pick him up and carry him home, but he had a little turd on his hairy butt so I let him walk. LOL

BTW, I put a video up at FOW that I recorded on the hill. Have a great evening!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I hate dogs

Me and the cats all agree that we hate dogs with a passion.  My two great-nieces decided to bring their pit bull down unleashed.  Let's just say they got a lecture and a couple threats.

By the time they finally left, which wasn't soon enough, the only way to get rid of said evil dog was taking a broom to him.  He's afraid of brooms.  :]  He's lucky he didn't get massed.  That was one of my threats.

Hopefully, next time they'll either leave him home or come with a choker chain. 

The highlight of today was sitting in on the Julie Andrews webcast.  That was so cool!!!!  I can't wait till she does another.  :]

The boys, Squeeky and I also got in a mini-adventure this morning.  We explored the plant growth around camp and thankfully didn't see any more snakes.  :]

That was the day!  I'm off to fix supper and debate another trip up the hill.   Hope everyone made it a fun day!  :]