Anyway, I'm hoping she'll feel well enough later to go in town. Jeff doesn't feel well, he's running a temp and I need to get him some amoxicillin. I just gave him an allergy pill. I'm waiting to see how long it takes to knock him out cold. LOL It took about 20 minutes the last time.
Anyway! I took the above pic yesterday. Jeff was so funny. He loves taking on the biggest trees he can find. He sizes them up and then attacks. Meanwhile, Bindi's only concern is where can I drink water from this time so I can go pee! ROFL
I tried to post a little vid that I did of them last night, but the file was too big, so I have to redo it. Keep an eye out on the Litterbox. It will be up by noon. Seriously, it will! :] Off to put it up!
PS: Forgot to mention. In the pic - Jeff was getting ready to pounce Bindi. :]
Nurse Yo to the rescue with natural remedies galore, like, prickly thistle soup a la mode, and mud pie supreme, bat guana tea and other assorted goodies known to make you wish for health darn fast.
mmmmm....bat guano tea!!! Can't you just smell that sweet aroma unclogging your arteries, sinuses, intestines, toilet, and anything else that might be backed up?!
Hope Mom gets well before you get carried away with cures! Boots sends kitty kisses to Jeff.
She's rebelling against my cures now. Shame on her. She'd get better faster if she used them. I did and she's got what I had. She's stubborn. :]
Stubborn? People in southeastern Ohio are never stubborn, where'd ya get an idea like that?
I don't know. (long pause) What does she have against me tossing leeches on her? (yo sips tea)
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