Anyway, today when he disappeared I went hunting him because I didn't want to make an extra trip. Me, Jeff and Squeeky roamed around for nearly 15 minutes trying to find him. I never did.
Meanwhile, I went to the edge of the back of the pond and saw something shiny on the dam! It was 4 painted turtles sunning themselves!!! There was 7 - 9 altogether. I lost track of how many heads were sticking up. I stopped being irritated with Bindi after this. If he hadn't disappeared, I would have never seen them.

BTW, I put a video up at FOW that I recorded on the hill. Have a great evening!
Sound like you had an interesting walk toped off by seeing the turtles. Great picture by the way.
Turtle sighting....great. Turd sighting....not so great!
It was an excellent adventure! I wish we could go again today, but it's going to rain. *pout*
Jeff and Bindi want to know what you have against Turds.
Squeeky says Turds stands for: Tiny Urinating Rats Donning Skates
Miss Boots - your good manners kitty says...The Ugly Rear Delivery (turd) should be done in private and not seen!
Jeff is insulted. He thought Bindi's turd was really cool and put it in a frame on my wall. He was going to send it to you, but since you insulted him he refuses. lol
I don't think that sort of thing can be put in the US mail service....THANK HEAVEN!
Why not? They deliver crap all the time. ROFL
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