It's pocket size like my old one, but comes with 2 GB memory and picture/vid quality is about 4x better than what I have now.
On a sad note, little Jeffie came around the cottage tonight with his little eyes half swollen. His allergies are worse than mine. Bindi still had one little allergy pill left so i gave it to Jeffie. It took about 15 minutes and he was out like a light. I'll have to take him in for an allergy shot this week. Poor baby.
Back to watching Star Wars II! Have a great rest of the weekend! :]
Boots and I are so upset about Jeff. I sure hope you can get him to the vet soon. Love the new camcorder. Looking forward to videos!!!!
Jeff looks really good this morning compared to yesterday. Bindi didn't respond as well to the allergy pill, but Jeff's little body went for it. :]
I can't wait to get the camcorder. I hope I get it by the end of the week. I got it for $28.25. Unfortunately, the shipping was $13.99. But still beats the $120+ original price. :]
Wow, thats some great bargain. Glad you got it!
Now , of course, we will be expecting vlogs all the time from you. Hope you are feeling tons better now.
Garlic on the footsies huh?
I once worked with a lady who wore a bag of Asefetida around her neck
She was Polish I think and they used it to ward off colds and vampires lol.
Anyway, it warded us all off !!
I looked up how to spell it and found its other name is Devil's Dung. Evidently its really harsh stuff.
Hope Jeff and Bindi feel better as well. Spring is yukky for so many people cuz of allergies and whatnot. It makes my sciatic go wild!!
Yip! Garlic on the footsies! Not a single toe biting vampire came near me. lol!
Devil's dung? lol!!! With a name like that it should ward off anything breathing in a 100 mile radius! LOL
Jeff has to have an allergy shot. He's miserable. I've also got to force him to take something for hairballs. He puked twice on our adventure yesterday. poor baby.
I've never heard of Garlic on the feet, but I have heard of Vick's on the feet and the put your sox on, that's supposed to stop a cough.
Videocam looks great. Now we're going to expect some great looking picture when you get this you know. Good luck with it.
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